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When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should__________.

A.listen as much as possible
B.input regardless of students'ability
C.tolerate small errors in continuous speech
D.read more English materials


更多 “When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should__________.A.listen as much as possible B.input regardless of students'ability C.tolerate small errors in continuous speech D.read more English materials” 相关考题
考题 His English teacher recommends that he () a regular degree program. A.beginsB.beginC.will beginD.is beginning

考题 BJack is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a good student when he was young.He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn't understand much, but he always thought he under-stood everything..One day the teacher asked the students a question, "When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother?" Jack answered, "That's easy. His brother is twice as old as John, so he is now thirty. "Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, "When it thunders(打雷) , why do we always see the light before we hear the sound? "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "can't you .see our eyes are in front of our ears?"The third time, the teacher in a biology class asked, "Why can fish swim in the water?" "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "don't you know fish can-t walk on land?"( )26.Jack was not ________. when he was young.A.strongB.lazyC.cleverD.well

考题 He loved to __ basketball when he was young.A. doB. playC. go

考题 The young man ______ teaches us English is from America.A: whoseB: whomC: whoD: which

考题 1.He still remembers being taken to Shanghai when he was very young.()

考题 ___________ need more focus on pronunciation because they are more likely to substitute english sounds with sounds from their native language. A、Teenage learnersB、Young learnersC、Middle-aged learnersD、Adult learners

考题 according to wang qiang, the way a language teacher learned a language will influence the way he ___ to some extent. A、learns his mother tongueB、learns a languageC、obtains linguistic knowledgeD、teaches a language

考题 ( ) – Is Miss White __________ English teacher, Maria?– No, she teaches __________ geography.A.your;myB.you;mineC.you;usD.your;us

考题 This is a girl. She’s (11) English girl. Her name's Becky.She's twelve. She’s in (12) 0f No.l Middle School in Beijing. She studies(学习) (13) in it. Mr Liu is .her Chinese teacher.(14 ) name is Liu Yong. He-s a good teacher.He reaches(教)her Chinese very well. Her home .(15) number is(010)65268559. He loves his students very much.Becky's father and mother (16) teachers. Her father is (17) Green.(18) works(l作) in Beijing now. He teaches us English. He (19) to work(20) his bike. He's our good English teacher and good friend.( )11.A.aB.anC.theD./

考题 Teacher John wrote “well-will; big-beg; ship-sheep” on the blackboard. What is he teaching in this class?A.Vocabulary. B.Grammar. C.Discourse. D.Pronunciation.

考题 Which of the following can NOT be regarded as a feature of successful English teacher? A.Thinking of learners' needs. B.Having a good command of English. C.Facilitating communicative activities. D.Following the course book only.

考题 In an English class,the teacher,firstly,plays the radio and asks students to listen to the tape and understand the dialogue.Then,the teacher asks students to read after the tape to imitate the pronunciation.Next,the teacher asks students to repeat the dialogue in pairs...What teaching method does the teacher use in this class?A.Communicative Approach. B.Task-Based Teaching Approach. C.The Audio-Lingual Approach. D.The Audio-Visual Approach.

考题 A teacher asked the students to repeat a word many times to memorize the pronunciation,meanings and usages.Which conclusion is NOT correct?A.The teacher is teaching pronunciation. B.The teacher focuses on accuracy. C.The teacher is using mechanical practice. D.The teacher is teaching vocabulary.

考题 English teacher Alice stopped Tom's reading and asked him to follow her and repeat the word “eat” again and again. What can we conclude from the description above?A.The teacher concerns the principle of accuracy. B.The teacher should stop student's reading to correct their pronunciations. C.Tom's pronunciation is poor. D.Every pronunciation is important in English.

考题 Zhang Jun's teacher suggests that he take a(n)__________language course to improve his English. A.intermediate B.middle C.medium D.average

考题 If a teacher teaches grammar mainly by means of oral repetition and substitution,he/she mostly probably adopts ( ) A、 the grammar-translation method B、 the audio-lingual approach C、 the communicative approach D、 the natural approach

考题 What do you think of your new teacher?()AHe came to teach us last week.BHe teaches us English.CHe has two children.DHe is very nice

考题 What do you think of your new teacher?()A、He came to teach us last week.B、He teaches us English.C、He has two children.D、He is very nice

考题 填空题She is an English teacher of NO.1 High School.→ She teaches ____.

考题 单选题What do you think of your new teacher?()A He came to teach us last week.B He teaches us English.C He has two children.D He is very nice

考题 单选题For a teacher who teaches young learners English pronunciation, which principle is appropriate? _____A Maximum quantity of spoken input.B Conscious effort.C Tolerance of errors in continuous speech.D Read more English materials.

考题 单选题Teachers constantly reflect on what they do as a teacher and how their learners learn as learners . With systematic reflections and research, they improve their teaching and their learners' learning . Here the teacher is playing the role of a (an) ______ .A controllerB assessorC researcherD participant

考题 单选题Teachers constantly reflect on what they do as a teacher and how their learners learn as learners. With systematic reflections and research, they 'improve their teaching and their learners 'learning. Here the teacher is playing the role of a(an) ___.A controllerB assessorC researcherD participant

考题 单选题Teachers constantly reflect on what they do as a teacher and how their learners learn as learners. With systematic reflections and research, they improve their teaching and their learners'learning. Here the teacher is playing the role of a(n)________A controllerB assessorC researcherD participant

考题 单选题The young lady coming over to us()our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!A must beB can beC would beD could be

考题 单选题When a teacher teaches young learners English pronunciation, he should _____.A listen as much as possibleB input regardless of students’ abilityC tolerate small errors in continuous speechD read more English materials

考题 单选题When designing activities in writing class, the teacher should take the following aspects into consideration EXCEPT ____.A students' language competenceB writing strategiesC students' pronunciation of the topicD writing purpose