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What goals have you set for yourself and how are you planning to achieve them?



更多 “ What goals have you set for yourself and how are you planning to achieve them?你为自己设定了什么样的目标?你打算如何实现? ” 相关考题
考题 There’s nothing like a beautiful summer dayblue skies, warm breezes, birds singing lie back and dream about your future. You have the world before you.Allow yourself to dream, and think big big as the sky. The world’s greatest achievers are some of the best dreamers. Walt Disney, Amelia Earhart, Henry Ford, Susan B. Anthony, Andrew Carnegie, and hundreds more, all had dreams.Then take the first step to make your dreams come true. Form. a goal and accomplish it. Create a new goal and accomplish it. Every time you set and achieve a goal, you’ll move one step closer toward building the future you want for yourself.When you achieve a target you’ve set for yourself, it helps build your self-confidence and teaches you self-discipline. Each goal you achieve will boost your confidence and help you set bigger goals for your future. Soon, you’ll find yourself moving on a path to success.Steps for reaching your dreams:It can be as easy as starting a savings account at your credit union. Give yourself a goal. First, what do you want to save for? It might be a new CD player, your first car, or college.Next, where will your savings come from? Will you use a portion of your allowance, or can you think of other ways to earn money?It’s okay to set small goals at first. In fact, that may be wise so you begin to understand the rewards and personal satisfaction that come from achieving your goals.You can keep your goals secret or share them with someone close to you who may help you stay on track.Another important step is to write your goal on paper. Post your written goal (or a photo of it) in your room where you can see it regularly. This will remind you of what you are working toward.Give yourself a pat on the back when you’ve achieved your goal and start thinking about your next personal challenge.Before you know it, you’ll be living your dreams.(1)What is the first step for reaching your dreams?A、To start a savings account.B、To give yourself a goal.C、To save money for something you want.D、All of the above.(2)To make dreams come true, how many steps are mentioned in the passage?A、Three.B、Four.C、Six.D、Seven.(3)Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford are mentioned to show ___________.A、they all had dreamsB、they are greatest achievers in the worldC、we should dream and think bigD、we are achievers if we are dreamers(4)According to the passage, you praise and encourage yourself when you _________.A、have formed a goalB、have accomplished a goalC、build your self-confidenceD、are planning a personal goal(5)You’ll be living your dreams〃 means you’ll __________.A、live in your dreamsB、be dreamersC、reach your dreamsD、believe your dreams

考题 What would you tell the interviewer that you are such a candidate who can adjust yourself to changes quickly?A.About what new things or skills you have been learning at the moment.B.About what changes you encountered before and how you responded.C.About how smart enough you are to be able to stop adverse situations getting worse.D.About how interested you are in some new technologies, methods and applications in your study.

考题 THREE THINGS TO BRING YOU MORE FRIENDS Do you lack friends Do you want to make more friends If so, you may read on… There's a certain beauty in being a lone wolf. You have more time to do the things you want to do. But if you want to make more friends, and do things together with them, please consider these suggestions on how to meet people and form. strong, lasting friendships. Spend more time around people and talk to them. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out in order to meet people. Friends seldom come knocking on your door while you sit at home playing computer games. Participate in an online community. You don't necessarily need to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them. Social networking sites such as Wechat, Facebook, Twitter, and My Space are great way to meet new people and learn more about the people you meet. Join a sports team. A common misunderstanding about this is that you have to be really good at playing a particular sport in order to make friends with others on the team, but not all teams are so competitive. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates, joining a local team could be a great way to make new friends.1. How many ways the author suggests on how to make more friends()A. Three.B. Four.C. Two.2. If you want to make more friends, first you need to()A. join a club.B. chat on the internet.C. put yourself out.3. What is the meaning of the word “online” in paragraph3()A. 直线的B. 在线的C. 线下的4. What is misunderstanding about joining a sports team()A. You have to be good at playing a particular sport.B. You must enjoy the sport.C. You must support your teammates.5. The main point of this passage is about ().A. how to talk with friends.B. how to make more friends.C. how to study English well.

考题 The requisites for planning activities include________________. A.how the activities fit the objectivesB.the differences between the what and the how of each activityC.you can plan the activity with any different forms as you likeD.which activities demand oral or written work, which have visual, and which have tactile elements

考题 (作文)1.What is your biggest dream?2.Why do you have it? For how long have you got it?3.What are your plans to achieve your dream?

考题 Directions: In this section, you are asked to write a composition with the title “The Biggest Dream of My Life.” You should write at least 120 words and cover the following points.1. What is your biggest dream?2. Why do you have it? For how long haveyou got it? 3. What are your plans to achieve your dream?

考题 Write your essay on the Answer Sheet in 200-250 words.(30 points)An English person recently came to your school to give a talk(what was the talkabout?).He/She left a personal possession (what is it?)at the school(}cuhere exactly?). Youwant to return the possession(how will you return it?)but you have had difficultycontacting the person (howhave you tried to contact him/her?). You have a possible address for the person, but you're not sure if it's correct (why?).Write a letter to the person..Thank them for coming to give the talk..Explain the situation..Ask them to contact you.

考题 How long have you been looking for a position?你花了多长时间寻找自己的位置?

考题 Have you held other positions like the one you are applying for today? If yes, describe how you expect the positions to be the same.你从事过与你今天应聘的职位相似的工作吗?如果是,谈一谈你估计它们有哪些相同之处。

考题 In what way do you expect them to differ?你估计它们之间有哪些差别?

考题 If there were two things you could change in your last (or present) job, what would they be and how would you change them?如果在你的前一份(或现在的)工作中,你可以改变两件事,会是什么,你如何改变?

考题 What technical decisions did you have to make?你需要做哪些技术性的决策?

考题 Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.举例说明,你如何制定了一个很高的目标,并且最终实现了它。

考题 Q:How do you rate yourself as a professional?(你如何评估自己是位专业人员呢?)

考题 Q:How do you handle your failure?(你怎样对待自己的失敗?)

考题 How long have you been looking for a job?你为找工作花了多长时间?

考题 His presentation will show you ____ can be used in other contexts. A. that you have observed B. that how you have observed C. how that you have observed D. how what you have observed

考题 Prof.Lee’s book will show you( )can be used in other contexts.A.that you have observed B.that how you have observed C.how that you have observed D.how what you have observed

考题 Creating a clear map of where the project is going is an important first step.It lets you identify risks,clarify objectives,and determine if the project even makes sense.The only thing more important than the release plan is not to take it too seriously.Release planning is creating a game plan for your Web project( )what you think you want your Web site to be.The plan is a guide for the content,design elements,and functionality of a Web site to be released to the public,to partners,or internally.It also( )how long the project will take and how much it will cost.What the plan is not is a functional( )that defines the project in detail or that produces a budget you can take to the bank.Basically you use a release Plan to do an initial sanity check of the project's( )and worthiness.Release Plans are useful road maps,but don't think of them as guides to the interstate road system.Instead,think of them as the(请作答此空)used by early explorers-half rumor and guess and half hope and expectation.It's always a good idea to have a map of where a project is headed.A.navigators B.maps C.guidance D.goals

考题 共用题干 第一篇There are many ways of defining success.It is accurate to say that each of us has our own concept of success to the extent that each of us is responsible for setting our own goals and determining whether we have met these goals satisfactorily.Because each of us possesses unique differences in genetic ability and favorable environments in which to express these abilities,it is necessarily true that we must define success broadly.For some people,simply being able to live their life with a minimum of misery and suffering is considered a success.Think of the peace of mind of the poor shepherd who tends his sheep,enjoys his frugal life with his family in the beauty of nature,and who is respected because he does a good job of achieving the goals expected of and accepted by him and his society.On the other hand,it seems that even though some people appear to be rich in material possessions,many of them seem to be miserable and consider themselves unsuccessful when judged by their own standards of success. Because not all ventures can be successful,one should not set unrealistic goals for achieving suecess,but if one has self-confidence it would be unfortunate to set one's goals at too low a level of achievement.A wise counselor once said to a young man who was experiencing frustration with his own professional success:"You do not have to set your goal to reach the moon in order to have success in traveling. Sometimes one can be very successful merely by taking a walk in the park or riding the subway downtown."The counselor added,"You have not really failed and spoiled your chances for success until you have been unsuccessful at something you really like,and to which you have given your best effort."This passage mainly talks about__________.A:the definition of success B:how to set goalsC:how to achieve success D:the importance of goals

考题 The three classic ways of authenticating yourself to the computer security software are by something you know, by something you have, and by something: 向电脑安全软件验明身份的三种经典的认证方式是:你所知道的,你所拥有的和什么?()A、you can get.你所获得的B、non-trivial.有意义的C、you are.你是什么D、you need.你所需要的

考题 你是干什么的? ()A、What are you?B、How are you?C、Who are you?D、Where are from?

考题 What are some of the questions you should ask yourself when analyzing your existing Domino NSF application for modernizing with XPages?()A、All of the belowB、How much UI code do you have?C、How complex are your subs and functions?D、How do you use Rich Text, if any at all?

考题 身份认证的要素不包括()。A、你拥有什么(What you have)B、你知道什么(What you know)C、你是什么(What you are)D、用户名

考题 “你需要帮忙吗”用英文表达为()。A、Could you do me a favor?B、Can I help you?C、What’s your name?D、How ar eyou?

考题 单选题身份认证的要素不包括()。A 你拥有什么(What you have)B 你知道什么(What you know)C 你是什么(What you are)D 用户名

考题 问答题Practice 6  ● Your department needs to employ some temporary staff.  ● Write an email to the Human Resources Manager:  ● saying how many staff you need and giving the date you want them to start  ● explaining why you need them  ● stating what skills they should have  ● Write 40—50 words.