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In creasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the ______.

A.uncorrected KG

B.virtual height of the center of gravity


D.metacentric height


更多 “ In creasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the ______.A.uncorrected KGB.virtual height of the center of gravityC.metacenterD.metacentric height ” 相关考题
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考题 “The ceremony has already started. ”“Look! The flag () now. ” A、is being raisedB、is risenC、is being roseD、is raising

考题 向一个栈顶指针为H的链栈中执行出栈运算时,需执行()。A.p=H;H=H->link;free(p);B.H=H->link;free(H);C.p=H;H->link=H->link->link;free(p);D.p=H;H=H->link;

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考题 Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has the effect of raising the ______.A.uncorrected KGB.maximum allowed KGC.virtual height of the center of gravityD.metacentric height

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考题 单选题Your vessel was damaged and initially assumed a significant list and trim; however,further increase has been slow. Based on this data,what should you expect?()A The slowing is only temporary and the vessel will probably suddenly capsize or plunge from loss of stability due to change in the waterplane areaB The vessel can probably be saved if further flooding can be stoppedC The vessel will continue to slowly list and/or trim due to the free surface effect and free communication effectD The vessel will suddenly flop to the same or greater angle of list on the other side and may capsize

考题 单选题Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the().A roll periodB metacentric heightC waterplane areaD vessel's draft

考题 单选题Increasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the().A uncorrected KGB virtual height of the center of gravityC metacenterD metacentric height

考题 单选题As the displacement of a vessel increases, the detrimental effect of free surface().A increasesB decreasesC remains the sameD may increase or decrease depending on the fineness of the vessel's form

考题 单选题Increasing the number of slack liquid tanks has effect of raising the().A uncorrected KGB maximun allowed KGC virtual height of the center of gravityD metacentric height

考题 单选题When preparing a ship for heavy weather,fuel oil day tanks should be().A pumped overboard to calm the seasB drained to the lower hull to reduce free surfacesC filled to ensure that sufficient fuel oil is available during a lengthy emergencyD partially drained to increase free surfaces in order to reduce motions

考题 单选题"The ceremony has already started." "Look! The flag()now."A is being raisedB is risenC is being roseD is raising

考题 单选题When liquid is free to move transversely in a tank, the effect is called().A Free communicationB Free fensityC Free surfaceD Negative GM

考题 单选题Topside icing that blocks freeing ports and scuppers().A is usually below the center of gravity and has little effecton stabilityB will cause water on deck to pocket and increase stabilityC may decrease stability by increasing free surface effect due to water on deckD increases the effective freeboard and increases thewind-heel affect

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考题 单选题The trend nowadays is to build the frame box as a separate fabricated construction and then, after stress relieving and machining the mating surfaces, to mount it on the ().This has the advantage of saving weight.A seatingB bedplateC entablatureD cylinder block

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考题 单选题The effect of free surface on initial stability depends upon().A the amount of liquid in the compartmentB the dimensions of the liquid surface and the vessel's displacementC only the length of the compartmentD the vertical position of the liquid in the vessel

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考题 填空题The Sun has a huge effect on our water.____

考题 单选题Reducing free surfaces has the effect of lowering the().A uncorrected KGB virtual height of the center of gravityC metacenterD metacentric height