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The two oil companies( )to cut costs.



解析:merge“结合;合并”,强调通过合并的各部分合为一体,融合在一起往往无法加以辨别;也可指企业或公司的合并。A.mix“混合;搀和”;B.mingle“相混;交织”,通常表示那些混合在一起的各个成分是可以区别开来的,如:She had mingled feelings of joy and sorrow.
更多 “The two oil companies( )to cut costs.A.mixed B.mingled C.merged D.messed” 相关考题
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考题 One of the reasons that causes oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning purifier isA.seal water supply be cut offB.make-up water supply be cut offC.oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD.the flow rate of oil is too much

考题 Cloud computing is a type of Internetbased computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. Advocates claim that cloud computing allows companies to avoid upfront infrastructure costs. Cloud computing now has few service form, but it is not including()AIaaSB.PaaSC.SaaSD.DaaS

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考题 The Law to Keep the Oil Industry under Control The Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control.A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern end of the long coastline;production limits have been laid down(though these have already been raised);and oil companies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers.But the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems,and few people believe that the Government will be able to hold things back for long.As on Norwegian politician said last week:“We will soon be changed beyond all recognition.” Ever since the war,the Government has been carrying out a programme of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle.During the past few years this programme has had a great deal of success:Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university,a large hospital and a healthy industry.But the oil industry has already started to draw people south, and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins. The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north,however.With nearly 100 percent employment,everyone can see a situation developing in which the service industries and the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry.Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.The real argument over oil is its threat to the Norwegian way of life.Farmers and fishermen do not make up most of the population,but they are an important part of it,because Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride as essentially Norwegian.And it is the farmers and the fishermen who are most critical of the oil industry because of the damage that it might cause to the countryside and to the sea. The Norwegian Government has tried to ______.A.encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sources. B.prevent oil companies employing people from northern Norway. C.help the oil companies solve many of their problems. D.keep the oil industry to something near its present size.

考题 It's impolite to cut in when two persons are holding a conversation.A:leave B:talk loudly C:stand up D:interrupt

考题 The contract between the two companies will expire soon. A:shorten B: end C: start D: resume

考题 The Norwegian Government has tried to ______.A. encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sources B. prevent oil companies employing people from northern Norway C. help the oil companies solve many of their problems D. keep the oil industry to something near its present size

考题 Many oil companies are now making alternative energy___________ in an effort to remain competitive in future energy markets.A.payments B.contributions C.donations D.investments

考题 共用题干 第三篇Oil Industry in NorwayThe Norwegian Government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control.A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern end of the long coastline;production limits have been laid down(though these have already been raised);and oil companies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers.But the oil industry has a way of getting over such problems,and few people believe that the Government will be able to hold things back for long.As an Norwegian politician said last week:"We will soon be changed beyond all recognition."Ever since the war,the Government has been carrying out a program of development in the area north of the Arctic Circle.During the past few years this program has had a great deal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university,a large hospital and a healthy industry.But the oil industry has already started to draw people south,and within a few years the whole northern policy could be in ruins.The effects of the oil industry would not be limited to the north,however. With nearly 100 percent employment,everyone can see a situation developing in which the service industries and the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry.Some smaller industries might even disappear altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.The real argument over oil is its threat to the Norwegian way of life.Farmers and fishermen do not make up most of the population,but they are an important part of it,because Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride as essentially Norwegian.And it is the farmers and the fishermen who are most critical of the oil industry because of the damage that it might cause to the countryside and to the sea.The Norwegian Government has tried to________.A:encourage the oil companies to discover new oil sourcesB:prevent oil companies employing people from northern NorwayC:help the oil companies solve many of their problemsD:keep the oil industry to something near its present size

考题 Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing that provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. Advocates claim that cloud computing allows companies to avoid up-front infrastructure costs. Cloud computing now has few service form, but it is not including ( ).A.IaaS B.PaaS C.SaaS D.DaaS

考题 Which two companies are major competitors to IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()A、SAPB、OracleC、CandleD、InformixE、Computer Associates

考题 You are the network administrator for TestKing Oil. The network consists of three Active Directory domains in a single forest. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2003. TestKing Oil enters into a business partnership with Oil Importers. The Oil Importers network consists of four Active Directory domains in a single forest. To enable the two companies to share resources, a two-way forest trust relationship with selective authentication is created. Now you need to ensure that the research data of TestKing Oil will remain inaccessible to all users in Oil Importers. First, you create a local group named No Oil. Then, you assign the Deny - Full Control permission to No Oil. What should you do next?()A、Add the Domain Guests group from each of the four domains of Oil Importers to No Oil.B、Add the Other Organization group to No Oil.C、Add the Users group from each of the four domains of Oil Importers to No Oil.D、Add the Proxy group to No Oil.

考题 单选题According to the passage9 which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?A Solar panels are very expensive to install.B Sheridan Community Schools is completely solar-powered.C In 2014, fewer than l,000 schools used solar power in the US.D More and more schools are switching to solar power to cut costs.

考题 多选题Which two companies are major competitors to IBM Maximo Asset Management solutions?()ASAPBOracleCCandleDInformixEComputer Associates

考题 单选题During waste clothes being charged into an incinerator, the auxiliary burner().A should be stopped manuallyB keeps the combustion as usualC would be cut off by an interlockD would replace the waste oil burner and keep going on

考题 单选题What color exhaust will be exhibited when a slow speed two-stroke/cycle main propulsion diesel engine, designed to operate on light and heavy fuel oil, is operated on insufficiently preheated heavy fuel oil?()A WhiteB BlackC BlueD Clear

考题 单选题A lube oil sample taken from the main engine lube oil system has dark yellow opaque color.This is the result of ()A water contaminationB mixing oils of two widely different viscositiesC overheatingD aeration

考题 单选题Two main lubricating oil pumps are usual and are obligatory in ().A container shipsB bulk carriersC passenger shipsD barges

考题 单选题Oil control rings used in two-stroke/cycle diesel engines are located near the bottom of the piston skirt in order to ()A increase the liner area covered by the oil filmB maintain an oil film on the lower liner where scuffing is prevalentC keep excess oil away from intake and exhaust portsD help cushion piston skirt side thrust by providing a hydrodynamic oil wedge

考题 单选题On engines having oil cooled pistons the lubricating oil pre-heater must be put into operation and the rate of heating so () that the temperature of the piston cooling oil returns are 32℃ to 35℃ over a period of at least two hours.A slowB quickC arrangedD high

考题 单选题One of the reasons that cause oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning separator is()A seal water supply be cut offB make up water supply be cut offC oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD the flow rate of oily water is too much

考题 单选题One of the reasons that causes oil flowed from sludge outlet of a self-cleaning purifier is ()A seal water supply be cut offB make-up water supply be cut offC oil outlet valve closed or not open sufficientlyD the flow rate of oil is too much

考题 单选题How do the militants justify their kidnapping of oil workers?A They argue that oil resources in the Niger Delta region are exhausting.B They are not satisfied with the generous Pay of the oil workers.C They claim that the Niger Delta region is off limit to foreign oil companies.D They see their action as protest against the uneven distribution of the oil wealth.

考题 单选题Two important considerations for the proper lubrication of a diesel engine include the delivery of the oil in sufficient amount and the ().A cetane numberB pour pointC viscosity temperatureD quality of the oil