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The travelers sought shelter( )the rain and happened to find a roadside to find a roadside inn.


解析:shelter“掩蔽;庇护”。用做动词时常说shelter(sb.)from sth.“躲避……,庇护……,使免受……”。做名词时常用搭配是seek/take shelter from“躲避(风雨、灾祸等)”,还有一个常用的介词短语under(the)shelter of“在…的掩护下”。用于原义时shelter常带定冠词,如:under the shelter of an umbrella。用于比喻意义时一般不用定冠词,如under shelter of one’s
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考题 单选题We are sorry to find that the damage()the goods was caused by heavy rain during transportation.A onB forC aboutD to

考题 单选题As the bus came round the corner, it ran()a big tree by the roadside.A intoB onC overD up

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