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With a teacher like Mr.Brown,the( )method used in the classroom was by no means standardized.



更多 “With a teacher like Mr.Brown,the( )method used in the classroom was by no means standardized.A.traditional B.learning C.pedagogical D.pococurante” 相关考题
考题 He used to like Jane but she means ________ to him now. A. everythingB. nothingC. somethingD. anything

考题 The teacher found Tom( )when she went into the classroom. A. sleepingB. sleepC. to sleepD. sleeps

考题 The following is a thing that the teacher often do in a language classroom. Please decide what role the teacher is playing this activity: the teacher gives students 2minutes to skim a text, and when time is up, he/she asks students to stop and answer some questions ________________.:A.prompterB.organizerC.controllerD.participant

考题 I ________to go out of the classroom by my math teacher. A. makeB. madeC. was madeD.am making

考题 "... generation gap is narrowing" means" ______".A. the adolescents now become timidB. parents used to get along with their childrenC. the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents' values and ideasD. parents and teenagers don't like to quarrel

考题 There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three are most frequently used and discussed. Which one does not be|ong to them? A.The deductive method. B.The inductive method. C.The guided discovery method. D.The productive method.

考题 I've tried very" hard to improve my English. But by no means__________with my progress. A.the teacher is not satisfied B.is the teacher not satisfied C.the teacher is satisfied D.is the teacher satisfied

考题 Which of the following goes against efficient classroom management?A.The teacher plays the main role. B.The teacher provides clear instructions. C.There is discipline as well as harmony in the class. D.The students' errors are treated properly.

考题 There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three are most frequently used and discussed. Which one does not belong to them?A.The deductive method B.The inductive method C.The guided discovery method D.The productive method

考题 all of us who are here tonight, I would like thank Mr.Brown for his talk.A.On behalf of B.On account of C.In honor of D.In terms of

考题 If a teacher teaches grammar mainly by means of oral repetition and substitution,he/she mostly probably adopts ( ) A. the grammar-translation method B. the audio-lingual approach C. the communicative approach D. the natural approach

考题 If a teacher teaches grammar mainly by means of oral repetition and substitution,he/she mostly probably adopts ( ) A、 the grammar-translation method B、 the audio-lingual approach C、 the communicative approach D、 the natural approach

考题 What are the main techniques used in a Grammar-Translation classroom?

考题 Why is first language forbidden in a Direct Method classroom?

考题 How do you define the authentication method that will be used with AAA?()A、With the method aaa commandB、With the method commandC、With a method listD、With a method statement

考题 单选题My English teacher warned me()Chinese in the classroom.A to not speakB don’t speakC to speak notD not to speak

考题 单选题In a Direct Method classroom, grammar is learned inductively through _________ activties.A listening and speakingB translating and readingC writing and readingD listening and reading

考题 单选题The children______happily in the classroom when the teacher came in.A talkB are to kingC were talkingD had talked

考题 单选题Which of the following statements about the Audio-lingual Method is wrong? _____A The method involves giving the learner stimuli in the form of prompts.B The method involves praising the correct response or publishing incorrect response until the right one is given.C Mother tongue is accepted in the classroom just as the target language.D Emphasis is laid upon using oral language in the classroom; some reading and writing might be done as homework.

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考题 单选题In an “open classroom” the teacher is supposed to _____.A organize classroom activities rather than merely transmit knowledgeB rely on the students interests in classroom activitiesC teach course less relevant to the established curriculaD help the students improve their basic academic skills

考题 问答题What are the main techniques used in a Grammar-Translation classroom?

考题 单选题What teaching method is used by the teacher if much of his/her class time is spent on drilling sentence patterns followed by exercises like repetition, memorization, mimicry, etc?A The Natural Approach.B The Communicative Approach.C The Audio-lingual Method.D The Grammar-translation Method.

考题 问答题Why is first language forbidden in a Direct Method classroom?

考题 单选题The boy ran out of the classroom without the teacher's()A commandB convictionC consentD compromise

考题 单选题Which of the following statements about Audio-lingual Method is wrong?A The method involves making a comparison between foreign language and mother language.B The method involves correcting the mistakes timely.C Mother tongue is accepted in the classroom as the target language.D Emphasis is laid upon using oral language in the classroom; some reading and writing might be done as homework.

考题 单选题There are many different ways of presenting grammar in the classroom. Among them, three are most frequently used and discussed. Which one does not belong to them? _____A deductive methodB inductive methodC guided discovery methodD productive method