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Warren Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders'meeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomizes a striking demographic(1):for highly skilled people to go on working well into(2)was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people(3)work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%o of American menaged 62-74 with a professional degree are in the(4)compared with 32%of men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union the pattern is similar This(5)is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated(6)and the unskilled poor that is slicing(7)all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while(8)those of the unskilled.Those at the top are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom(9)the l1-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those of less-educated people.The(10)for individuals and society,are profound The world is on the(11)rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever efore.(12)the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double from 600m to 1.1 billion The(13)of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement(14)more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will(15)slower economic growth and"secular stagnation",while the(16)ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the(17)old misses a new trend,the(18)gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people,(19)older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are(20)retirement while many less-skilled youn but overseas job markets and foreign government policies favor technology experts From a long-term perspective,it is a positive thing that more than 80 percent of those who pursue education overseas return to China after completing their studies and contribute to the country's economy But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the(17)old misses a new trend,the(18)gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people,(19)older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are(20)retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce.(1)选?



更多 “Warren Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders'meeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomizes a striking demographic(1):for highly skilled people to go on working well into(2)was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people(3)work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%o of American menaged 62-74 with a professional degree are in the(4)compared with 32%of men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union the pattern is similar This(5)is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated(6)and the unskilled poor that is slicing(7)all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while(8)those of the unskilled.Those at the top are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom(9)the l1-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those of less-educated people.The(10)for individuals and society,are profound The world is on the(11)rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever efore.(12)the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double from 600m to 1.1 billion The(13)of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement(14)more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will(15)slower economic growth and"secular stagnation",while the(16)ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the(17)old misses a new trend,the(18)gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people,(19)older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are(20)retirement while many less-skilled youn but overseas job markets and foreign government policies favor technology experts From a long-term perspective,it is a positive thing that more than 80 percent of those who pursue education overseas return to China after completing their studies and contribute to the country's economy But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the(17)old misses a new trend,the(18)gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people,(19)older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are(20)retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce.(1)选?A.sight B.trend C.sign D.track” 相关考题
考题 In business, people have to deal in person__________ all kinds of people. You may have to use English when talking to different people within your company who don't speak your language; these may be colleagues or co-workers, superiors or subordinates-who may work with you in your own department, in another part of the building or in another branch. And you may also have to deal in English with people from__________ the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover, these people may be friends, acquaintances or strangers-people of your own age, or people who are__________ or older than you. The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. This relationship may even affect what you say when you meet people: for example, it's not__________ to say “Hi, how are you!” when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say “Good morning, it's a great pleasure to meet you” when being introduced to a person you'll be working closely with in the same team. Remember that people form. an impression of you from the way you speak and behave-not just from the__________ you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere-and of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Remember also that your body language, gestures and expression may tell people more about you than the words you use.

考题 Why did the host invite guests who had not known one another to the dinner? A、The host wanted to surprise everyone.B、The host was keen on meeting different persons.C、The host tried to make many friends at one time.D、Because he thought these people had plenty in common.

考题 Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Black?Secretary:_______A: Speaking, pleaseB: I ’m sorry. He ’s at a meeting right now.C: Hello. Who ’re you, please?D: Hello. Thank you for calling.

考题 共用题干 More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing1 Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.2 Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.3 These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine,demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside, more than 8 hours a night.He added that“it might be a good idea”for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.4 Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep一for instance,one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.5 For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.6 Kridke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more like-ly to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview, Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed.“It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake.”he said.Paragraph 6______A: Kripke's ResearchB: Dangers of Habitual Shortages of SleepC: Criticism on Kripke's ReportD: A way of Overcoming InsomniaE: Sleep Problems of Long and Short SleepersF: Classification of Sleep Problems

考题 共用题干 More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing1 Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.2 Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.3 These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine,demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside, more than 8 hours a night.He added that“it might be a good idea”for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.4 Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep一for instance,one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.5 For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.6 Kridke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more like-ly to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview, Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed.“It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake.”he said.To get a good night's rest,people may not need to______.A: fall asleep againB: become more energetic the following dayC: sleep less than 7 hoursD: confirm those serious consequencesE: suffer sleep problemsF: sleen more than 8 houlrs

考题 共用题干 More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing1 Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.2 Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling re-freshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.3 These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine,demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside more than 8 hours a night.He added that“it might be a good idea” for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cau-tioned that more research is needed to confirm this.4 Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep一for instance,one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.5 For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep ques-tionaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems. Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.6 Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more like-ly to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours. In an interview, Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed.“It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake.”he said.Paragraph 4______A: Kripke's ResearchB: Dangers of Habitual Shortages of SleepC: Criticism on Kripke's ReportD: A way of Overcoming InsomniaE: Sleep Problems of Long and Short SleepersF: Classification of Sleep Problems

考题 Warren Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders'meeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomizes a striking demographic(1):for highly skilled people to go on working well into(2)was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people(3)work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%o of American menaged 62-74 with a professional degree are in the(4)compared with 32%of men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union the pattern is similar This(5)is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated(6)and the unskilled poor that is slicing(7)all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while(8)those of the unskilled.Those at the top are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom(9)the l1-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those of less-educated people.The(10)for individuals and society,are profound The world is on the(11)rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever efore.(12)the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double from 600m to 1.1 billion The(13)of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement(14)more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will(15)slower economic growth and"secular stagnation",while the(16)ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the(17)old misses a new trend,the(18)gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people,(19)older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are(20)retirement while many less-skilled youn but overseas job markets and foreign government policies favor technology experts From a long-term perspective,it is a positive thing that more than 80 percent of those who pursue education overseas return to China after completing their studies and contribute to the country's economy But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the(17)old misses a new trend,the(18)gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people,(19)older skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are(20)retirement while many less-skilled younger people have dropped out of the workforce.(4)选?A.house B.college C.workforce D.retirement

考题 Wanen Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders'meeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomhes a sLriking demographic 1:for highly skilled people to go on working well int0 2 was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people 3 work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%of American men aged 62-74 with a professional deUee are in the 4,compared with 3290 0f men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union Lhe pattern is similar.This 5 is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated 6 and the unskiUed poor that is slicing 7 all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while 8 those of the unskilled.Those 8t the cop are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom.9 the well-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those ofless-educated people.The 10,for indrviduals and society,are profound.The world is on the 11 rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever before.12 the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double,from 600m to 1.1 billion.The 13 of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement 14 more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will 15 slower economic growth and"secular stagnation",while the 16 ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets.But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the 17 0ld misses a new trend,the 18 gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskiUed people,19 0lder skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are 20 retirement while many less-skilled youn-ger people have dropped out of the workforce.7选?A.into B.among C.from D.through

考题 Wanen Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders'meeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomhes a sLriking demographic 1:for highly skilled people to go on working well int0 2 was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people 3 work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%of American men aged 62-74 with a professional deUee are in the 4,compared with 3290 0f men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union Lhe pattern is similar.This 5 is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated 6 and the unskiUed poor that is slicing 7 all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while 8 those of the unskilled.Those 8t the cop are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom.9 the well-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those ofless-educated people.The 10,for indrviduals and society,are profound.The world is on the 11 rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever before.12 the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double,from 600m to 1.1 billion.The 13 of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement 14 more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will 15 slower economic growth and"secular stagnation",while the 16 ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets.But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the 17 0ld misses a new trend,the 18 gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskiUed people,19 0lder skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are 20 retirement while many less-skilled youn-ger people have dropped out of the workforce.1选?A.sight B.trend C.sign D.track

考题 Wanen Buffett,who will host Berkshire Hathaway's annual shareholders'meeting on May 3rd,is an icon of American capitalism.At 83,he also epitomhes a sLriking demographic 1:for highly skilled people to go on working well int0 2 was once thought to be old age.Across the rich world,well-educated people 3 work longer than the less-skilled.Some 65%of American men aged 62-74 with a professional deUee are in the 4,compared with 3290 0f men with only a high-school certificate.In the European Union Lhe pattern is similar.This 5 is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated 6 and the unskiUed poor that is slicing 7 all age groups.Rapid innovation has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while 8 those of the unskilled.Those 8t the cop are working longer hours each year than those at the bottom.9 the well-qualified are extending their working lives,compared with those ofless-educated people.The 10,for indrviduals and society,are profound.The world is on the 11 rise in the number of old people,and they will live longer than ever before.12 the next 20 years the global population of those aged 65 or more will almost double,from 600m to 1.1 billion.The 13 of the 20th century,when greater longevity translated into more years in retirement 14 more years at work,has persuaded many observers that this shift will 15 slower economic growth and"secular stagnation",while the 16 ranks of pensioners will bust government budgets.But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the 17 old misses a new trend,the 18 gap between the skilled and the unskilled.Employment rates are falling among younger unskiUed people,19 0lder skilled folk are working longer.The divide is most extreme in America,where well-educated baby-boomers are 20 retirement while many less-skilled youn-ger people have dropped out of the workforce.4选?A.house B.college C.workforce D.retirement

考题 资料:To manage teams organization require effective managers.Highly skilled and trained managers can make more informed decisions. The use of beat practice models enables managers to ensure their teams operate efficiently.This will improve quality for customers as staff will be better trained to deal with customers' needs.It will also improve team effectiveness and help organizations to perform better. As they manage their team, team leaders need to consider the most suitable management style to use. For example, an autocratic manager would like to retain control. Without consulting others, they would tell subordinates what to do. This is particularly appropriate when decisions need to be made quickly, for instance, in a recession when delays could lead to a business closing. In contrast, a democratic manager would encourage participation by employees. Shared information would allow the team to influence decision making. This is particularly appropriate when there is a highly skilled workforce or when new developments are being considered. However, this style can be time-consuming and so would not be the best option when decisions are needed quickly. What is true of a democratic manager? A.s/he loves people to discuss problems. B.s/he is likely to delay the decisions. C.s/he seldom consults others. D.s/he needs to make quick response.

考题 共用题干 More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good ThingAlthough the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside more than 8 hours a night. He added that it might be a good idea for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep,for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview,Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed."It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake,"he said.Paragraph 6______A:Keprike's Research ToolB:Dangers of Habitual Shortages of Sleep C:Criticism on Kripke's ReportD:A Way of Overcoming InsomniaE:Sleep Problems of Long and Short Sleepers F: Classification of Sleep Problems

考题 共用题干 More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good ThingAlthough the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside more than 8 hours a night. He added that it might be a good idea for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep,for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview,Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed."It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake,"he said.To get a good night's rest,people may not need to______.A:fall asleep againB:become more energetic the following dayC:sleep less than 7 hoursD:confirm those serious consequencesE:suffer sleep problemsF: sleep more than 8 hours

考题 共用题干 More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good ThingAlthough the dangers of too little sleep are widely known,new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences.Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep,as well as a number of other sleep problems,than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feeling refreshed after a night's sleep than 8-hour sleepers.These findings,which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people who want to get a good night's rest may not need to set aside more than 8 hours a night. He added that it might be a good idea for people who sleep more than 8 hours each night to consider reducing the amount of time they spend in bed,but cautioned that more research is needed to confirm this.Previous studies have shown the potential dangers of chronic shortages of sleep,for instance, one report demonstrated that people who habitually sleep less than 7 hours each night have a higher risk of dying within a fixed period than people who sleep more.For the current report,Kripke reviewed the responses of 1,004 adults to sleep questionnaires,in which participants indicated how much they slept during the week and whether they experienced any sleep problems.Sleep problems included waking in the middle of the night,arising early in the morning and being unable to fall back to sleep,and having fatigue interfere with day-to-day functioning.Kripke found that people who slept between 9 and 10 hours each night were more likely to report experiencing each sleep problem than people who slept 8 hours.In an interview,Kripke noted that long sleepers may struggle to get rest at night simply because they spend too much time in bed. As evidence,he added that one way to help insomnia is to spend less time in bed."It stands to reason that if a person spends too long a time in bed,then they'll spend a higher percentage of time awake,"he said.One survey showed that people who habitually______each night have a higher risk of dying.A:fall asleep againB:become more energetic the following dayC:sleep less than 7 hoursD:confirm those serious consequencesE:suffer sleep problemsF: sleep more than 8 hours

考题 单选题By calling it “tap-dancing to work”, Warren Buffett thinks the author’s job is _____A a great challenge to brain power.B significant in the development of technology.C enjoyable in spite of any possible hardships.D a window through which people are shown a new world.

考题 单选题When you show your interest and pleasure in American people’s house, they may be _____.A angryB happyC sadD Worried

考题 单选题It was suggested but not stated that the American West is the place where.A young people are reluctant to goB people may possibly get wealthyC it is more interesting to settleD the old people’s dreams can be realized

考题 单选题The American chessmaster Paul Morphy contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, and he was also a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code.A Morphy was a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, and he was also a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal codeB Morphy, a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, was also a lawyer who memorized most of the Louisiana legal codeC Morphy, being a contemporary of Lincoln, was also a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal codeD Morphy who was a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln but he was a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code tooE Morphy, a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln, also being a lawyer who had memorized most of the Louisiana legal code5. The causes of the conflict in the remote mountain area is finally becoming clear.

考题 单选题The word swordsman in Paragraph 4 probably means______.A Someone who is skilled at fighting with a swordB Someone who is skilled at fighting with a gunC Someone who often fights with other peopleD Someone who often makes trouble for other people