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预付税款债券(advance tax bill)


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考题 预付税款券属于()。 A短期公债B中期公债C长期公债D无固定期限公债

考题 (c) Explain the capital gains tax (CGT) and income tax (IT) issues Paul and Sharon should consider in decidingwhich form. of trust to set up for Gisella and Gavin. You are not required to consider inheritance tax (IHT) orstamp duty land tax (SDLT) issues. (10 marks)You should assume that the tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

考题 4 (a) For this part, assume today’s date is 1 March 2006.Bill and Ben each own 50% of the ordinary share capital in Flower Limited, an unquoted UK trading companythat makes electronic toys. Flower Limited was incorporated on 1 August 2005 with 1,000 £1 ordinary shares,and commenced trading on the same day. The business has been successful, and the company has accumulateda large cash balance of £180,000, which is to be used to purchase a new factory. However, Bill and Ben havereceived an offer from a rival company, which they are considering. The offer provides Bill and Ben with twoalternative methods of payment for the purchase of their shares:(i) £480,000 for the company, inclusive of the £180,000 cash balance.(ii) £300,000 for the company assuming the cash available for the factory purchase is extracted prior to sale.Bill and Ben each currently receive a gross salary of £3,750 per month from Flower Limited. Part of the offerterms is that Bill and Ben would be retained as employees of the company on the same salary.Neither Bill nor Ben has used any of their capital gains tax annual exemption for the tax year 2005/06.Required:(i) Calculate which of the following means of extracting the £180,000 from Flower Limited on 31 March2006 will result in the highest after tax cash amount for Bill and Ben:(1) payment of a dividend, or(2) payment of a salary bonus.You are not required to consider the corporation tax (CT) implications for Flower Limited in youranswer. (5 marks)

考题 (ii) Following on from your answer to (i), evaluate the two purchase proposals, and advise Bill and Benwhich course of action will result in the highest amount of after tax cash being received by theshareholders if the disposal takes place on 31 March 2006. (4 marks)

考题 (b) For this part, assume today’s date is 1 May 2010.Bill and Ben decided not to sell their company, and instead expanded the business themselves. Ben, however,is now pursuing other interests, and is no longer involved with the day to day activities of Flower Limited. Billbelieves that the company would be better off without Ben as a voting shareholder, and wishes to buy Ben’sshares. However, Bill does not have sufficient funds to buy the shares himself, and so is wondering if thecompany could acquire the shares instead.The proposed price for Ben’s shares would be £500,000. Both Bill and Ben pay income tax at the higher rate.Required:Write a letter to Ben:(1) stating the income tax (IT) and/or capital gains tax (CGT) implications for Ben if Flower Limited were torepurchase his 50% holding of ordinary shares, immediately in May 2010; and(2) advising him of any available planning options that might improve this tax position. Clearly explain anyconditions which must be satisfied and quantify the tax savings which may result.(13 marks)Assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax rates and allowancesfor the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

考题 可转让公债按照还本期限长短分为()A.国库券B.中期债券C.专用债券D.长期债券E.预付税款券

考题 These are four main methods of securing payment in international trade: (1) payment under documentary credit (2) open account (3) collection, that is document against payment or acceptance of a bill of exchange (4) payment in advance From an exporter's point of view, the order of preference is ______.A.(4), (2), (3), (1)B.(4), (1), (3), (2)C.(4), (3), (1), (2)D.(2), (4), (1), (3)

考题 下列各项属于流动负债的是( )A.应付债券B.预付债券C.预收账款D.其他应收款

考题 A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo. This is done in order to obtain a(n) ______.A.Clean Bill of LadingB.Order Bill of LadingC.Straight Bill of LadingD.Through Bill of Lading

考题 In no case ______ to function as a document of title.A.a bill of lading does not failB.does not a bill of lading failC.does a bill of lading failD.a bill of lading does fail

考题 “John killed Bill but Bill didn’t die” is a (n) ().AentailmentBpresuppositionCanomalyDcontradiction

考题 Which bills aren’t required endorsement when transferred in the following items?下列哪些票据在转让时不需要背书?()AA Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary or bearerBA Bill of Exchange is payable to bearerCA Bill of Exchange is payable to MaryDA Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary onlyEA Bill of Exchange is payable to the order of Mary

考题 税务机关发现纳税人超过应纳税额的税款,可以暂扣,作为纳税人下期预付税款。

考题 按照利息形式,债券可分为:固定利率债券、浮动利率债券和()三类。A、预付利率债券B、无利率债券C、福利债券D、贴息债券

考题 Which bills aren’t required endorsement when transferred in the following items?下列哪些票据在转让时不需要背书?()A、A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary or bearerB、A Bill of Exchange is payable to bearerC、A Bill of Exchange is payable to MaryD、A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary onlyE、A Bill of Exchange is payable to the order of Mary

考题 可转让公债按照还本期限长短分为()A、国库券B、中期债券C、专用债券D、长期债券E、预付税款券

考题 There are several forms of bills of lading such as straight bill of lading, shipped bill of lading, clean bill of lading and order bill of lading etc.()confirms that the goods are actually loaded on board the vessel.A、Straight bill of ladingB、Shipped bill of ladingC、Clean bill of ladingD、Order bill of lading

考题 What is the correct sequence for defining taxes using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator? ()A、Create tax codes. Create sales tax categories. Enter rates for each combination of tax code and category. Create jurisdictions. Assign the jurisdictions to the codes. Assign tax categories to the SKUs.B、Create tax categories. Create sales tax codes. Enter rates for each combination of tax category and code. Create jurisdictions. Assign the jurisdictions to the categories. Assign tax codes to the SKUs.C、Create jurisdictions. Create sales tax codes. Create shipping tax codes. Create tax categories. Define tax category display names. Define tax rates. Assign categories to codes.D、Create jurisdictions. Create tax codes. Enter rates for each combination of tax code and jurisdiction. Create sales tax categories. Assign the categories to the codes. Assign tax categories to the SKUs.

考题 单选题If the over tax returns fails to effectively control, there will be penalties in the case of _____.A filling the payroll tax bill later than expectedB filling the payroll tax bill in wrong formC both A and BD both tardy and wrong filing

考题 单选题按照利息形式,债券可分为:固定利率债券、浮动利率债券和()三类。A 预付利率债券B 无利率债券C 福利债券D 贴息债券

考题 单选题After a lot of work, the artist thought that he had paid the government _____.A less tax than he should haveB more tax than he should haveC as much tax as usualD just enough tax

考题 单选题A doctor will be guilty of murder if he ______.A advises a patient to draw up his Advance DirectiveB refuses to carry out an Advance DirectiveC actively prescribes a medication that will quicken the death of a terminal patientD stops giving medication to a terminally ill patient according to his Advance Directive

考题 多选题可转让公债按照还本期限长短分为()A国库券B中期债券C专用债券D长期债券E预付税款券

考题 判断题税务机关发现纳税人超过应纳税额的税款,可以暂扣,作为纳税人下期预付税款。A 对B 错

考题 单选题We learn that Bill Clinton’s father ______ .A died before Bill Clinton was bornB died when Bill Clinton was a few months oldC left his wife after Bill Clinton was bornD was his mother’s second husband

考题 单选题In no case()to function as a document of title.A a bill of lading does not failB does not a bill of lading failC does a bill of lading failD a bill of lading does fail

考题 单选题A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo. This is done in order to obtain a(n)().A Clean Bill of LadingB Order Bill of LadingC Straight Bill of LadingD Through Bill of Lading