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更多 “ Exhibit:InthisscenariothesignaltransmittedfromtheAPisreflectedoffawall,resultinginmultipathinterferenceattheclientend(ClientA).Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue?() A.ThetransmittedsignalfromtheAParrivesattheclientatslightlydifferenttimesresultinginphaseshiftingB.MultipathinterferencecanbesolvedbyusingdualantennasC.Ifsignal2iscloseto360degreesoutofphasewithsignal1,theresultisessentiallyzerosignaloradeadspotintheWLAND.MultipathinterferenceislessofanissuewhenusingaDSSStechnologybecausemultipathisfrequencyselectiveE.Ifsignal1isinphasewithsignal2,theresultisessentiallyzerosignaloradeadspotintheWLANF.Noneoftheotheralternativesapply ” 相关考题
考题 Click the Exhibit button. What is the output of the program shown in the exhibit?() A.300-100-100-100-100B.300-300-100-100-100C.300-300-300-100-100D.300-300-300-300-100

考题 Yourdatabaseisupandrunningandoneofyourthreecontrolfilesisaccidentallyerased.YoustartRMANandrunthefollowingcommand:RESTORECONTROLFILEFROMAUTOBACKUP;Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue?() A.Thecommandrestoresonlythemissingcontrolfile.B.Thecommandrestoresallthecontrolfiles.C.Thecommandfailsbecausethedatabaseisrunning.D.Thisisthecorrectwaytoaddressthisproblem.E.Thisisnotthecorrectwaytoaddressthisproblem.

考题 Examine the exhibit to view the parameters set in your parameter file. (Click the Exhibit(s) button.)You restart the instance.To what value will the MEMORY_MAX_TARGET parameter be set by default?() A.120MB.320MC.480MD.600M

考题 View the Exhibit exhibit1 to examine the series of SQL commands. View the Exhibit exhibit2 to examine the plans available in the SQL plan baseline. The baseline in the first row of the Exhibit is created when OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to FIRST_ROWS.Which statement is true if the SQL query in exhibit1 is executed again when the valueof OPTIMIZER_MODE is set to FIRST_ROWS?()A. The optimizer uses a new plan because none of the plans in the exhibit2 are fixed plans.B. The optimizer uses the plan in the second row of the exhibit2 because it is an accepted plan.C. The optimizer uses the plan in the first row of the exhibit2 because it is the latest generated plan.D. The optimizer uses the plan in the first row of the exhibit2 because OPTIMIZER_MODE was set to FIRST_ROW during its creation.

考题 Click the Exhibit button.Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, which configuration object would be used to associate both Nancy andWalter with firewall user authentication within a security policy?()A. ftp-groupB. ftp-usersC. firewall-userD. nancy and walter

考题 Click the Exhibit button.Given the configuration shown in the exhibit, which protocol(s) are allowed to communicate with the device on ge-0/0/0.0?() A. RIPB. OSPFC. BGP and RIPD. RIP and PIM

考题 Click the Exhibit button.In the exhibit, what is the priority for Router B in VRRP group 100?() A.1B.100C.110D.255

考题 Click the Exhibit button.Which type of source NAT is configured in the exhibit?() A. static source poolB. interface source poolC. source pool with PATD. souce pool without PAT

考题 YouarerunningLinux2.0.36andyouneedtoaddaUSBmousetoyoursystem.Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue?() A.Youneedtorebuildthekernel.B.YouneedtoupgradethekernelC.YouneedtoloadtheUSBmodulesforyourexistingmodularkernel.D.USBsupportisnotavailableinLinux.

考题 Click the Exhibit button. Which type of protection is shown in the exhibit?() A.1+0B.1+1C.1:1D.1:N

考题 Exhibit:Exhibit:YouworkasanetworkengineeratCompany.Youstudytheexhibitcarefully.WhichGLBPdevicehostsreceivetheMACaddressassignment?() A.R1B.R2C.TheAVGD.TheAVFE.Noneoftheotheralternativesapply

考题 ArouterhasbeenconfiguredwithanEIGRPvarianceof3.Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue?() A.AnerrorwillresultbecausearoutercannotbeconfiguredwithanEIGRPvarianceof3becausethemaximumvariancenumberis2B.Thesuccessorroutewillendupintheroutingtable,andsowillanyroutewithametricatmostthreetimesgreaterthanthevalueofthesuccessor’smetricC.EIGRPwillonlyadvertiseroutesthatarewithinthreehopsofthecurrentrouterD.Thesuccessorroutewillendupintheroutingtable,andsowillanyroutewithametricatleastonethirdthevalueofthesuccessor’smetricE.ThebestthreerouteswithequalcostpathswillendupintheroutingtableF.Thesuccessorroutewillbeanyroutewiththreetimesthevalueoftheadvertiseddistance

考题 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September.A:play B:send C:show D:tell

考题 Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrue:()A、SOLASappliestoshipsof500gtorupwardsB、SOLASappliestoshipsof400gtorupwardsC、SOLASappliestoshipsof300gtorupwardsD、differentchapterofSOLASappliestodifferentships

考题 To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. Which of the following addresses should be reachable without adding any routes?()A、、、、

考题 To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. The system administrator notices a system with routing cannot communicate with a system with an ip address Using the information provided in the exhibit, what is the most likely reason?()A、The named is not runningB、The default gateway is not setC、The NIS master server is downD、Ipforwarding is not turned on

考题 To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. Which of the following addresses will be reachable without adding any routes?()A、、、、

考题 Exhibit, Viewing the Exhibit and examine the Flashback Database architecture. Identify the missing component (shown with a "?`"= in the Flashback Database architecture.()A、 DBWnB、 RVWRC、 ARCHD、 RECOE、 TRWR

考题 单选题To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. Based on the output of the "netstat -p udp" command as shown in the exhibit, which of the following procedures should be performed?()A  Increase the number of nfsd's on the client. B  Increase the number of biod's on the client. C  Decrease the number of nfsd's on the server. D  Increase the size of nfs_socketsize on the server.

考题 多选题Click the Exhibit button. In the exhibit,the protect-re filter is applied as an input filter on the lo0.0 interface and all possible services are enabled under [edit system services].  Which two methods can you use to access the router?()AFTPBSSHCTelnetDJ-Web

考题 单选题To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. Using the information provided in the exhibit, which of the following options indicates when the SSA error occurred?()A  12:28am on May 25,1999 B  12:28pm on May 25,1999 C  5:25am on December 28,1999 D  5:25pm on December 28,1999

考题 单选题To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. A user is compiling a C program.  A performance problem occurs and "vmstat 120 10" is run to determine the cause.  The vmstat output is provided in the exhibit.  Which of the following commands should be run to obtain more information about the problem?()A  lsps B  tprof C  iostat D  vmtune

考题 单选题To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. Using the "ps -mo THREAD" output as shown in the exhibit, which of the following conclusions is most appropriate to draw?()A  This is a uniprocessor systemB  The "prog" process has a nice value of 107C  There are two active processors on this systemD  The "prog" process will only be scheduled to run on processor 0

考题 单选题In what view are you likely to see the following output?()   SID SERIAL# EVENT SECONDS_IN_WAIT  121 269 RMAN backup  recovery I/O 2  129 415 SQL*Net message from client 63 130 270 SQL*Net message from clientA  V$SESSION_EVENTB  V$SESSIONC  V$WAITSD  V$WAITSTATE  V$SYSSTAT

考题 单选题To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. The system administrator notices a system with routing cannot communicate with a system with an ip address Using the information provided in the exhibit, what is the most likely reason?()A The named is not runningB The default gateway is not setC The NIS master server is downD Ipforwarding is not turned on

考题 单选题To examine the Exhibit, press the Exhibit button. Which of the following addresses should be reachable without adding any routes?()A

考题 单选题EXHIBIT, Emp Table Exhibit A Exhibit B Examine the data from the EMP table. Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT * FROM emp WHERE emp _ id = 3); WHERE commission = (SELECT commission FROM emp What is the result when the query is executed?()A Exhibit AB Exhibit BC The query returns no rowsD The query fails because the outer query is retrieving more than one columnE The query fails because both the inner and outer queries are retrieving data from the same table.