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Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS distress alert ________.

A.Read the display screen and/or printout

B.Silence the alarm

C.Listen for any follow up voice/telex transmission on the appropriate frequency

D.All of the above


更多 “ Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS distress alert ________.A.Read the display screen and/or printoutB.Silence the alarmC.Listen for any follow up voice/telex transmission on the appropriate frequencyD.All of the above ” 相关考题
考题 One of the two systems established by GMDSS for the transmission and automatic receipt of Maritime Safety Information is______.A.Initial Distress Alerts serviceB.Navigational Warning serviceC.INMARSAT Safety Net serviceD.Meteorological Warning service

考题 Which step should be taken,if possible,when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation ________.A.Alert the Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unitB.Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situationC.Place the SART and EPIRB in the“ON”position and secure them to the survival craftD.No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly

考题 While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take ________.A.Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer requiredB.Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETAC.Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged itD.Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit

考题 Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when ______.A.vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB.vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC.even you have not received the distressD.even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

考题 You are testing the external inflation bladder on an immersion suit and find it has a very slow leak.Which action should be taken ________.A.Replace the suitB.Replace the inflation bladderC.Take it out of service and repair in accordance with the manufacturers instructionsD.Some leakage should be expected and a topping off tube is provided; no other action is necessary

考题 A junior level Database Administrator erroneously deleted the database alert log while users were accessing the database. Which action should you take to recover the alert log?()  A、 Do nothing.B、 Restart the database.C、 Perform recovery on the database.D、 Restore the alert log from the last backup.

考题 单选题A junior level Database Administrator erroneously deleted the database alert log while users were accessing the database. Which action should you take to recover the alert log?()A  Do nothing.B  Restart the database.C  Perform recovery on the database.D  Restore the alert log from the last backup.

考题 单选题What is the action that a GMDSS Radio Operator should take when a DSC distress alert is received? ()A No action is necessary,as the DSC control unit will automatically switch to the NBDP follow-on communications frequencyB The operator should immediately set continuous watch on the radiotelephone frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was receivedC The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on VHF channel 70D The Operator should immediately set continuous watch on the NBDP frequency that is associated with the frequency band on which the distress alert was received

考题 单选题If a DSC distress relay is transmitted from coast station , it will().A indicate the ship in distress that the alert has been receivedB alert ships in the area of a distress incident that a distress has occurredC inform other coast station of distress incidentD repeat the distress alert in 5 minutes

考题 单选题The distress alert should()the ship in distress.A identityB identicalC identifyD identification

考题 单选题The basic concept of GMDSS is().A Search and rescue authorities ashore will rapidly received an distress alert and acted uponB SAR units will be rapidly alerted to a distress incident and assist in a coordinated SAR operationC Ships navigating in the immediate vicinity of the ship in distress will rapidly alerted to the alert and give their help accordinglyD The RCC will rapidly alerted to a distress alert through satellite and terrestrial communication techniques and conducted a rescue operation immediately

考题 单选题After abandoning ship which action should be taken IMMEDIATELY upon entering a liferaft?()A Open equipment packB Issue anti-seasickness medicineC Cut painter and clear the shipD Dry the liferaft floor and inflate

考题 单选题All stations which receive a distress alert shall immediately cease().A any transmissionB any harmful transmissionC to use radiotelephoneD using radiotelephone

考题 单选题You are the first vessel to arrive at the scene of a distress. Due to the volume of traffic on the radio,you are unable to communicate with the vessel in distress. Which action should you take?()A Switch to flag hoistsB Broadcast Seelonce DistressC Broadcast Charlie Quebec-Mayday-QuietD Key the microphone three times in quick succession

考题 单选题Which action should be taken on receipt of a GMDSS distress alert().A Read the display screen and/or printoutB Silence the alarmC Listen for any follow up voice/telex transmission on the appropriate frequencyD All of the above

考题 单选题While proceeding to a distress site,you hear the words “Seelonce mayday” on the radiotelephone.Which action should you take().A Resume base course and speed as your assistance is no longer requiredB Acknowledge receipt and advise your course,speed,and ETAC Relay the original distress message as no other vessel has acknowledged itD Monitor the radiotelephone but do not transmit

考题 单选题Which system may be useful for messages,such as local storm warnings or a shore-to-ship distress alert,for which it is inappropriate to alert all ships in the satellite coverage area?()A NAVTEXB EGCC AMVERD DSC

考题 单选题Upon receipt of a distress message,a merchant vessel is bound to proceed to the scene of the distress. Under which of the following cases would this NOT be true?()A The vessel would arrive at the distress scene more than 36 hours after the receipt of the initial distress messageB There are vessels closer to the distress scene that are proceeding to assistC The Master of the vessel in distress has requisitioned another vessel,and that vessel has accepted the requisitionD You are on a tanker and the distress involves a major fire on board the other vessel

考题 单选题Which channel and mode should be used when initiating a distress alert transmission().A Channel 6 DSCB Channel 6 RadiotelephonyC Channel 13 Radiotelephony and channel 16 DSCD Channel 70 DSC

考题 单选题Which radiotelephone signal indicates receipt of a distress message?()A Roger wilcoB Romeo,romeo,romeoC SOS acknowledgedD Mayday roger

考题 单选题Which categories of NAVTEX messages may not be selectively rejected through receiver programming?()A Navigational warningsB Weather warningsC SAR and distress alert informationD All of the above

考题 单选题Which EPIRB transmits a distress alert that is received and relayed by an INMARSAT satellite?()A Class A EPIRBsB Class B EPIRBsC L-Band EPIRBsD Category I EPIRBs

考题 单选题Which action should you take after sending a false distress alert on VHF?()A Send a DSC cancellation message on Ch-70B Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-16C Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-13D Make a voice announcement to cancel the alert on Ch-22A

考题 单选题On receipt of a distress alert, the SAR units ashore and at sea will()soonest.A coordinate in rescue operationB send rescue vesselsC reach the area at onceD conduct a sector search

考题 单选题Acknowledgement by you of receipt of a distress message from a vessel which,beyond any possible doubt,is not in your vicinity and is a long distance away must be made when().A Vessels nearer the distress vessel acknowledge receiptB Vessels nearer the distress vessel fail to acknowledge receiptC Even you have not reveived the distressD Even the vessel in distress expressly prohibit you from providing any salvage service

考题 单选题Which action should be taken when an auxiliary boiler in is operation?()A Clean all electrical connectionsB Lift the relief valves by handC Inspect and clean all solenoid valvesD Inspect for oil and water leaks

考题 单选题What does the DSC control unit do if the GMDSS radio operator fails to insert updated information when initiating a DSC distress alert?()A It will abort the transmission and set off an audible alarm that must be manually resetB It will initiate the DSC distress alert but,as no information will be transmitted,rescue personnel will not be able to identify the vessel,its position or its situationC It will initiate the DSC distress alert and default information will automatically be transmittedD It will initiate the DSC distress alert,but any station receiving it will have to establish contact with the distressed vessel to determine its identity,position and situation