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The permanent dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is(are)the ______.

A.hatch boards

B.tank top

C.hatch beams

D.sweat battens


更多 “ The permanent dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is(are)the ______.A.hatch boardsB.tank topC.hatch beamsD.sweat battens ” 相关考题
考题 Strips of timber fixed to the frames of a ship,either in a horizontal or vertical direction,which keep cargo away from the sides of the ship,assisting ventilation and helping protect against a buildup of moisture or condensation are termed as______.A.framesB.shell platesC.bilge platesD.cargo batten

考题 In order to withstand fluid head pressure on a ship,stiffeners are often attached to the bulkhead ______.A.penetrationsB.platingC.framingD.brackets

考题 On a vessel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds,which is TRUE ________.A.Danger of heavy ship sweat exists;constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredB.There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationC.There is little danger of ship's sweat,slight possibility of cargo sweat;moderate ventilation is neededD.The possibility of any sweat problem,either cargo or ship,is remote

考题 Which statement is correct concerning the carriage of coal in bulk ________.A.Coal should be vented with surface ventilation onlyB.Because of its inherent vice,coal should not be loaded wetC.Dunnage should be placed against ship's sides and around stanchionsD.Through ventilation,as well as surface ventilation,should be provided whenever possible

考题 Floors aboard ship are ______.A.frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened on a double bottomed shipB.transverse members of the ships frame which support the decksC.longitudinal beams in the extreme bottom of a ship from which the ship's ribs startD.longitudinal angle bars fastened to a surface for strength

考题 In a transversely framed ship,the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXCEPT ______.A.GirdersB.LongitudinalsC.Side stringersD.Web plates

考题 Reinforcing frames attached to a bulkhead on a vessel are called ______.A.side longitudinalsB.intercostalsC.stiffenersD.brackets

考题 A ship under construction or major repair will acquire permanent magnetism due to ______ while sitting stationary in the earth's magnetic field.A.hammering and jarringB.vibration and poundingC.varying magnetic fieldsD.stable or permanent magnetism of the ship

考题 If a ship is proceeding towards the magnetic equator, the uncorrected deviation due to permanent magnetism ______.A.increasesB.remains the sameC.decreasesD.is unimportant and may be neglected

考题 In a longitudinally-framed ship, the longitudinal frames are held in place and supported by athwartship members called ______.A.floorsB.margin platesC.stringersD.web frames

考题 单选题If a ship is proceeding towards the magnetic equator,the uncorrected deviation due to permanent magnetism().A increasesB remains the sameC decreasesD is unimportant and may be neglected

考题 单选题What is the main purpose of dunnage().A To act as ballast for light vesselsB To provide ventilation and drainage for cargoC To secure the tarpaulins in placeD To support weakened bulkheads

考题 单选题What best describes an anchor buoy().A A black ball that is hoisted when the ship anchorsB A buoy attached to the anchorC A buoy attached to the scope of an anchor chainD A mark of the number of fathoms in an anchor chain

考题 单选题In preparing a cargo space for receipt of a shipment of bagged cargo,which instruction for laying dunnage should be followed? ()A Use either 1 or 2 tiers of dunnage,spacing the pieces in each tier a foot apart,and lay pieces in the bottom tier diagonally to the ship's sideB Use 1 tier of dunnage,laying the pieces tightly together to form a solid floor over the steel deckC Use 2 tiers of dunnage,spacing the pieces in the bottom tier about a foot apart and the pieces in the top tier 6 inches apartD Use 2 tiers of dunnage,spacing the pieces in the bottom tier about a foot apart and the pieces in the top tier together

考题 单选题In order to withstand fluid head pressure on a ship,stiffeners are often attached to the bulkhead().A penetrationsB platingC framingD brackets

考题 单选题On a vessel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds,which is TRUE?().A Danger of heavy ship sweat exists; constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredB There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationC There is little danger of ship's sweat,slight possibility of cargo sweat; moderate ventilation is neededD The possibility of any sweat problem,either cargo or ship,is remote

考题 单选题In a transversely framed ship,the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXCEPT().A girdersB longitudinalsC side stringersD web plates

考题 单选题When ship navigating in rough sea, the first measure taken by the chief engineer to prevent the overload should be()A cleaning fuel oil, lubricating oil and seawater filterB reducing fuel feeding of the main engine appropriately or reducing the pitch angle of propellerC using low sea chestD closing the skylight and the ventilation opening, which doesn’t affect the normal work of equipments

考题 单选题0n a vesel proceeding from a very cold to a warm climate with a cargo of a nonhygroscopic nature in the holds, which is true?().A Danger of heavy ship sweat exists; constant and vigorous ventilation is requiredB There is danger of heavy cargo sweat if outside air is introduced by ventilationC There is little danger of ships sweat, slight possibility of cargo sweat; moderate ventilation is neededD The po sibility of any sweat problem, either cargo or ship, is frame

考题 单选题The decks of a ship are supported by transverse members called().A trussesB deck longitudinalsC deck beamsD web frames

考题 单选题Battens are fitted in cargo holds across the frames of the vessel from the turn of the bilge upward. The purpose of these cargo battens is().A for securing a snatch block when snaking cargo into the wings of the holdB to prevent cargo from coming in contact with the vessel's frames or shell platingC tp prevent fittings to which cargo lashing may be securedD to support the dunnage floors which are laid down between tiere of cargo

考题 单选题A ship under construction or major repair will acquire permanent magnetism due to()while sitting stationary in the earth’s magnetic field.A hammering and jarringB vibration and poundingC varying magnetic fieldsD stable or permanent magnetism of the ship

考题 单选题Transverse frames are more widely spaced on a ship that is designed with the().A centerline system of framingB isometric system of framingC longitudinal system of framingD transverse system of framing

考题 单选题The permant dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is (are) the().A hatch boardsB tank topC hatch beamsD sweat bettens

考题 单选题For use as protection from gas leaking from a refrigeration unit,each ship must be equipped with a().A portable ventilation systemB flame safety lampC self-contained breathing apparatusD gas mask

考题 单选题Reinforcing frames attached to a bulkhead on a vessel are called().A side longitudinalsB intercostalsC stiffenersD brackets

考题 单选题In a longitudinally-framed ship,the longitudinal frames are held in place and supported by athwartship members called().A floorsB margin platesC stringersD web frames