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Sudden unloading of a diesel engine can cause ______.

A.Decreased fuel efficiency

B.Increased exhaust temperature

C.Black smoke

D.Overspeed trip


更多 “ Sudden unloading of a diesel engine can cause ______.A.Decreased fuel efficiencyB.Increased exhaust temperatureC.Black smokeD.Overspeed trip ” 相关考题
考题 High firing pressures and low exhaust temperature in a diesel engine may resultfrom( ).A.decreased piston to cylinder head clearanceB.increased exhaust system back pressureC.early fuel injection timingD.low scavenge air temperature

考题 _______can be a direct cause of faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles.A.Excessive fuel nozzle holder coolingB.Sediment in the fuel supplyC.Distortion of the fuel spray patternD.Improper atomization of the fuel

考题 Prolonged operation of a diesel engine with a closed cooling water system, at lower than normal designed operating temperatures can ______.A.increase power outputB.decrease lube oil viscosityC.eliminate fuel knockD.cause sulfuric acid formation

考题 One cause of diesel engine surging can be a result of ______.A.injection pump plungers stuck or wornB.low compressionC.solenoid stuck openD.fuel tank too full

考题 单选题If a diesel engine turned over freely but failed to start, the cause could be ()A water in the fuelB cold lube oilC excessive starting air pressureD excessive fuel pressure

考题 单选题Dirt in a fuel oil system of a diesel engine can cause ()A damage to strainersB over-speeding of the engineC excessive cooling of the engineD injector damage

考题 单选题Stating a large propulsion diesel engine using diesel fuel during cold weather conditions can be made easier by ()A increasing the quantity of starting airB increasing the lube oil pressureC heating the engine fuel supplyD heating the engine jacket water

考题 单选题If a diesel engine driving a generator turns over freely but fails to fire properly, the cause could be ()A excessive compression pressureB air in the fuel linesC high fuel pressureD excessive load

考题 单选题A leaking diesel engine fuel injector will cause()A prolonged maintenance intervalsB improved atomizationC greater fuel economyD incomplete combustion

考题 单选题Leaking oil seals on a diesel engine turbocharger can cause()A the engine to run after the fuel has been securedB the engine to over-speedC a fireD all of the above

考题 单选题A sudden drop in diesel engine cylinder compression pressure can be caused by()A a leaking fuel injector nozzleB a clogged air filterC excessively early fuel injectionD malfunctioning valves

考题 单选题If the relief valve on a diesel engine cylinder lifts, the cause could be due to ()A liquid in the cylinderB low compression in the cylinderC high exhaust temperatureD poor fuel penetration

考题 单选题Due to excessive water in the fuel, a diesel engine fails to startBefore the engine can be started, the water must be removed from the ().A fuel pumpsB cylindersC fuel strainersD all of above

考题 单选题Air in the fuel lines of a diesel engine can cause ()A ignition failureB oxygen corrosion of the fuel linesC the pistons to seizeD blue smoke

考题 单选题A sudden decrease in the diesel engine lube oil viscosity could be an indication of()A loss of additives from the lube oilB carbon deposits in the lube oilC excessive centrifugingD excessive fuel dilution

考题 单选题Which of the following conditions could be a cause of excessive fuel dilution of diesel engine lube oil?()A Leaking fuel injectorsB Lower than normal compressionC Delayed fuel injectionD All of the above are correct

考题 单选题If a diesel engine turned over at normal cranking speed but failed to start, the cause could be late fuel injection or ()A excessive fuel pressureB high lube oil viscosityC inadequate fuel injectionD excessive starting air pressure

考题 单选题Broken intake valve springs on one cylinder of a diesel engine can cause the engine to ()A Over speedB fire improperlyC lose oil pressureD overheatrapidly

考题 单选题Permitting a diesel engine fuel oil day tank to run dry can cause ()A overheated injection pumpsB water condensation in the cylindersC fuel dilution of the lube oilD air in the fuel system

考题 单选题A distorted spray pattern from a fuel injector can cause a diesel engine to have ()A higher firing pressureB more power outputC lower fuel pressureD less power output

考题 单选题Faulty operation of diesel engine fuel injection nozzles can be a direct cause of().A excessive fuel nozzle holder coolingB sediment in the fuel supplyC distortion of the fuel spray patternD improper atomization of the fuel

考题 单选题The fuel oil system for a diesel engine can be considered in two parts--the fuel supply and the () systems.A fuel treatmentB fuel combustionC fuel injectionD fuel separating

考题 单选题A sudden drop in compression pressure in one cylinder of a diesel engine can be caused by()A a leaking fuel injector nozzleB a clogged air filterC excessively early fuel injectionD malfunctioning valves

考题 单选题Clogged diesel engine fuel oil filters can cause()A loss of powerB misfiringC low fuel oil pressureD All of the above

考题 单选题Sudden unloading of a diesel engine can cause().A decreased fuel efficiencyB increased exhaust temperatureC black smokeD overspeed trip

考题 单选题Air in the fuel lines to the fuel injection nozzles of a diesel engine will cause the engine to ()A burn excessive amounts of lube oilB overheat without smokingC operate with reduce power or stopD run away without load

考题 单选题After changing out the fuel filters the diesel engine fails to restart, the most probable cause for this condition is a/an().A low compressionB air-bound fuel systemC improper sparkD change in viscosity