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The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand.This causes many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy(漫长的)delays, and the greater risk__________ (51)accidents.Clearly,something must be done,but it is often difficult to_________(52)people to change their habits and leave their cars at home.
One possible__________(53)is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by __________(54)charges for parking and__________(55)tougher fines for anyone who_________(56) the law. In addition,drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day.This system,_________(57)as"road pricing",is already being introduced in a_________ (58)of cities,using a special electronic card_________(59)to the windscreen of the car.
Another way of__________(60)with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the________(61)of the city,and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre.Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the_________(62)stage of their journey.
Of course,the most important_________(63)is to provide good public transport. However,to get people to_________(64)the comfort of their cars,public transport must be felt to be reliable (可靠的),convenient and comfortable , with fares _________( 65 ) at an acceptable level.



解析:固定搭配the risk of,表示“······的风险”,所以of为正确答案。其他三项均不合适。
联系上下文,可知这里提出的是一个解决问题的方法,approach表示“方法、途径”,符合句意,为正确答案。manner表示“方式、举止”; custom表示“定制的、风俗”, style表示“风格、样式”,均不符合句意。
根据句意,这里是说要“增加停车收费”, increase表示“增加”,符合句意,为正确答案。enlarge表示“扩大、增大”; grow表示“发展”; develop表示“发展、开发、生长”,均不符合句意。
根据句意,对那些违章的人要实行更严厉的罚款,bring in表示“带来······”,C为正确答案。carry down表示“搬下、结账、把······传下来”;put off表示“推迟、脱掉”, take away表示“带走、取走”,均不符合句意。
根据句意,对于违规的人,将加大惩罚力度,break表示“打破”符合句意。 cross表示“交叉”; refuse表示“拒绝”; crack表示“破裂”,均不符合题意。
固定搭配known as...,表示“以······为(人们)所熟知”。
根据句意:“道路收费”的系统已经被一些城市所使用。a number of表示 “一些”,符合句意,为正确答案。quantity表示“大量”; total表示“总数”; sum表示“合计、总数”,均不符合句意。
fixed to…表示“固定在······上”,文中是说“固定在汽车的档风玻璃上”, 所以选A。其他三项都不符合句意。
根据句意,要求表达另一种处理这个问题的方法,deal with problem表示“处理问题”,C为正确答案。
the most importari: thing为惯用语,表示“最重要的事”。根据句意:最重要的事情是提供良好的公共交通,因此thing为正确答案,其他三项均不合适。
pass on表示“传递、继续”, throw away表示“扔掉、丢弃”, leave out表示 “遗漏、省去”; give up表示“放弃”。根据句意“放弃舒适的汽车”, give up最为恰当,所以选C。
固定搭配keep at an acceptable level表示“保持在一个可接受的水平内”。其他三项均不正确。
更多 “共用题干 The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expand.This causes many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy(漫长的)delays, and the greater risk__________ (51)accidents.Clearly,something must be done,but it is often difficult to_________(52)people to change their habits and leave their cars at home.One possible__________(53)is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by __________(54)charges for parking and__________(55)tougher fines for anyone who_________(56) the law. In addition,drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day.This system,_________(57)as"road pricing",is already being introduced in a_________ (58)of cities,using a special electronic card_________(59)to the windscreen of the car.Another way of__________(60)with the problem is to provide cheap parking on the________(61)of the city,and strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centre.Drivers and their passengers then use a special bus service for the_________(62)stage of their journey.Of course,the most important_________(63)is to provide good public transport. However,to get people to_________(64)the comfort of their cars,public transport must be felt to be reliable (可靠的),convenient and comfortable , with fares _________( 65 ) at an acceptable level._________(62)A:late B:endC:complete D:final” 相关考题
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