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随着假日经济的兴起,一种新的营销理念——节日营销浮出了水面。 With the ___________________of "Holiday Economy", a new marketing concept——festival marketing emerged.

更多 “随着假日经济的兴起,一种新的营销理念——节日营销浮出了水面。 With the ___________________of "Holiday Economy", a new marketing concept——festival marketing emerged.” 相关考题
考题 Increasingly, online marketing is no longer just an option. It is a necessity.() A. 网络营销愈来愈不再只是一个选择。它是一种必然。B. 网络营销不久是一个选择。它是必然的选择。C. 网络营销不仅是日益的选择。它是必然的需要。

考题 You are the network administrator for Litware, Inc. All network servers run Windows Server 2003.Your IIS server is named Server6. Its configuration is shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit button.)Users access the internal network by connecting to http://server6.litwareinc.intra.A folder named Marketing_Data stores the Web interface for the company‘s client management tool. Currently,users in the marketing department access this tool by connecting to http://server6.litwareinc.intra/Marketing_Web.You share Marketing_Data on a server named Server2.You need to modify Server6 to ensure that marketing users can access Marketing_Data through the internal network.What should you do? ()A. Create a new virtual directory named Marketing_Web under the default Web site. Specify \\server2\Marketing_Data as the Web site content directory.B. Create a new Web site named Marketing_Data. Specify \\server2\Marketing_Data as the Web site home directory.C. Create a new Web site named Marketing_Data. Specify Marketing_Data as the host header name of the Web site.D. Redirect the default Web site home directory to http://server2/Marketing_Data. Specify Marketing_Data as the host header name of the default Web site.

考题 Among all popular marketing strategies, email marketing, mobile marketing, digital coupons, social media marketing, pay-per-click ads are very useful in cross-border E-commerce field. Recently, Amazon also launched ().(在所有的营销手段中,邮件营销、移动设备营销、电子优惠券、社交媒体营销、点击付费广告等在跨境电商中是比较有效的方式。最近,亚马逊还推出了网红营销方式。)

考题 资料:The societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketing concept overlooks possible conflicts between consumers short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare.Is a firm that satisfies the immediate needs and wants of target markets always doing what’s best for consumers in the long run? The societal marketing concept holds that marketing strategy should deliver value to customers in a way that maintains or improves both the consumers and society’s well-being. Consider today’s flourishing bottled water industry.You may view bottled water companies as offering a convenient,tasty,and healthy product.Its packaging suggests “green” images of pristine lakes and snow-capped mountains.Yet making,filling,and shipping billions of plastic bottles generates huge amounts of carbon dioxide emissions that contribute substantially to global warming Further,the plastic bottles pose a substantial recycling and solid waste disposal problem.Thus,in satisfying short- term consumer wants,the highly successful bottled water industry may be causing environmental problems that run against society’s long-run interests. What is the purpose of this excerpt?A.To introduce the flourishing bottled water industry. B.To explain about the societal marketing concept. C.To discuss environmental problems. D.To explain about the pure marketing concept.

考题 Wang Li is()a new marketing campaign at the moment.AplanBplaningCplanning

考题 关于网络营销的翻译中,目前国内比较常用的是:()A、Cyber MarketingB、Interne tMarketingC、Networ kMarketingD、E-Marketing

考题 属于数据库营销的推广手段是什么()A、SEM(Search Engine Marketing)B、EDM(Email Direct Marketing)C、交换链接D、论坛营销

考题 营销调研(Marketing Research)是一种系统地进行信息设计、()、()和报告,用以解决企业某一营销问题的工作过程。

考题 体验式营销(Experiential Marketing)是站在消费者的五个方面,重新定义、设计营销的一种营销方式()A、感官(Sense)B、情感(Feel)C、思考(Think)D、行动(Act)E、关联(Relate)

考题 Wang Li is()a new marketing campaign at the moment.A、planB、planingC、planning

考题 市场学(Marketing)是指导企业进行营销活动或研究企业市场营销活动规律的()科学。

考题 关于网络营销的翻译中,强调是在网络上开展营销活动的是()。A、Cyber MarketingB、Internet MarketingC、Network MarketingD、E-Marketing

考题 Network Marketing主要是指网络营销是在虚拟的计算机空间进行运作。

考题 ()主要是指网络营销是在虚拟的计算机空间进行运作A、CyberMarketingB、InternetMarketingC、NetworkMarketingD、e-Marketing

考题 Marketing作为一门学科,可以译为市场营销学,也可以译为市场学。

考题 “marketing”译成中文是“市场营销”。

考题 病毒性营销(viral marketing)

考题 ()是在增值网络VAN上开展的营销活动。A、CyberMarketingB、InternetMarketingC、NetworkMarketingD、e-Marketing

考题 Network Marketing主要是指在虚拟的计算机空间进行网络营销。

考题 You need to design an access control strategy for the marketing application. You solution must minimize impact on server and network performance. What should you do?()A、Require client computers to connect to the marketing application by using a VPN connectionB、Use IPSec to encrypt communications between the servers in the New York and Atlanta officesC、Require the high security setting on Terminal Services connections to the marketing applicationD、Configure all marketing application Web pages to require SSL

考题 填空题市场学(Marketing)是指导企业进行营销活动或研究企业市场营销活动规律的()科学。

考题 判断题Network Marketing主要是指在虚拟的计算机空间进行网络营销。A 对B 错

考题 单选题在互联网上开展营销活动的“网络营销”英文翻译是()A Cyber MarketingB Internet MarketingC Network MarketingD E-Marketing

考题 单选题Wang Li is()a new marketing campaign at the moment.A planB planingC planning

考题 名词解释题病毒性营销(viral marketing)

考题 判断题Network Marketing主要是指网络营销是在虚拟的计算机空间进行运作。A 对B 错

考题 单选题网络营销是以互联网络为媒体,以新的方式、方法和理念实施营销活动,更有效促成个人和组织交易活动的实现。网络营销在国外有许多翻译,如()等等。A Cyber MarketingB Internet MarketingC Network MarketingD e-Marketing

考题 名词解释题整合营销传播(Integrated Marketing Communications,简称IMC)