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操作层(职能层)战略涉及的是更加短期的目标以及日常管理活动。 Operational (functional) strategy concerns shorter term objectives of the business and with its day to day management .

更多 “操作层(职能层)战略涉及的是更加短期的目标以及日常管理活动。 Operational (functional) strategy concerns shorter term objectives of the business and with its day to day management .” 相关考题
考题 管理信息系统的结构按管理层次可分为( )。A.高层、中层、基层B.战略层、战术层、业务层C.决策层、职能层、操作层D.管理层、技术层、操作层

考题 听力原文:M: Oh, my God! Jessica. It's five p. m. now. Tomorrow is Saturday. The credit will expire on Sunday. Weekend is non-business day. We cannot make it today. What shall we do?W: Don't worry. Banks will accept presentation on the following business day.Q: When will the bank deal with the credit if the expiry date of a credit fails on a non-business day?(19)A.On every business day.B.On Tuesday.C.On Wednesday.D.On the following business day.

考题 ()是为企业开展日常业务或作业活动提供相关信息的对内报告。其报告的报告对象是企业的业务部门、职能部门以及车间、班组等。 A.战略层管理会计报告B.管理层管理会计报告C.综合管理会计报告D.业务层管理会计报告

考题 以下哪种战略更加倾向于将组织视为整体?()A.业务层战略B.职能层战略C.公司层战略D.运作层战略E.竞争层次战略

考题 ___is a program mainly used to assist managers in setting and carrying out their plans. A.Management by objectives (MBO)B.Participative managementC.Operational ManagementD.Instructional Management

考题 管理信息系统的结构按管理层次可分为( )。A.战略层、战术层、业务层和事务层B.高层、中层和基层C.决策层、职能层、事务层和操作层D.管理层、技术层和操作层

考题 管理信息系统的结构按管理层次可分为A.战略层、战术层、业务层、事务层B.高层、中层、基层C.决策层、职能层、事务层、操作层D.管理层、技术层、操作层

考题 在企业计划、控制层中,决定组织目标,决定达到这些目标所需用的资源以及获取、使用、分配这些资源的策略的过程的一层是( )。A.战略计划层B.任务实施层C.操作控制层D.管理控制层

考题 在企业计划、控制层中,决定组织月标,决定达到这些目标所需用的资源以及获取、使用、分配这些资源的策略的过程的一层是( )。A.战略计划层B.任务实施层C.操作控制层D.管理控制层

考题 下列关于企业各层次的战略与所涉及的管理层次对应不正确的是( )。 A.总体战略→公司最高管理层 B.业务单位战略→职能部门管理层 C.业务单位战略→事业部门管理层 D.职能战略→职能部门管理层

考题 企业的管理信息的层次性。通常分为()A、决策层、战略性、管理层、战术性、操作层、日常性6个方面B、决策层、管理层、操作层3个层次C、决策层、管理层、战术层、操作层4个层次D、决策层、战略层、管理层、战术层、操作层5个层次

考题 In the plan phase, network readiness assessment addresses which customer need? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A、an assessment of the preparedness of the customers existing system infrastructure to support a propose solutionB、a comprehensive design that has been customized based on the operations processes, network management processes, and tools of its systemC、an in-depth assessment of the operational environment required to support the operation of both the current and planned solutionsD、the optimal technologies for supporting its business requirements and objectives

考题 战略管理的层次分为()A、运营层战略B、总体层战略C、职能层战略D、业务层战略

考题 对于管理层次的描述错误的是()A、战略管理层主要负责制定组织发展的长远目标和战略,为组织提供整体的方向和领导。B、管理层次按照高低分为战略层、作业层、战术层。C、战术管理层则是按照战略管理层制定的目标和战略,进行具体策略和实施计划的制定。D、作业管理层主要负责对日常运作的管理和计划的具体执行。

考题 下列属于职能层管理者的战略角色的是()A、将公司层的指示和意图转换成具体的业务战略B、制定涉及本领域内的职能战略C、协助达成业务层和公司层总体管理者的战略目标D、在不同的业务间分配资源E、制定部门的具体战略

考题 以下哪种战略更加倾向于将组织视为整体?()A、业务层战略B、职能层战略C、公司层战略D、运作层战略E、竞争层次战略

考题 战略的选择通常涉及三个层次,即公司层的战略、()的战略和职能层的战略。

考题 What is the key objective of the plan phase? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A、identify the activities involved in installing and configuring equipment at a customer’s site or sitesB、Describe the day-to-day activities required to support, manage, and monitor a newly implemented systemC、Assess current network readiness, site readiness, and operational readiness in preparation for designing a solution proposalD、Gain an understanding of high-level business and technical requirement

考题 A standard three-year term, next-business-day hardware replacement, and telephone support are features of which cisco support program?()A、SMARTnetB、SMB FoundationC、Small Business Pro ServiceD、SMART Care

考题 多选题下列属于职能层管理者的战略角色的是()A将公司层的指示和意图转换成具体的业务战略B制定涉及本领域内的职能战略C协助达成业务层和公司层总体管理者的战略目标D在不同的业务间分配资源E制定部门的具体战略

考题 填空题战略的选择通常涉及三个层次,即公司层的战略、()的战略和职能层的战略。

考题 单选题企业的管理信息的层次性。通常分为()A 决策层、战略性、管理层、战术性、操作层、日常性6个方面B 决策层、管理层、操作层3个层次C 决策层、管理层、战术层、操作层4个层次D 决策层、战略层、管理层、战术层、操作层5个层次

考题 单选题A sidereal day is approximately how much shorter than a solar day?()A 4 minutesB 8 minutesC 12 minutesD 16 minutes

考题 单选题What is the key objective of the plan phase?()A Identify the activities involved in installing and configuring equipment at a customer’s site or sitesB Describe the day-to-day activities required to support, manage, and monitor a newly implemented systemC Access current network readiness, site readiness, and operational readiness in preparation for designing a solution proposalD Gain an understanding of high-level business and technical requirements

考题 单选题In the plan phase, network readiness assessment addresses which customer need? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A an assessment of the preparedness of the customers existing system infrastructure to support a propose solutionB a comprehensive design that has been customized based on the operations processes, network management processes, and tools of its systemC an in-depth assessment of the operational environment required to support the operation of both the current and planned solutionsD the optimal technologies for supporting its business requirements and objectives

考题 单选题Which of the following best describe the customer benefits of change management in the operate phase? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A reduce unnecessary disruption, delays, rework, and other problems by establishing test cases for use in verifying that the system meets operational, functional, and interface requirementsB improve its ability to make sound financial decisions by developing a business case based on its business requirements and establishing a basis for developing a technology strategyC reduce operating costs and limit change-related incidents by providing a consistent and efficient set of processesD improve the return on investment and hasten migration by identifying and planning for necessary infrastructure changes and resource additions, as well as reduce deployment costs by analyzing gaps early in the planning process to determine what is needed to support the system

考题 单选题What is the primary objective of the plan phase()A Assess the existing environments to determine if it can support the proposed system.B Identify the activities for installing and configuring the equipment at the customer sites.C Gather high-level solution requirements, and understand the customer business needs an the opportunity.D Prepare the activities for day-to-day support, management, and monitoring of the newly implemented system.

考题 单选题A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day. This difference is due to().A irregularities in the daily rotational rate of the SunB the space motion of the solar systemC the precession of the equinoxesD the use of different reference points