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原文:巴塞罗那港拥有多种运输方式:港口、机场、高速公路、铁路运输。 译文:El puerto de Barcelona cuenta con todos los medios de transporte: puerto, aeropuerto, autopistas y ferrocarril. 请判断译文是否正确?

更多 “原文:巴塞罗那港拥有多种运输方式:港口、机场、高速公路、铁路运输。 译文:El puerto de Barcelona cuenta con todos los medios de transporte: puerto, aeropuerto, autopistas y ferrocarril. 请判断译文是否正确?” 相关考题
考题 ⑵请迨其未毕济而击之。译文:_________________

考题 The Puerto Rican did not help the white woman because he was afraid that _______.

考题 翻译下列句子。(4分)(1)【原文】安陵君因使唐雎使于秦。【译文】___________________

考题 (2)【原文】以君为长者,故不错意也。【译文】_______________________

考题 把原文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分)(1)太祖初入关,祥与晋公护俱在晋阳,后乃遣使迎致之。译文:______________________(2)至是重往,百姓安之。译文: ______________________(3)时既与梁通好,行李往来,公私赠遗,一无所受。译文: ______________________

考题 国际申请进入中国国家阶段后被授予专利权,下列说法正确的是?( )A.由于译文错误,致使授权的权利要求书确定的保护范围超出国际申请原文所表达的范围的,应以授权时的保护范围为准 B.由于译文错误,致使授权的权利要求书确定的保护范围超出国际申请原文所表达的范围的,应依据原文限制后的保护范围为准 C.由于译文错误,致使授权的权利要求书确定的保护范围小于国际申请原文所表达的范围的,应以授权时的保护范围为准 D.由于译文错误,致使授权的权利要求书确定的保护范围小于国际申请原文所表达的范围的,应以原文的保护范围为准

考题 共用题干 第二篇Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)Puerto Rico, a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable for natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民)to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it.However,before the arrival of these immigrants,the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ- enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes.In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im-- ported by foreigners to the island.A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的).it' strue that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy. However, milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.How is sofrito used?A:It is eaten before meals.B:It is added to other dishes.C:It is used where foods are too spicy.D:It is eaten as a main dish.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)Puerto Rico, a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable for natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民)to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it.However,before the arrival of these immigrants,the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ- enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes.In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im-- ported by foreigners to the island.A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的).it' strue that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy. However, milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.Who lived in Puerto Rico first?A:The Africans.B:The Spanish.C:The Americans.D:The Taino people.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)Puerto Rico, a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable for natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民)to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it.However,before the arrival of these immigrants,the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ- enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes.In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im-- ported by foreigners to the island.A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的).it' strue that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy. However, milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A:Taino dishes are important in Puerto Rican cooking.B:Food imported by foreigners isn't really Puerto Rican.C:Puerto Rican cooking has many outside influences.D:African foods have probably had the most influence.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)Puerto Rico, a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable for natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民)to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it.However,before the arrival of these immigrants,the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ- enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes.In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im-- ported by foreigners to the island.A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的).it' strue that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy. However, milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.Which of the following is NOT true?A:Sofrito is a type of extremely spicy food.B:Many people think Puerto Rican food is spicy.C:Puerto Rican cuisine uses a lot of chili peppers.D:Aij caballero is a type of chile pepper.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)Puerto Rico , a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable natural beauty , has a cuisine all its own. Immigratjon(移民)to the island has helped to shape itscui、i ne, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it.However,before time arrival of these immigrants,the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ- enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to PuertoRico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish arid Africono to create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes. In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for一coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im- ported by foreigners to the island.A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food, is that it is very spic)(辛辣的).It's true that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricansenjoy.However,milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too,such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.Which of the following is NOT true?A:Sofrito is a type of extremely spicy food.B:Many people think Puerto Rican food is spicy.C:Puerto Rican cuisine uses a lot of chili peppers.D:Aij caballero is a type of chili pepper.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)Puerto Rico , a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable natural beauty , has a cuisine all its own. Immigratjon(移民)to the island has helped to shape itscui、i ne, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it.However,before time arrival of these immigrants,the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ- enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to PuertoRico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish arid Africono to create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes. In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for一coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im- ported by foreigners to the island.A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food, is that it is very spic)(辛辣的).It's true that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricansenjoy.However,milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too,such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?A:Taino dishes are important in Puerto Rican cooking.B:Food imported by foreigners isn't really Puerto Rican.C:Puerto Rican cooking has many outside influences.D:African foods have probably had the most influence.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴)Puerto Rico , a Caribbean(加勒比海区)island rich in history and remarkable natural beauty , has a cuisine all its own. Immigratjon(移民)to the island has helped to shape itscui、i ne, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it.However,before time arrival of these immigrants,the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents(啮齿动物),fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking,but it has been heavily influ- enced by the Spanish,who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508,and Africans,who were initially brought to PuertoRico to work as slaves.Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish arid Africono to create new dishes.The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle,pigs,goats,and sheep to the island.Africans also added to the island's food culture by introducing powerful,contrasting tastes in dishes. In fact,much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for一coffee,coconuts,and oranges一was actually im- ported by foreigners to the island.A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food, is that it is very spic)(辛辣的).It's true that chili peppers are popular;aij caballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricansenjoy.However,milder(微辣的)tastes are popular too,such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes,sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions,green bell peppers,sweet chili peppers,and a handful of other spices.It is fried in oil and then added to other dishes.How is sofrito used?A:It is eaten before meals.B:It is added to other dishes.C:It is used where foods are too spicy. D:It is eaten as a main dish.

考题 在广告语的翻译中,“忠实”应该为翻译的第一原则,译文不能抛离原文信息而采取改写的方式。

考题 外文(或少数民族文字)材料若有汉译文的应与汉译文一并归档,无译文的要()后归档。A、标注说明B、译出全文C、译出标题D、原文标题加【】

考题 根据《企业档案工作规范》,非纸质文件应与其文字说明一并归档。外文(或少数民族文字)材料若有汉译文的,应一并归档,无译文的直接归档外文原文即可。

考题 请问下列哪一种方式属于“译后编辑”?()A、先人工对原文进行断句或改写,然后再用google进行翻译B、对机器翻译的译文进行人工修改C、利用“诱导法”在google搜索译文

考题 阅读下列原文和译文,译文如有错误改正并说明属于哪方面错误? 原文:(渔人)既出,得其船,便扶向路,处处志之,及郡下,诣太守,说如此。太守即遣人随其往,寻向所志,遂迷,不复得路。(桃花源记)

考题 国际联运运单和补充运行报单,用中文填写,并在每行下附()。A、俄文译文B、英文译文C、德文译文D、送达国译文

考题 水路货物运输基地是()。A、机场B、车站C、港口或港站D、码头

考题 欢迎光临**高速公路的英文译文是()。

考题 单选题国际联运运单和补充运行报单,用中文填写,并在每行下附()。A 俄文译文B 英文译文C 德文译文D 送达国译文

考题 单选题Par quel moyen transporte-t-on les livres demandés?A Par un mini-réseau de chemin de fer de huit kilomètres.B Par les employés et les ouvriers.C Par l’informatique.D Par l’escalier mécanique.

考题 判断题申请人改正译文错误,除提交改正页外还应当提交书面改正译文错误请求,并且缴纳规定的改正译文错误手续费。A 对B 错

考题 判断题根据《企业档案工作规范》,非纸质文件应与其文字说明一并归档。外文(或少数民族文字)材料若有汉译文的,应一并归档,无译文的直接归档外文原文即可。A 对B 错

考题 判断题在广告语的翻译中,“忠实”应该为翻译的第一原则,译文不能抛离原文信息而采取改写的方式。A 对B 错

考题 问答题Practice 1  Puerto Rico, a Caribbean island rich in history and remarkable natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it. However, before the arrival of these immigrants, the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Taino cuisine included such foods as rodents fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil.  Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking, but it has been heavily influenced by the Spanish, who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508, and Africans, who were initially brought to Puerto Rico to work as slaves. Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes. The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle, pigs, goats, and sheep to the island. Africans also added to the island’s food culture by introducing powerful, contrasting tastes in dishes. In fact, much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for—coffee, coconuts, and oranges—was actually imported by foreigners to the island.

考题 单选题请问下列哪一种方式属于“译后编辑”?()A 先人工对原文进行断句或改写,然后再用google进行翻译B 对机器翻译的译文进行人工修改C 利用“诱导法”在google搜索译文