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判断下列句子中哪一个更具有强调的效果。若为A则在下方填写A,若为B则在下方填写B。 A. You’ve grown up in a society where winning is the most important thing. B. You’ve grown up in a society where winning is not the most important thing— it’s the only thing.

B. You’ ve grown up in a society where winning is not the most important thing — it ’ s the only thing.
更多 “判断下列句子中哪一个更具有强调的效果。若为A则在下方填写A,若为B则在下方填写B。 A. You’ve grown up in a society where winning is the most important thing. B. You’ve grown up in a society where winning is not the most important thing— it’s the only thing.” 相关考题
考题 () yourself in other’s shoes, then you will never do the wrong thing. A、SetB、MakeC、TakeD、Put

考题 10. The most important thing is _________A. what do you learnB. what did you learnC. what you have learnD. what you learnt

考题 When a child becomes a grown-up, he is supposed to_.A.live comfortablyB.take responsibilitiesC.make progress in jobD.impress the society

考题 The passage suggests that______.A. most people don't realize how important passports areB. passports aren't important once you are in the country you've chosen to visitC. passports are simple to obtain through the mailD. passports are obtained at the embassy once you enter a country

考题 You know, I have three kids now. -- ________A Oh, I’ve heard a lot about youB That’s wonderfulC You’ve really changed your hair style.D Well, I gave up drinking

考题 If you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English, making a business call can be a worrying experience. Most business people, unless they feel very confident, prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance. And during the call they make notes while they’re talking to help them to remember what was said. Although it’s quick and convenient to phone someone to give them information or to ask questions, the disadvantage is that there is nothing in writing to help you to remember what was said. It’s essential to make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone, one of the speakers will send a fax or e-mail to confirm the main points that were made. Because it’s so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone, it’s a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you’ve got it right. Always make sure you know the name of the person you’re talking to. If necessary, ask them to spell it out to you, so that you can make sure you’ve got it right----and try to use their name during the call. And make sure that they know your name too.1. If you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English, making a business call can be ().A.an easy thingB.a happy experienceC.a painful thing2.Most business people prepare for an important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in advance because ().A.they are very carefulB.their foreign language isn’t so goodC.they don’t want to miss any important information3. When the speakers reach an agreement on the phone, ()will send a fax or e-mail in order to confirm the main points that were made.A.one of themB.both of themC.none of them4.What does “IT” refer to in the first sentence in_Paragraph Four_----“…it’s a good idea to repeat any important information (especially numbers and names) back to the other person to make sure you’ve gotITright”()A.important informationB.the other personC.a good idea5.The best title of this passage is().A.The Importance of Taking NotesB.Business CallsC.Talking on the Phone

考题 ---Excuse me, where’s the Capital Theatre? ---_______.A、There’s a status near itB、It’s only two blocks away from hereC、I’ve got two theatre tickets for tonight.D、Turn right and then you’ll find the cinema

考题 You've misspelled this word again.You'd better look it up () 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 哪些句子回答How’s it going? /What’s up?/What’s happening? () A、I'm fine, thank you.B、Nothing much.C、I've been fine, thank you.D、Same as usual.

考题 What is the most important thing you learned form. your previous experience that you will bring to this job?从以前的工作经历中学到的哪些重要的东西,你可以带到这项工作中来?

考题 what do you think is the most important thing on board?

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But l've also learned that if you don't have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they'll simply never get done. And that means you won't make the progress that's really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it. You aren't cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead are likely certain times when you are at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That's normal. Maybe for you, it's bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrive in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identity that when you feel your most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion-it isn't optional. That way you're guaranteed to have a regular, designed period when you can at least on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it's the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first-we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and forces if you're going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods l've found is to put physical barriers between us. I'll work from a conference room or even from home on accession in order to get some literal space from people needing "just one quick thing. " What can be inferred from paragraph 3 ?A.You have to be readily available in the office. B.People cannot work in a vacuum. C.People in the office love helping others. D.Sometimes we have to decline colleagues' requests.

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it: You aren’t cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead, there are likely certain times when you’re at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That’s normal. Maybe for you, it’s bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrives in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identify that chunk of time (even if it’s only an hour!) when you feel most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion--it isn’t optional. That way you’re guaranteed to have a regular, designated period when you can at least get started on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it’s the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first--we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and focus if you’re going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods I’ve found is to put physical barriers between us. I’ll work from a conference room or even from home on occasion in order to get some literal space from people needing “just one quick thing.” The word “wanes” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:A.increase B.peak C.diminish D.disappear

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But l've also learned that if you don't have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they'll simply never get done. And that means you won't make the progress that's really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it. You aren't cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead are likely certain times when you are at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That's normal. Maybe for you, it's bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrive in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identity that when you feel your most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion-it isn't optional. That way you're guaranteed to have a regular, designed period when you can at least on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it's the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first-we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and forces if you're going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods l've found is to put physical barriers between us. I'll work from a conference room or even from home on accession in order to get some literal space from people needing "just one quick thing. " The word "wanes" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to:A.Increase B.Peak C.Diminish D.Disappear

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it: You aren’t cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead, there are likely certain times when you’re at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That’s normal. Maybe for you, it’s bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrives in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identify that chunk of time (even if it’s only an hour!) when you feel most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion--it isn’t optional. That way you’re guaranteed to have a regular, designated period when you can at least get started on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it’s the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first--we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and focus if you’re going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods I’ve found is to put physical barriers between us. I’ll work from a conference room or even from home on occasion in order to get some literal space from people needing “just one quick thing.” What can be inferred from paragraph 3?A.You have to be readily available in the office. B.People cannot work in a vacuum. C.People in the office love helping others. D.Sometimes we have to decline colleagues’ requests.

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But l've also learned that if you don't have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they'll simply never get done. And that means you won't make the progress that's really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it. You aren't cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead are likely certain times when you are at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That's normal. Maybe for you, it's bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrive in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identity that when you feel your most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion-it isn't optional. That way you're guaranteed to have a regular, designed period when you can at least on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it's the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first-we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and forces if you're going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods l've found is to put physical barriers between us. I'll work from a conference room or even from home on accession in order to get some literal space from people needing "just one quick thing. " According to paragraph 2 , which of the following the "chunk of time" the author is talking about? A.When you are most focused. B.When there is no discussions. C.Last at night. D.Bright and early in the morning.

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it: You aren’t cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead, there are likely certain times when you’re at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That’s normal. Maybe for you, it’s bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrives in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identify that chunk of time (even if it’s only an hour!) when you feel most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion--it isn’t optional. That way you’re guaranteed to have a regular, designated period when you can at least get started on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it’s the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first--we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and focus if you’re going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods I’ve found is to put physical barriers between us. I’ll work from a conference room or even from home on occasion in order to get some literal space from people needing “just one quick thing.” According to paragraph 2, which of the following the “chunk of time” the author is talking about? A.When you are most focused B.When there is no distractions C.Late at night D.Bright and early in the morning

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it: You aren’t cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead, there are likely certain times when you’re at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That’s normal. Maybe for you, it’s bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrives in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identify that chunk of time (even if it’s only an hour!) when you feel most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion--it isn’t optional. That way you’re guaranteed to have a regular, designated period when you can at least get started on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it’s the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first--we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and focus if you’re going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods I’ve found is to put physical barriers between us. I’ll work from a conference room or even from home on occasion in order to get some literal space from people needing “just one quick thing.” What is the article mainly about?A.How to manage your time well B.How to overcome different challenges in the office C.How to win competitions and get promotions D.How to prevent distractions and focus on big issues

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But I’ve also learned that if you don’t have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they’ll simply never get done. And that means you won’t make the progress that’s really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it: You aren’t cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead, there are likely certain times when you’re at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That’s normal. Maybe for you, it’s bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrives in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identify that chunk of time (even if it’s only an hour!) when you feel most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion--it isn’t optional. That way you’re guaranteed to have a regular, designated period when you can at least get started on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it’s the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first--we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and focus if you’re going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods I’ve found is to put physical barriers between us. I’ll work from a conference room or even from home on occasion in order to get some literal space from people needing “just one quick thing.” What may the author discuss later?A.The author may talk about the administration system. B.The author may teach the readers to make a timetable. C.The author may put forward another suggestion. D.The author may discuss the office environments.

考题 资料:As a startup founder, my daily tasks include everything from long-term strategic planning to approving team outings and company culture initiatives. Day after day, things inevitably come up that need to get handled ASAP. But l've also learned that if you don't have a strategy for making time for those bigger ambitions and your truly lofty goals, they'll simply never get done. And that means you won't make the progress that's really going to move your business forward. 1. FIND YOUR MOST PRODUCTIVE TIME Face it. You aren't cranking out work at absolute peak productivity for the entire day. Instead are likely certain times when you are at your most focused and other times when your energy wanes. That's normal. Maybe for you, it's bright and early in the morning, before anyone else arrive in the office, when you do your best work. Whenever it is, identity that when you feel your most productive, and then reserve it on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. You need to protect this block of time from intrusion-it isn't optional. That way you're guaranteed to have a regular, designed period when you can at least on those bigger to-dos. 2. CREATE PHYSICAL BARRIERS Nobody works in a vacuum. We all have to collaborate with others to some degree or another. And it's the people we work closest with whom we tend to put first-we want to be readily available if they need our help. But there are times you need to tune out the distractions and forces if you're going to get any meaningful work done. One of the most effective methods l've found is to put physical barriers between us. I'll work from a conference room or even from home on accession in order to get some literal space from people needing "just one quick thing. " What may the author discuss later ?A.The author may like about the administration system. B.The author may teach the readers to make a timetable. C.The author may put forward another suggestion. D.The author may discuss the office environments.

考题 问答题Practice 4Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Since we’re now living in a society where a good education is becoming less important for a high income, the government should not encourage people to go to college any more.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

考题 单选题He thoroughly understood the society()A he had grown upB which had he grown upC in which he had grown upD he had grown up in it

考题 问答题Practice 3  For two or three candidates  I’m going to describe a situation.  You are going to look for a job. Talk together about the topics you could include when you decide to look for a particular job. Decide which 3 factors you think are most important.  * three minutes for groups of three candidates  Prompt material  Factors to consider  ●Chance of promotion  ●Salary  ●Responsibilities of post  Follow-up questions:  (1) Is salary the most important thing for you?  (2) Which one do you prefer, a well-paid job that is boring or a low-paid job that you like very much?

考题 问答题Practice 5  For two or three candidates  I’m going to describe a situation.  The retail company you work for is planning to improve its website. Talk together about some of the things that are important for the improvement of the website and decide which 3 you think are most important.  * three minutes for groups of three candidates  Prompt material  ●Contents  ●Design  ●Computer system  ●Personal firewall  Follow-up questions:  (1) Do you think a company’s website is important?  (2) Do you often surf the internet to get some useful information?  (3)What are the advantages for a company to have a website?

考题 单选题If you run through life so fast, you will ______.A lose your own treasure that you can always carry easilyB forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are goingC look down on your worthD not be afraid of the difficulties

考题 问答题Follow-up questions:  (1)Are you ready to achieve the instructed sales promotion target?  (2) Which feature do you think is the most important for sales promotion?  (3)As a young lady/guy, what kind of products attract you the most?  (4) Compared with other products, which aspect of your product do you think is better?  (5)Do you think it is wise for a company to set a low price to attract customers? Why or why not?

考题 问答题Follow up questions:  Q1: What do you think are the most important qualification considerations when you recruit a receptionist?

考题 单选题“You are too self-centered. It’s high time you _____ that you are not the most important person in the world,” Edgar said to his boss angrily.A realizedB have realizedC realizeD should realize