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更多 “【单选题】第一个使用“纪录片(Documentary)”的是英国的?,他在1926年1月的《太阳报》的评论文章中使用Documentary。A.路易.卢米埃尔B.罗伯特.弗拉哈迪C.尤里斯.伊文思D.约翰.格里尔逊” 相关考题
考题 My grandfather goes to see two________ (documentary) every month.

考题 听力原文:Our company will apply for a sight letter of credit for settlement instead of documentary collection.(10)A.Our company prefers an L/C to collection.B.Our company will apply for documentary collection.C.Our company will apply for either documentary collection or sight letter of credit according to your advice.D.Our company will adopt neither documentary collection nor letter of credit.

考题 The documentary collection provides the seller with a greater degree of protection than shipping on ______.A.documentary creditB.banker's letter of guaranteeC.banker's draftD.open account

考题 听力原文:Although banks are involved in documentary collection, they offer no bank guarantee to either the buyer or the seller.(10)A.Banks may guarantee the buyer or the seller in documentary collection.B.Banks act as agents without responsibility of guarantee on either side.C.Banks offer bank guarantee to both the buyer and the seller in documentary collection.D.Banks are only responsible for the buyer in documentary collection.

考题 Which of the following terms of payment has the least country risk?A.Revocable documentary credits.B.Confirmed Irrevocable documentary credits.C.Documentary collection D/P.D.Documentary collection D/A.

考题 Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be ( )to the draft.A. enclosedB. attachedC. togetherD. along with

考题 Under the documentary credit, which of the following is false?A.The buyer's bank will issue a documentary credit.B.The seller has his bank's undertaking to pay.C.If the seller presents the correct documents, he will be paid.D.A bank acts as an intermediary between the buyer and seller and is willing to provide trade.

考题 听力原文:ABC Company applied for a sight letter of credit for settlement instead of documentary collection.(4)A.The company changed idea.B.The company preferred an L/C to collection.C.The company did not want an L/C.D.The company applied for documentary collection.

考题 Which of the following payment terms eliminates the exchange risk, assuming the exporter invoices in foreign currency? ______.A.Confirmed irrevocable documentary creditB.Open accountC.Documentary collection D/AD.None of the above

考题 When() a documentary bill, our bank buys the bill and the documents for the face value less discount.A、we negotiatingB、negotiatedC、negotiatingD、we are negotiating

考题 documentary L/C(英译中)

考题 听力原文:Under the documentary credit, banks are in no way concerned with the sales contract on which the credit may be based.(3)A.Banks will deal with the documentary credit along with the sales contract.B.Banks take no care of the sales contract while dealing with the documentary credit.C.Documentary credit and the sales contract are both important to banks.D.Banks will care for either the documentary credit or the sales contract.

考题 跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)是凭不随附货运单据的光票(Clean Draft)付款的信用证。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 A (An) __ is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A.engine logbookB.delivery docketC.store bookletD.maintenance book

考题 The release date for the documentary film about life in America is__________ , but the producer still has a lot of work to do.A.approached B.approaching C.to approach D.approach

考题 世界上第一个使用插图新闻的日报是( )A.纽约太阳报 B.纽约时报 C.每日写真报 D.泰晤士报

考题 Akira Nakayama ____delay the filming of his documentary in the rainforest when his equipment did not arrive on schedule.A.has to B.had to C.having to D.will have to

考题 拜伦的第一本诗集《懒散的时刻》出版后,《爱丁堡评论》曾发表匿名文章对其进行讽刺挖苦,拜伦作长诗()进行回击,显示了诗人的讽刺才华并确立了他在英国文坛上的地位。

考题 拜伦的第一本诗集()出版后,《爱丁堡评论》曾发表匿名文章对其进行讽刺挖苦,拜伦作长诗()进行回击,显示了诗人的讽刺才华并确立了他在英国文坛上的地位。

考题 ()被称为英国纪录片运动的创始人。他在论述弗拉哈迪的影片《摩阿拿》时,首次使用“纪录片”这个名词。A、爱森斯坦B、库里肖夫C、雅克•贝汉D、格里逊

考题 Under documentary credit, the buyer is entitled to take delivery of the goods from the carrier or its agent before settling the payment.

考题 The UCP published by the (),contains detailed provisions dealing with the operation of documentary credit.A、CEFAB、FIATAC、BIMCOD、ICC

考题 单选题The documentary contrasted ______ criminals known for their vicious deeds with the ______ victims innocent of any wrongdoing.A virtuous, vindictiveB notorious, sinisterC infamous, despondentD righteous, inculpableE malicious, faultless

考题 判断题Under documentary credit, the buyer is entitled to take delivery of the goods from the carrier or its agent before settling the payment.A 对B 错

考题 单选题A(n)() is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A informative noteB consignment noteC store bookletD maintenance book

考题 单选题A(n)() is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts.A informative noteB invoiceC store bookletD maintenance book

考题 单选题A is the documentary attestation for the delivery of stores and spare parts()A engine logbookB delivery docketC store bookletD maintenance book

考题 单选题Documentary Collection is to be made with the documents to be()to the draft.A enclosedB attachedC togetherD alongwith