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6、人们对事故的回顾,总结了导致事故的主要原因包括: 1. I didn’t think 我没有想过 2. I didn’t see 我没有看到 3. I didn’t know 我并不知道 4. I didn’t ask 我没有问过





对 1 再现性人们根据对过去事故所积累的经验和知识以及对事故规律的认识并使用科学的方法和手段可以对未来可能发生的事故进行预测。 2 事故的偶然性、必然性和规律性事故预测就是在认识事故发生规律的基础上充分了解掌握各种可能导致事故发生的危险因素以及它们的因果关系推断它们发展演变的状况和可能产生的后果。事故预测的目的在于识别和控制危险预先采取对策最大限度地减少事故发生的可能性。——预测性
更多 “6、人们对事故的回顾,总结了导致事故的主要原因包括: 1. I didn’t think 我没有想过 2. I didn’t see 我没有看到 3. I didn’t know 我并不知道 4. I didn’t ask 我没有问过A.1,2B.1,2,3C.1,3,4D.1,2,3,4” 相关考题
考题 - Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. -(). A、There's no problemB、It's a pleasureC、That's quite all rightD、I didn't realize that

考题 Lisa: You look great. Any good news?Alex: I just came back from my vacation.Lisa: Wow, ! Maybe I should take a vacation,_________too.A. I didn't see itB. good for youC. I didn't find itD. hard to believe

考题 Ⅴ. Daily Conversation (15 points)Directions: Pick out the appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogues by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.A. I know he won't.B. I will if I have time.C. I didn't know he is iii.D. I have seen it twice.E. That's too early.F. I didn't see it.G. Easier said than done.H. I don't think you have the chance.56. Joe: Do you think Mr. Smith will change his mind?Pat: ______

考题 I _____my breakfast at 8, but_____ I lunch yet. .A. had, haven't hadB. had, didn't haveC. have had, didn't have

考题 -Do you know who telephoned me? -(). A、I heard it was SallyB、Yes, I remember it nowC、No, I didn’t phone youD、Yes, I know you well

考题 —Did you see the car before it hit you — () A、No, I didn't.B、There was no car.C、Yes, I didn't see it.

考题 I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning, so I think she ( ) at the meeting. A、shouldn't have spokenB、needn't have spokenC、mustn’t have spokenD、couldn’t have spoken

考题 I didn't see anyone there. A.Right.B.Wrong.

考题 I didn’t know you() a previous supplier.A、 wereB、 beC、 are

考题 A:I didn't have time for lunch today.B:I didn't_________A. neitherB. tooC. either

考题 Jessica:I got home very late last night. I hope I didn't disturb you.Landlady:______A、No. I heard a lot of noiseB、Yes, I didn't hear any noiseC、Yes. I didn't hear youD、No. I didn't hear a thing

考题 I ______ see you, but I didn't, for I had no time. A、had wanted toB、has wanted toC、wantedD、was wanted

考题 我没与坐我旁边的人多讲话。I didn't talk________ ________the man________ nexr to me.

考题 -- Ann is in hospital.-- Oh, really? I __ know. I __ go and visit her.A. didn’t; am going to B. don’t; wouldC. don’t; will D. didn't; will

考题 --Why didn't you buy it?--I ______, but I didn't have the money.A. wouldB. would haveC. had hadD. had bought

考题 I didn't know the answer,__.A.neither he did B.neither did he C.neither he knew D.he didn't neither

考题 Not until I began to work__how much time I had wasted.A.didn't I realize B.did I realize C.I didn't realize D.I realized

考题 I didn't ignore her intentionally—I just didn't recognize her.A:sufficiently B:noticeably C:deliberately D:absolutely

考题 —She‘s broken her arm again. —Again I______she_______ever broken it before.A.don‘t know;has B.didn’t know;had C.didn‘t know;has D.hadn’t know;would

考题 — Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital. — Oh, really? I(). I() visit her.A、didn’t know;will go toB、don’t know;will go toC、didn’t know;am going toD、haven’t known;am goingt o

考题 英译汉:Sorry,I didn’t quite follow you.对不起,我不太明白。

考题 Nice to see you. I()you for a long time.A、haven't seenB、didn't seeC、hadn't seenD、don't see

考题 单选题I didn't know which was the better, so I took them _____.A allB eachC noneD both

考题 判断题英译汉:Sorry,I didn’t quite follow you.对不起,我不太明白。A 对B 错

考题 单选题I didn’t know anything about the attributive clause, for I _____ my lesson.A had not studiedB didn’t studyC have not studiedD don’t study

考题 单选题—Hi! Where are you going? See what the sign _____!—Sorry, I _____ it.A speaks; don’t noticeB says; don’t noticeC speaks; didn’t noticeD says; didn’t notice

考题 单选题I didn’t answer the phone _____ I didn’t hear it ring.A ifB unlessC althoughD because

考题 填空题开始我不太喜欢这个工作。I didn’t like the job very much ____.