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以下代码中的print_menu()函数是哪种分类 def print_menu(): print('--------------------------') print(' xx涮涮锅 点菜系统') print(' 1. 羊肉涮涮锅') print(' 2. 牛肉涮涮锅') print(' 3. 猪肉涮涮锅') print('--------------------------') print_menu()





更多 “以下代码中的print_menu()函数是哪种分类 def print_menu(): print('--------------------------') print(' xx涮涮锅 点菜系统') print(' 1. 羊肉涮涮锅') print(' 2. 牛肉涮涮锅') print(' 3. 猪肉涮涮锅') print('--------------------------') print_menu()A.无参无返回值函数B.无参有返回值函数C.有参无返回值函数D.有参有返回值函数” 相关考题
考题 已知:print( )函数是一个类的常成员函数,且无返回值。在下列表示中,正确的是( ) Avoid print( ) const;Bconst void print( );Cvoid print( );Dvoid print(const);

考题 设x=4,y=6,则以下不能在窗体上显示出“A=10”的语句是( )。A.Print A=x+yB.Print"A=";x+yC.Print "A="+Str(x+y)D.Print"A="x+y

考题 使"Microsoft"在当前窗体上输出的语句是( )。A.Picture.Print "Microsoft"B.Print "Microsoft"C.Printer. Print "Microsoft"D.Debug.Print "Microsoft"

考题 (15)以下不能输出“Program”的语句是( )。A)Print Mid("VBProgram", 3, 7)B)Print Right("VBProgram", 7)C)Print Mid("VBProgram", 3)D)Print Left("VBProgram", 7)

考题 下列块结构条件语句,正确的是( )。A.If x>10 Then print"a" Else if x>5 Then print"b" Else if x<5 Then print"c" End ifB.if x>10 Then print"a" Else if x>5 Print"b" Else Print"c" End ifC.If x>10 Then print"a" Else if x>5 Then print"b" Else x<5 Then Print"c" End ifD.If x>10 Then Print"a" Else if x>5 Then print"b: Else Print"c" End if

考题 (12)用Print方法在Form1窗体中显示4个#号的正确代码为 A.Debug.Print"####" B.Print####C.Form1_Print#### D.Form1.Print"####"

考题 (19)如果A为整数且|A|=10,则打印“OK”,否则打印“Error”,表示这个条件的单行格式If语句是 A.If Int(A)=A And Sqr(A)=10 Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error” B.If Fix(a)=A And Abs(a)=10 Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error” C.If Int(A)=A And (A=10 ,A=-10) Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error” D.If Fix(A)=A And A=10, Abs A=-10 Then Print“OK”Else Print “Error

考题 在Windows中,若将整个屏幕存入剪贴板中,可以按( )。A.Atl+Print Screen键B.Ctrl+Print Screen键C.Print Screen键D.Shift+Print Screen键

考题 用Print方法在Form1窗体中显示出4个#号的正确代码为( )。A.Debug.Print"####"B.Print ####C.Form1 Print ####D.Form1.Print"####"

考题 如果A为整数且,|A|>=10,则打印“OK”,否则打印“Error”,表示这个条件的单行格式If语句是( )。A.If Int(A)=A And Sqr(A)>=10 Then Print"OK"Else Print "Error"B.If Fix(A)=a And Abs(A)>=-10 Then Print"OK"Else Print "Error"C.If Int(A)=A And(A>=10,A<-10) Then Print"OK"Else Print "Error"D.If Fix(A)=A And A>=10,And A<=-10 Then Print"OK" Else Print "Error"

考题 以下不能输出“Program”的语句是A.Print Mid(”VBProgram”,3,7)B.Print Right(”VBProgram”,7)C.Print Mid(”VBProgram”,3)D.Print Left(”VBProgram”,7)

考题 下列选项中,合法的变量名是______。A.PrintB.Print#1C.Print1D.9Print1

考题 已知x代表某个百分制成绩,下列程序段用于显示对应的五级制成绩,正确的是( )A.If x>=60 Then Print"及格" Else If x>=70 Then Print"中" Else If x>=80 Then Print"良" Else If x>=90 Then Print"优" Else Print"不及格" End IfB.If x<90 Then Print"良" Else If x<80 Then Print"中" Else If x<70 Then Print"及格" Else If x<60 Then Print"不及格" Else Print"优" End IfC.If x>=90 then Print"优" Else If x>=80 Then Print"良" Else If x>=70 Then Print"中" Else If x>=60 Then Print"及格" Else Print"不及格" End If End SelectD.Select Case x Case x>=90 Print"优" Case x>=80 Print"良" Case x>=70 Print"中" Case x>=60 Print"及格" Case Else Print"不及格"

考题 下列不正确的语句是A.Print a=10+20B.Print "a=";10+20C.Print "a"="10+20"D.Print a=;10+20

考题 以下能够正确退出循环的是( )。A.Print Not(3+54+6)B.Print 21 And 32C.Print 12 Or 23D.Print Not(12)

考题 如果x为整数且|x|>=100,则打印“OK”,否则打印“Error”,表示这个条件的单行格式 If语句是A.If Int((x)=x And Sqr(x)>=100 Then Print "OK" Else Print "Error"B.If Fix(x)=x And Abs(x)>=100 Then Print"OK"Else Print"Error"C.If Int(x)=x And (x>=100,x<=-100)Then Print"OK"Else Print"Error"D.If Fix(x)=x And x>=100 And x<=-100 Then Print "OK" Else Print "Error"

考题 用Print方法在Form1窗体中显示出四个星号的正确代码为()。A.Print"****"B.Form1_Print"****"C.Form1.Print"****"

考题 a=10,b=6,以下语句不能在当前窗体中输出“a+b=16"的是______。A.Print"a+b=";a+bB.Print a+b=16C.Print"a+b=" a+bD.Print "a+b="Str(a+B)

考题 在Python3中,对于一个列表l=["Hello","World"],以下哪些语句可以正常输出"HelloWorld"。()A、print("".join(l))B、print(l.join(""))C、print(*l,sep="")D、print(l)

考题 在windows98中活动窗口打印的快捷键是()。A、Ctrl+Print ScreenB、Shift+Print ScreenC、Alt+Print ScreenD、Print Screen

考题 Which of the following services processes print requests and sends them to the printer?()A、Printer DriverB、Print SpoolerC、Printer ServiceD、Print Properties

考题 对echo(),print(),print_r()的区别叙述不正确的是()。A、Echo是语句,没有返回值B、Print是函数,有返回值C、Print_r可以输出基本变量及符合变量的内容D、三者都能输出变量,echo和print一样,print_r可以输出复合变量的内容

考题 在visualbasic中,输入PRINT语句时,不论输入“PRINT”还是“print”,visualbasic都会转换为Print。

考题 要查看一个结构类型变量的值,可以使用函数()A、Print()B、print()C、Print_r()D、print_r()

考题 判断题在visualbasic中,输入PRINT语句时,不论输入“PRINT”还是“print”,visualbasic都会转换为Print。A 对B 错

考题 单选题已知函数print()没有返回值,如果在类中将之声明为常成员函数,正确的是(  )。A void print()const;B const void print();C void const print();D void print(const);

考题 单选题An Information Technology (IT) staff has many calls from users who are unable to print or who lose print jobs.  After investigation, the IT staff has determined that the print spooler is stopping sporadically.  Which of the following actions in IBM Director would best resolve the issue?()A Create an Event Action Plan to monitor the NT Event Log for Print Spooler errors.Set a task to restart the print spooler when stopped.Apply this plan to print servers.B Using Event Management, create an Event Action Plan with a print spooler filter and set a task to restart the print spooler when stopped.  Apply this plan to print servers.C Using Resource Manager, create a threshold to monitor the print spooler queue.Create an Event Action Plan with a print spooler filter and set a task to restart the print spooler when the queue gets above 10 jobs.Apply this plan to print servers.D Using Process Management, create a threshold to monitor to set an error condition when the print spooler has stopped.Create an Event Action Plan using this filter and create a task to restart the print spooler when stopped. Apply plan to print servers.

考题 单选题已知:print()函数是一个类的常成员函数,它无返回值,下列表示中,()是正确的。A void print()constB const void print()C void const print()D void print(const)