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请例举三个与中国传统文化息息相关的汉字,并阐述它们的造字方法和文化涵义。Please cite three Chinese characters as examples that are closely related to traditional Chinese culture, and elaborate their creation-methods and cultural meaning.

更多 “请例举三个与中国传统文化息息相关的汉字,并阐述它们的造字方法和文化涵义。Please cite three Chinese characters as examples that are closely related to traditional Chinese culture, and elaborate their creation-methods and cultural meaning.” 相关考题
考题 Chinese people are pride of their culture.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 He ________ a system to put Chinese characters into computers. A. arrangedB. droppedC. protestedD. devised

考题 Can you tell me the difference between traditional Chinese medicine and_ w__________ medicine?

考题 Local dramas are a ( ) part of Chinese culture. A.necessaryB.needC.requiredD.inquired

考题 Chinese()are not written with an alphabet, making it very hard for a lot of A、namesB、foodsC、characteristicsD、characters

考题 The traditional , primary relationship in a Chinese family is usually that between_____. A、husband and wifeB、father and childrenC、parents and childrenD、teacher and students

考题 “中国画”的英文是( )。A.Chinese paintingB.Chinese oil paintingC.Chinese painting utensilD.Chinese handicraft

考题 Local dramas are the()part of Chinese culture.A.necessaryB.needC.requiredD.inquired

考题 Traditional chinese medical doctors usually ________ illnesses by first looking at the color of the patient’s tongue and face. A.stutterB.adoptC.diagnoseD.tailor

考题 The teahouse is very popular in China.It is a place for the Chinese people to have tea.There are many other names for it, such as Chalou and Chating.Although the names are different, they have similar forms and contents.Small teahouses existed long before in China.During the Song Dynasty, Chasi and Chafang were places where tea was sold.During the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu people from high society often spent their time in teahouses.As a result, teahouses became important meeting places for people from all walks of life.To the Chinese people, teahouses are similar to the cafés in western countries.They are social places.People gather and spread all kinds of social information; customers taste tea and talk about news and daily things there.In order to attract customers, some teahouses build stages for shows like Chinese drumming, Storytelling and Beijing Opera.The rise of teahouses is closely related with Chinese tea culture.After several thousand years of development, the teahouse has become a part of life for the Chinese people.Now, those who come to Beijing will be attracted to the famous teahouses to experience Chinese tea culture.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each statement based on Passage A.21.The teahouse is a place for the Chinese people to ______ tea.A.processB.buyC.sellD.drink22.______ was a place to sell tea.A.ChalouB.ChafangC.ChatingD.Chatan23.Finally, teahouses became important meeting places for ______.A.all kinds of peopleB.important peopleC.upper classD.the Manchu people24.The word “similar to” means ______.A.different fromB.the same asC.close toD.related to25.People come to teahouses not to ________.A.share social informationB.taste teaC.eatD.chat

考题 The principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine best illustrate _________ of Chinese people. A.the synthetic way of thinkingB.the analytic way of thinkingC. the concrete way of thinkingD.the abstract way of thinking

考题 Yourcompanyhastwooffices.AllserversrunWindowsServer2003ServicePack2(SP2).Therelevantportionofthenetworkisconfiguredasshownintheexhibit.(ClicktheExhibitbutton.)wwwwww...EExxxaammkkkiiinngggsss...cccoomm|English|Chinese(Traditional)|Chinese(Simplified)|-8-ExamKingsInformationCo.,Ltd.Allrightsreserved.YouneedtoensurethatServer1cancommunicatewithWebserversontheInternet.WhichdefaultgatewayshouldyouassigntoServer1?()A.

考题 第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Born in America , I spoke English ,not Chinese ,the language of my ancestors . When I was three . my parents flashed cards with Chinese 36 at my face , but I pused them 37 ,my mom believed I would learn 38 I was ready .But the 39 never came. On a Chinese New Year’s Eve , my uncle spoke to me in Chinese , but all I could do was 40 at him , confused , scratching my head . “ Still can’t speak Chinese?” He 41 me , “You can’t even buy a fish in Chinatown .” “Hey ,this is America , not Chinese.I’ll get some 42 with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for 43 . “Remenber to ask for fresh fish , Xin Xian Yu ,” she said ,handing over a $20 bill .I 44 the words running downstairs into the srreets of Chinatown. I found the fish 45 surrounded in a sea of customers . “I’d like to buy some fresh fish ,” I should to the fishman .But he 46 my Engish words and turned to serve the next customer .The laugh of the people behind increased 47 their impatience . With every 48 , the breath of the dragons (龙)on my back grew stronger—my blood boliing— 49 me to cry out . “Xian Sheng Yu ,please ” “Very Xian Sheng ,” I repeated .The crowd erupted into laughter . My face turned 50 and I ran back home 51 , execpt for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket . Should I laugh or cry They ‘re Chinese . I should feel right at 52 . Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language. Sometimes , I laugh at my fish 53 , but , in the end .the joke is on 54 . Every laugh is a culture 55 ; every laugh is my heritage (传统)fading away.36 A. custorn B. games C .characters . D. language

考题 From the passage we can conclude that______.A. different people have different ideas about the same thingB. Westerners culture is similar to our Chinese cultureC. in general, Westerners and the Chinese don't like pigsD. all of the Chinese like pigs better than Westerners

考题 We should give our guests some art crafts authentically Chinese so that they could better understand Chinese culture.A: genuinely B: elegantly C: intentionally D: thoroughly

考题 Write about the following topic: In recent years, the Chinese Culture Yearhas frequently been held by our government in different parts of the world,such as Australia, Italy, Turkey, etc. What do you think about it? Please writea composition entitled "The Impact of the Chinese Culture Year".You′re supposed to write about 180 words or so.

考题 中国青年志愿者英文名是()。A、Chinese Young Volunteers organizationB、chinese youth volunteers AssociasionC、Chinese Young Volunteers AssociasionD、chinese youth volunteers Party

考题 单选题Mr. Black said the local bird was an interpreter because ______A the three Chinese birds didn’t know EnglishB it was different from the Chinese birdsC he was making a joke

考题 问答题Speaking at the Third Joint Meeting of the Chinese Physics Societies held in Hong Kong recently, Nobel Laureate Prof Yang Chen-ning talked in particular about how Chinese culture—or Eastern cultures in general — would affect the development of science in the 21st century. To him, the issue will be an extremely complex one. On the one hand, Eastern societies traditionally value education and family ties, attaching great importance to the upbringing of their young. Among scientists and technologists worldwide, said Prof Yang, those of Asian origin would undoubtedly emerge as a vital contingent with their distinctive contributions to the rapid advancements in high technologies. On the other hand, Eastern people differ from Westerners in some cultural traits, Prof Yang pointed out. For example, physicists in the United States are generally bolder in putting forward fresh views and challenging existing authorities. And almost all scientists there are “aggressive”, said the Nobel Laureate. The epithet has no Chinese equivalent, he noted, probably because “aggressive” ways and attitudes are missing in Chinese culture.

考题 填空题When we ____ (比较) western culture with Chinese culture, you’ll find many differences.

考题 单选题Taipei is a city of many faces, ________ you can experience a typical urban lifestyle and understand the traditional spirit of Chinese culture.A howB whenC whereD why

考题 单选题Chinese culture and Japanese culture have a lot _____.A in factB in sightC in commonD in touch

考题 填空题John not only learnt Chinese but also (know) ____ the difference between his culture and ours.

考题 单选题Chinese characters need ______.A three and four-key combinationsB English keyboardsC different computersD Western-style keyboards

考题 问答题练习3  The traditional Chinese hospitality requires food diversity, so that guests will be full before eating up all the dishes. A typical Chinese banquet menu includes cold dishes served at the beginning, followed by hot dishes, such as meat, poultry, vegetables, etc. At most banquets, the whole fish is considered to be essential, unless various Kinds of seafood have been served already. Today, Chinese people would like to combine Western specialties with traditional Chinese dishes. Therefore, it is not rare to see steak being served as well. Salad is gaining popularity, although traditionally the Chinese people generally do not eat any food without cooking. There is usually at least a bowl of soup, served at the beginning or in the end of the dinner party. Desserts and fruit usually mark the end of the feast.

考题 单选题The teacher told the children that the Chinese culture _____ one of the oldest cultures in the world.A isB wasC had beenD has been

考题 填空题(Work) ____ as a team, the foreign and Chinese engineers cooperated closely and successfully.

考题 单选题—The six students from Lianyungang got first prize in the Chinese Characters Dictation Competition in Jiangsu.—______ exciting news it is!A WhatB HowC What anD How an