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假设整型数据占4个字节,指针占4个字节,则类对象实例b所占用的存储空间大小是() class Base   { public: virtual void f1() { cout << "Base::f1()" << endl; } int _base; }; int main() { Base b; b._base = 1; cout << sizeof(b) << endl; return 0; }





更多 “假设整型数据占4个字节,指针占4个字节,则类对象实例b所占用的存储空间大小是() class Base   { public: virtual void f1() { cout << "Base::f1()" << endl; } int _base; }; int main() { Base b; b._base = 1; cout << sizeof(b) << endl; return 0; }A.4B.8C.12D.16” 相关考题
考题 有以下程序: included using namespace std; class Base { public: Base( ) { x=0; } 有以下程序:included<iostream>using namespace std;class Base{public:Base( ){x=0;}int x;};class Derived1:virtual public Base{public:Derived1( ){x=10;}};class Derived2:virtual public Base{public:Derived2( ){x=20;}};class Derived: public Derived1,protected Derived2{ };int main( ){Derived obj;cout<<obj. x<<endl;return 0;}该程序运行后的输出结果是______。

考题 以下程序的执行结果是【】。 include using namespace std; class base { public: virmal 以下程序的执行结果是【 】。include<iostream>using namespace std;class base{public:virmal void who(){cout<<"Base Class"<<endl;)};class Derivedl:public Base{public:virtual void who(){cout<<"Derivedl Class"<<endl;}};class derived2:public Base{public:virtual void who(){cout<<"Derived2 Class"<<endl;)};int main(int argc,char*argv[]){base obj1,*P;deliVedl obj2;derived2 obj3;p=obj1; p->who();p=obj2; p->who();p=obj3; p->who();return 0;}

考题 下面程序的运行结果是#includeclass base{protected:int a;public:base(){ cout ”0”;}class basel:virtual base}public:base 1(){cout ”1”;}};class base2:virtual base{public:base2(){cout ”2”;(};class derived:public base1,public base2{public:derived(){cout ”3”;}};void main(){derived obj;cout }A.0123B.3120C.0312D.3012

考题 下面程序的运行结果是 include class base{ protected: int a; public: base( ) {c 下面程序的运行结果是#include<iostream.h>class base{protected:int a;public:base( ) {cout < < "0";}};class base l: virtual base{public:base l ( ) {cout < <"1";}};class base 2: virtual base{public:base2 ( ) {cout < <"2";}};class derived: public base 1, public base2{public:derived( ) {cout < < "3";}};void main( ){derive obj;cout < < endl;}A.0123B.3120C.0312D.3012

考题 有以下程序:include using namespace std;class Base{public: Base(){} virtual void 有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base(){} virtual void f1() { cout<<"f1 of base"<<end1; } ~Base(){} }; class Derive: public Base { public: void fl(int x) { cout<<"f1 of derive"<<end1; } }; int main ( ) { Base *p; Derive obj1; p=obj 1; p->f1 ( ); return 0; }A.编译时出错B.f1 of deriveC.f1 of baseD.以上答案都不对

考题 有如下程序: include using namespace std; class base { public:virtual void f1(){ 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: virtual void f1() { cout<<"F1Base"; } virtual void f2() { cout<<"F2Base "; } }; class derive : public base { void f1 ( ) { cout<<"F1Derive"; } void f2( int x ) { cout<<"F2 Derive"; } }; int main () { base objl, * p; derive obj2; p = obj2; p -> f1(); p -> f2(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是( )。A.F1Derive F2BaseB.F1Derive F2DeriveC.F1Base F2BaseD.F1Base F2Derive

考题 有如下程序:includeusing namespace std;class Base{public:Base(int x=0){cout 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Base{ public: Base(int x=0){cout<<x;} }; class Derived:public Base{ public: Derived(int x=0){cout<<x;} private: Base val; }; int main( ){ Derived d(1); return 0; } 程序的输出结果是A.0B.1C.01D.001

考题 有如下程序:include using namespace std;class Base{ public: void fun() { cout 有如下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: void fun() { cout<<"Base::fun"<<endl; } }; class Derived : public Base { public: void fun() { ______ cout<<"Derived::fun"<<endl; } }; int main() { Derived d; d.fun(); return 0; } 已知其执行后的输出结果为: Base::fun Derived::fun 则程序中下划线处应填入的语句是( )。A.Base.fun();B.Base::fun();C.Base->fun();D.fun();

考题 下列程序的运行结果是______。include class Base { public: void f(int x){cout 下列程序的运行结果是______。include<iostream.h>class Base{public:void f(int x){cout<<“Base:”<<x<<endl;});class Derived:public Base{public:void f(char*str){cout<<“Derived:”<<str<<endl;}};void main(void){Base*pd=ne

考题 下面程序的输出结果是【】。include using namespace std; class base { protected: int 下面程序的输出结果是【 】。include <iostream>using namespace std;class base{protected:int a;public:base(){cout<<"0":}};class basel: virtual public base{public:base1(){ cout<<"1";}};class base2 : virtual public base{public:base2(){cout<<"2";}};class derived : public base1,public base2{public:derived () {cout<<"3"; }}int main (){derived obj;cout<<end1;return 0;}

考题 有以下程序 include using namespace std; class Base { int a; public: Base(int x) 有以下程序include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{int a;public:Base(int x){ a=x; }void show(){ cout<<a; }class Derived : public Base{int b;public:Derived(int i) :Base(i+1),b(i){}void show() { cout<<b;};int main (){Base b(5),*pb;Derived d(1);pb=d;pb->show ();return 0;}运行后的打印结果是______。

考题 以下程序的执行结果是______。 include class base { public: virtual void who(){c 以下程序的执行结果是______。include<iostream.h>class base{public:virtual void who(){cout<<"base class"<<endl:}};class derrvel:public base{public:void who(){cout<<"derivel class"<<endl:}};class derive2;public base{public:void who() {cout<<"derive2 class"<<endl;}};void main(){base obj1,*P;derive1 obj2;derive2 obj3:p=obj1;p->who();p=obj2:p->who();p=obj3;p->who();}

考题 将下面程序补充完整。 include using namespace std; class Base{ public: 【 】fun(){r 将下面程序补充完整。include <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{public:【 】 fun(){return 0;} //声明虚函数};class Derived:public Base{public:x,y;void SetVal(int a,int b){}int fun(){return x+y;}};void 【 】 SetVal(int a,int b){x=a;y=b;} //类Derived成员函数void main(){Derived d;cout<<d.fun()<<endl;}

考题 请阅读下述代码,写出程序执行的结果#include iostreamusing namespace std;class CBase{public:virtual void print(){cout "base" endl;}void DoPrint(){print();}};class CChild1: public CBase{public:virtual void print(){cout "child1" endl;}};class CChild2: pu{public:virtual void pri{cout "chil}};void DoPrint(CB{base-DoPrint}void main(){CBase* base =CChild1* childCChild2* childDoPrint(child1DoPrint(child2DoPrint(base);delete base;base = child1;base-print();delete child1;delete child2;}

考题 使用VC6打开考生文件夹下的工程test8_1,此工程包含一个源程序文件test8_l.cpp,但该程序运行有问题,请改正程序中的错误,使程序的输出结果如下:f1 function of derivef2 function of basef4 function of base源程序文件test8_1.cpp清单如下;include<iostream.h>class base{public:/*********found**********/void f1(){cout<<"f1 function of base"<<endl;}virtual void f2(){cout<<"f2 function of base"<<endl;)virtual void f3(){cout<<"f3 function of base"<<endl;)void f4(){cout<<"f4 function of base"<<endl;)};/*******+*found**********/class derive::public base{void f1(){cout<<"f1 function of derive"<<endl;)void f2(int X){cout<<"f2 function of derive"<<endl;)void f4(){cout<<"f4 function of derive"<<endl;)};void main(){base *p;derive obj2;/******+**found**********/p=obj2;p->fl();p->f2();p->f4();}

考题 有如下程序includeusing namespace std;class base{public:virtual void f1(){cout 有如下程序 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class base { public: virtual void f1() { cout<<"F1Base"; } virtual void f2() { cout<<"F2Base"; } }; class derive:public base { void f1() { cout<<"F1 Derive"; } void f2(int x) { cout<<"F2 Derive"; } }; int main() { base obj1,*p; derive obj2; p= obj2; p->f1(); p->f2(); return (); ) 执行后的输出结果是( )。A.F1Derive F2BaseB.F1Derive F2DeriveC.F1Base F2BaseD.F1Base F2Derive

考题 以下程序执行结果是 ( )。include class Base{public virtual void fun() {cout 以下程序执行结果是 ( )。 #include <iostream.h> class Base { public virtual void fun() { cout<<"B"; } }; class Derived { public: Derived() { cout<<"D"; } virtual void fun(){ Base::fun(); cout<<"C"; } } int main () { Base *ptr; Derived obj; ptr=obj; p->fun ( ); return 0; }A.DBCB.DCBC.BDCD.CBD

考题 有如下程序include using namespace std;class base{public:virtual void f1(){cout 有如下程序#include <iostream>using namespace std;class base{public: virtual void f1() { cout<<"F1Base "; } virtual void f2() { cout<<"F2Base "; }};class derive: public base{ void f1() { cout<<"F1Derive "; } void f2( int x ) { cout<<"F2Derive "; }};int main(){ base obj1, * p; derive obj2; p = obj2; p -> f1(); p -> f2(); return 0;} 执行后的输出结果是A.F1Derive F2BaseB.F1Derive F2DeriveC.F1Base F2BaseD.F1Base F2Derive

考题 有如下程序: include using namespace std; class Base { public: 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: void fun() { cout<<"Base::fun"<<endl; } }; class Derived: public Base { public: void tim() } ____________ cout<<"Derived:: fun"<<endl; } }; int main() { Derived d; d.fun(); return O; } 已知其执行后的输出结果为: Base::fun Derived::fun 则程序中下划线处应填入的语句是A.Base.fun();B.Base::fun();C.Base->fun();D.fun();

考题 若有以下程序:include using namespace std;class Base{public:Base (){x=0;}int x;} 若有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Base { public: Base () { x=0; } int x; }; class Derived1 : virtual public Base { public: Derived1 () { x=10; } }; class Derived2 : virtual public Base { public: Derived2 () { x=20; } }; class Derived : public Derived1,protected Derived2{ }; int main() { Derived obi; cout<<obj.x<<endl; return 0; } 该程序运行后的输出结果是A.20B.30C.10D.0

考题 有如下程序:nclude using namespace std;class Base{public:void fun1() {cout 有如下程序:#nclude <iostream>using namespace std;class Base{ public:void fun1() {cout << "Base\n"; }virtual void fun2() {cout << "Base\n"; }};class Derived: public Base{ public:void fun1() {cout << "Derived\n"; }void fun2() {cout << "Derived\n"; }} void f(Base b) { B. fun1(); B. fun2(); }int main(){Derived obj;f(obj);return 0;}A.Base BaseB.Base DerivedC.Derived BaseD.Derived Derived

考题 有如下程序: #includeiostream using namespace std; classBase{ public: void fun{ __________________ cout”Base::fun”endl;} }; class Derived:public Base{ public: voidfun{ cout”Derived::fun”endl: } }; int main{ Derived d; A fun; return 0; } 已知其执行后的输出结果为: Base::fun Derived::fun 则程序中下画线处应填入的语句是( )。A. Base.fun;B.Base::fun;C.Base—fun;D.fun;

考题 下面程序的运行结果是( )。 #includeiostream.h class base{ protected: int a; public: base{cout”0”;} }; class basel:virtual base{ public: basel{cout”1”;} }; class base2:virtual base i public: base2{cout”2”;} }; class derived:public basel,public base2{ public: derived{cout”3”;} }; void main derived obj; coutendl:A.0123B.3120C.0312D.3012

考题 下面程序的运行结果是includeclass base{protected: int a;public: base(){cout 下面程序的运行结果是 #include<iostream.h> class base{ protected: int a; public: base(){cout <<"0";} }; class basel:virtual base{ public: basel () {cout <<"1";} }; class base2:virtual base{ public: base2(){cout <<"2";} }; class derived:public basel,public base2{ public: derived(){cout <<"3";} }; void main() { derived obj; cout <<end1; }A.123B.3120C.312D.3012

考题 有如下程序includeusing nameSpace std;class base{public:vinual void f1() { cout 有如下程序 #include<iostream> using nameSpace std; class base { public: vinual void f1() { cout<<"F1 Base"; } virtual void f2() { cout<<"F2Base"; } }; class derive:public base { void f1() { cout<<"F1Derive"; } void f2(int x) { cout<<"F2Derive"; } }; int main() { base obj1,*p; derive obj2; p=obj2; p—>f1(); p—>f2(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.F1Derive F2BaseB.F1Derive F2DeriveC.F1Base F2BaseD.F1Base F2Derive

考题 下列程序的输出结果是______。 include using namespace std; class base { public: in 下列程序的输出结果是______。include<iostream>using namespace std;class base{public:int n;base(int x){n=x;}virtual void set(int m){n=m;cout<<n<<'';}};class deriveA:public base{public:deriveA(int x):base(x){}void set(int m){n+=m;cout<<n<<'';}};class deriveB:public base{public:deriveB(int x):base(x){}void set(int m){n+=m;cout<<n<<'';}};int main( ){deriveA d1(1);deriveB.d2(3);base*pbase;pbase=d1;pbase->set(1);pbase=d2;pbase->set(2);return 0;}

考题 下列程序的运行结果是______。 include class Base { public: virtual void func(int 下列程序的运行结果是______。include<iostream.h>class Base{public:virtual void func(int i){cout<<"class Base:"<<i<<end1;)};class Derived: public Base{public:void func(double d){cout<<"class Derived:"<<d<<endl;}};void main( ){Base a,*p=a;Derived b;p=b;(*p).func(3.3);}

考题 下列程序的输出结果是______。 include class base { int x,y; public: base(int i,i 下列程序的输出结果是______。include<iostream.h>class base{int x,y;public:base(int i,int j){x=i;y=j;}virtual int add( ){return x+y;}};class three:public base{int z;public:three(int i,int j,int k):base(i,j){z=k;)int add( ){return(base::add( )+z);}};void main( ){three*q=new three(10,20,30);cout<<q->add( )<<endl;}