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85、下列代码的运行结果是____ 、____ a=set([1,2]) b=set([1,3]) print(a&b) print(a|b)

更多 “85、下列代码的运行结果是____ 、____ a=set([1,2]) b=set([1,3]) print(ab) print(a|b)” 相关考题
考题 以下PHP代码运行的结果是什么?( )?phpdefine(myvalue,’10’);$myarray[10]=’dog’;$myarray[]=’human’;$myarray[‘myvalue’] = ‘cat’;$myarray[‘doy’]=’cat’;print ‘the value is:’;print $myarray[myvalue]; A.the value is :dogB.the value is :catC.the value is :humanD.the value is :10

考题 You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer that has a shared printer. Several departments in your company use the shared printer.The Sales department frequently prints multiple-page presentation graphics, which take a long time to print. Users in other departments who have short messages to print must wait an unnecessarily long time for their jobs to print.You want to improve the efficiency of printing for all users who use the shared printer. You want to accomplish this with the least amount of administrative effort.What should you do?A.Configure the priority of the printer to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 1. For the new printer, deny print permission for users in the Sales department.B.Configure the priority of the printer to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 99. For the new printer, deny print permissions for users in the Sales department.C.Monitor the print queue and raise the priority of all print jobs that are sent by users who are not members of the Sales department.D.Delete the old printer. Add a new printer, and set the priority to a higher value. Pause the print queue only when graphic intensive print jobs are printing.

考题 ( 19 )阅读下列代码public class Test2005{public static void main(String args[]){String s= ″ Test ″ ;Switch(s){case ″ Java ″ : System.out.print( ″ Java ″ ) ;break ;case ″ Language ″ : System.out.print( ″ Language ″ ) ;break ;case ″ Test ″ : System.out.print( ″ Test ″ ) ;break ;}}}其运行结果是A ) JavaB ) LanguageC ) TestD )编译出错

考题 使用SET DEVICE TO PRINT可以设将结果送至打印机输出。() A.错误B.正确

考题 importjava.util.*;classKeyMaster{publicinti;publicKeyMaster(inti){this.i=i;}publicbooleanequals(Objecto){returni==((KeyMaster)o).i;}publicinthashCode(){returni;}}publicclassMapIt{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Setset=newHashSet();KeyMasterk1=newKeyMaster(1);KeyMasterk2=newKeyMaster(2);set.add(k1);set.add(k1);set.add(k2);set.add(k2);System.out.print(set.size()+:”);k2.i=1;System.out.print(set.size()+:”);set.remove(k1);System.out.print(set.size()+:”);set.remove(k2);System.out.print(set.size());}}Whatistheresult?()

考题 阅读以下说明C++代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]本程序实现了雇员信息管理功能,其中封装了雇员信息及其设置、修改、删除操作。已知当输入为“Smith 31 2960.0”时,程序的输出是:姓名:Smith 年龄:31 工资:2960姓名:Smith 年龄:31 工资:3500姓名:Mary 年龄:23 工资:2500[C++程序]include <iostream.h>include <string.h>class employee{char *name; //雇员姓名short age; //年龄float salary;//工资public:employee();void set_name(char *);void set_age(short a) {age=a;}void set_salary(float s) {salary=s;}(1);~ employee(){delete[] name;}};employee::employee() { name="";age=0;salary=0.0;void employee::set_name(char *n){ name=new char[strlen(n)+1];(2) (name,n);}void employee::print(){ cout<<"姓名":"<<name<<" 年龄:"<<agc<<" 工资:" <<salary<<endl;}void main(){ char *na;short ag=0;float sa=0;(3);na=new char[10];cin>>na>>ag>>sa;emp.set_name(na);emp.set_age(ag);emp.set_salary(sa);emp.print();(4) (3500.0);emp.print();(5);emp.set_name("Mary");emp.set_age(23);emp.set_salary(2500.0);emp.print();}

考题 阅读下面代码 public class Test2005 { public static void main(String args[]) { String s="Test"; switch(s) { case"Java":System.out.print("Java"); break; case"Language":System.out.print("Language"): break; case"Test":System.out.print("Test"); break; } } } 其运行结果是A.JavaB.LanguageC.TestD.编译出错

考题 阅读下列代码 public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { String s = "Test"; switch (s) { case "Java": System.out.print("Java"); break; case "Language": System.out.print("Language"); break; case "Test": System.out.print("Test"); break; } } } 其运行结果是( )。A.JavaB.LanguageC.TestD.编译出错

考题 有如下程序: include using namespace std; class TestClass { private: int x,y; pu 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace std; class TestClass { private: int x,y; public: TestClass (int i,int j) { x=i; y=j; } void print() { cout<<"print1"<<end1; } void print()const { cout<<"print2"<<end1; } }; int main() { const TestClass a(1,2); a.print(); return 0; } 该程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.print1B.print2C.print1 print2D.程序编译时出错

考题 有如下程序: #includediostream usingnamespacestd; classTestClass {private: intX,y; public: TestClass(inti,intj) {x=i; y=j;} voidprint() {cout"printl"endl;} voidprint()const {cout"print2"endl;}}; intmain() {constTestClassa(1,2); print(); return0;} 该程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.printlB.print2C.printlprint2D.程序编译时出错

考题 阅读下列代码 public class Test2005{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s="Test"; switch(s){ case"Java":System.out.print("Java"); break; case"Language":System.out.print("Lan- guage"); break; case"Test":System.out.print("Test"); break; } } } 其运行结果是( )。A.JavaB.LanguageC.TestD.编译时出错


考题 以下程序的运行结果是:( )publicclassIncrement{publicstaticvoidmain(Stringargs[]){inta;a=6;System.out.print( );System.out.print(a++);System.out.print( );}}A.666B.667C.677D.676

考题 给定以下JAVA代码,这段代码编译运行后输出的结果是( )publicclassTest{publicstaticintaMethod(inti)throwsException{try{returni/10;}catch(Exceptionex){thrownewException("exceptioninaaMothod");}finally{System.out.print("finally");}}publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{aMethod(0);}catch(Exceptionex){System.out.print("exceptioninmain");}System.out.print("finished");}}A、finallyexceptioninmainfinishedB、exceptioninmainfinallyC、finallyfinishedD、finallyexceptioninmainfinished

考题 print(set([1,2,3]))输出结果为: A.set([1,2,3])B.([1,2,3])C.{1,2,3}D.[1,2,3]

考题 使用SET DEVICE TO PRINT可以设将结果送至打印机输出。()

考题 An Information Technology (IT) staff has many calls from users who are unable to print or who lose print jobs.  After investigation, the IT staff has determined that the print spooler is stopping sporadically.  Which of the following actions in IBM Director would best resolve the issue?()A、Create an Event Action Plan to monitor the NT Event Log for Print Spooler errors.Set a task to restart the print spooler when stopped.Apply this plan to print servers.B、Using Event Management, create an Event Action Plan with a print spooler filter and set a task to restart the print spooler when stopped.  Apply this plan to print servers.C、Using Resource Manager, create a threshold to monitor the print spooler queue.Create an Event Action Plan with a print spooler filter and set a task to restart the print spooler when the queue gets above 10 jobs.Apply this plan to print servers.D、Using Process Management, create a threshold to monitor to set an error condition when the print spooler has stopped.Create an Event Action Plan using this filter and create a task to restart the print spooler when stopped. Apply plan to print servers.

考题 print(list(zip([1,2],[3,4])))输出结果为:()A、[1,2,3,4]B、[(1,2),(3,4)]C、[(1,3),(2,4)]D、报错


考题 下列程序段:Dim x If x Then Print x Else Print x+1运行后,显示的结果是()。A、1B、0C、-1D、出错

考题 显示当前系统日期时间的正确的是()。A、select getdate()B、print getdateC、select getdateD、set getdate()

考题 You administer a Windows 2000 Professional desktop computer. TKPrinter1 is a printer used by the engineering and research departments. The printer is shared from the Windows 2000 Professional computer that you administer. The engineering department frequently prints documents that are several pages in length, which takes a long time to print. Users in the research department who have small files to print often must wait a long time for their jobs to print. You want to reduce the time it takes for the user in research department to print their files. You want to accomplish this with the least amount of administrative effort.  What should you do?()A、Monitor the print queue, and raise the priority of all the print jobs that are sent by users who are not members of the engineering department.B、Delete the old printer. Add a new printer, and set the priority to a higher value. Pause the print queue only when the engineering print jobs are printing.C、Configure the priority of TKPrinter1 to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 1. For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the engineering department.D、Configure the priority of TKPrinter1 to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 70. For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the engineering department.

考题 单选题print(list(zip([1,2],[3,4])))输出结果为:()A [1,2,3,4]B [(1,2),(3,4)]C [(1,3),(2,4)]D 报错

考题 单选题You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer that has a shared printer. Several departments in your company use the shared printer. The sales department frequently prints multiple-page presentation graphics, which take a long time to print. Users in other departments who have short messages to print must wait an unnecessarily long time for their jobs to print. You want to improve the efficiency of printing for all users who use the shared printer. You want to accomplish this with the least amount of administrative effort. What should you do? ()A Configure the priority of the printer to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 1.  For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the sales department.B Configure the priority of the printer to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 95  For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the sales department.C Monitor the print queue, and raise the priority of all the print jobs that are sent by users who are not members of the sales department.D Delete the old printer. Add a new printer, and set the priority to a higher value. Pause the print queue only when graphic-intensive print jobs are printing.

考题 单选题An Information Technology (IT) staff has many calls from users who are unable to print or who lose print jobs.  After investigation, the IT staff has determined that the print spooler is stopping sporadically.  Which of the following actions in IBM Director would best resolve the issue?()A Create an Event Action Plan to monitor the NT Event Log for Print Spooler errors.Set a task to restart the print spooler when stopped.Apply this plan to print servers.B Using Event Management, create an Event Action Plan with a print spooler filter and set a task to restart the print spooler when stopped.  Apply this plan to print servers.C Using Resource Manager, create a threshold to monitor the print spooler queue.Create an Event Action Plan with a print spooler filter and set a task to restart the print spooler when the queue gets above 10 jobs.Apply this plan to print servers.D Using Process Management, create a threshold to monitor to set an error condition when the print spooler has stopped.Create an Event Action Plan using this filter and create a task to restart the print spooler when stopped. Apply plan to print servers.

考题 单选题import java.util.*;  class KeyMaster {  public int i;  public KeyMaster(int i) { this.i = i; }  public boolean equals(Object o) { return i == ((KeyMaster)o).i; }  public int hashCode() { return i; }  }  public class MapIt {  public static void main(String[] args) {  Set set = new HashSet();  KeyMaster k1 = new KeyMaster(1);  KeyMaster k2 = new KeyMaster(2);  set.add(k1); set.add(k1);  set.add(k2); set.add(k2);  System.out.print(set.size() + “:”);  k2.i = 1;  System.out.print(set.size() + “:”);  set.remove(k1);  System.out.print(set.size() + “:”);  set.remove(k2);  System.out.print(set.size()); }  }  What is the result?()A  4:4:2:2B  4:4:3:2C  2:2:1:0D  2:2:0:0E  2:1:0:0F  2:2:1:1G  4:3:2:1

考题 单选题You administer a Windows 2000 Professional desktop computer. TKPrinter1 is a printer used by the engineering and research departments. The printer is shared from the Windows 2000 Professional computer that you administer. The engineering department frequently prints documents that are several pages in length, which takes a long time to print. Users in the research department who have small files to print often must wait a long time for their jobs to print. You want to reduce the time it takes for the user in research department to print their files. You want to accomplish this with the least amount of administrative effort.  What should you do?()A Monitor the print queue, and raise the priority of all the print jobs that are sent by users who are not members of the engineering department.B Delete the old printer. Add a new printer, and set the priority to a higher value. Pause the print queue only when the engineering print jobs are printing.C Configure the priority of TKPrinter1 to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 1. For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the engineering department.D Configure the priority of TKPrinter1 to 50. Add a new printer, and set the priority to 70. For the new printer, deny Print permission for users in the engineering department.

考题 判断题使用SET DEVICE TO PRINT可以设将结果送至打印机输出。()A 对B 错