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更多 “名词解释题创意曲invention” 相关考题
考题 The invention of television marked the beginning of “The Age of Visual Information”.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Belle's father is off to the fair to show his new invention.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 inventory means invention.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 We can learn from the text that Fitzsimons’s invention .A. kept the tyre as a whole pieceB. was made into production soonC. left little room for improvementD. changed our views on bag design

考题 Were( )not for the invention of television , we would not be able to see things going on many miles away . A. itB. thatC. thisD. those

考题 The author predicts that _________.A. advances in new technologies will lead to great changes of societyB. the single invention, the chip, will lead to great changes in societyC. the future picture of the world can only be imagined by looking backD. the use of personal computer and factory robots will be widespread

考题 __is the mother of invention. This is remarkably true. (Necessary)

考题 Which invention has generated difficult puzzles for scientists, politicians, and philosophers?A、Theory of RelativityB、the splitting of the atomC、the first space flightD、Dolly's appearance

考题 The invention of chopsticks reflects the wisdom of Chinese ancient people.

考题 In the 18th century, there appeared ____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines. A.the Industrial RevolutionB.the Bourgeois RevolutionC.the Wars of the RosesD.the Religious Reformation

考题 英译汉(共1题,满分5分)The invention of the Web brought an extraordinary expansion of digital services

考题 What is the most helpful invention? Do you think?(合并为一句)What__________ __________ __________ __________the most useful invention?

考题 完全用模仿技术写成的作品,其体裁是( )。 A.赋格曲 B.奥尔加农 C.卡农曲 D.创意曲

考题 巴赫的《二声部创意曲集》是为了()为作。A、第一任妻子B、第二任妻子C、长子D、次子

考题 创意曲invention

考题 巴赫为钢琴而作,用遍了大小二十四调,以证明键盘乐器转调优越性的作品是()。A、《英国组曲》B、《法国组曲》C、《平均律钢琴曲集》D、《创意曲集》

考题 下列作品中,()是巴赫创作的古钢琴音乐作品。A、《平均律钢琴曲集》B、《创意曲集》C、《许布勒众赞歌》、《勃兰登堡协奏曲》D、《法国组曲》E、《哥德堡变奏曲》F、《半音阶幻想曲与赋格》、《意大利协奏曲》

考题 单选题The best title of the text might be ______.A The Laser: A Scientific Technological WonderB The Laser: A Powerful Tool for CommunicationsC The Laser: A Solution to Life-Saving ProblemsD The Laser: A Multimillion Dollar Invention

考题 单选题Human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in ______.A the use of machines to produce science fictionB the wide use of machines in manufacturing industryC the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous workD the elite’s cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work

考题 单选题The concept of television, _____ images over distances, had intrigued scientists even before the invention of moving pictures or radio.A the transmission ofB transmitted byC transmission intoD the transmitting for

考题 单选题Which of the following is the suggestion of the interviewer to the problem?A The government should spend more money helping innovation.B The kids should cultivate their love of science and invention.C More inventors’ clubs should be set up.D Invention courses are necessary to children.

考题 单选题What is the debate concerned with?A What should we do to inspire people’s creativity?B Will people’s invention and inspiration be exhausted in the future?C Is there still a future for invention and inspiration?D Who will be winner of the future technology?

考题 填空题After the invention of printing press, people no longer had to live by oral tradition and memory.____

考题 填空题The actual invention brought by the telephone was the Network.____

考题 单选题According to the opinion of the interviewer _____.A the future for invention dependsB there is still a future for invention and inspirationC there is no future for invention and inspiration in modern societyD the future for invention and inspiration is unclear

考题 单选题The sentence “Children are a relatively modern invention” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that children .A were exactly the same as adults a few hundred years agoB did not exist at that time because there were no families yetC were not different from adults in physical appearanceD were not different from adults

考题 单选题巴赫为钢琴而作,用遍了大小二十四调,以证明键盘乐器转调优越性的作品是()。A 《英国组曲》B 《法国组曲》C 《平均律钢琴曲集》D 《创意曲集》