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During oil transfer operations,who is responsible for ensuring that the posted transfer procedures are followed?()

The designated person in charge


The tankerman


The senior able seaman


The oiler


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更多 “单选题During oil transfer operations,who is responsible for ensuring that the posted transfer procedures are followed?()A The designated person in chargeB The tankermanC The senior able seamanD The oiler” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I? I、Disposal of oil residues. II、 Internal transfer of fuel oilA.I onlyB.II onlyC.both I and IID.neither I nor II

考题 The authority to grant an alternate procedure for oil transfer operations rests with the ______.A.nearest Coast Guard officeB.Officer-in-Charge,Marine InspectionC.Area CommanderD.Captain of the Port

考题 The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel,including the operating sequences and procedures,design characteristics,a description of the system,and required personnel will be found in the ______.A.Oil Transfer Procedures ManualB.Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment ManualC.Code of Federal RegulationsD.Crude Oil Washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection

考题 No person may serve as the person in charge of both the vessel and the facility during oil transfer operations unless ______.A.there is ready access between the twoB.the vessel and facility are immediately adjacentC.the person in charge has a rapid means of transportation between the twoD.the Captain of the Port authorizes such procedure

考题 The Declaration of Inspection made before oil transfer operations must be signed by the ______.A.Master of the vesselB.Captain of the PortC.person(s) in chargeD.All of the above

考题 In accordance with Sinotime,the Charterers will not be responsible for the expenses of __________.A.all lubricating oil and waterB.insurance of the VesselC.losses of and damages to both vessel and cargo due to whatsoever reason occurred during the charter timeD.drydocking,repairs and other maintenance of the Vessel

考题 When a vessel violates an oil pollution act,who may be held responsible? ______.A.Master onlyB.Owners onlyC.Licensed officer on watchD.Any individual connected with the vessel

考题 When a vessel violates the oil pollution laws,who may be held responsible?A.Master onlyB.Owners onlyC.Licensed officers onlyD.Any individual connected with the vessel involved in the operation

考题 The person in charge on the vessel and the person in charge at the facility must hold a meeting before starting the transfer of oil.Who must decide to start the transfer ________.A.The person in charge on the vesselB.The person in charge at the facilityC.Both persons in chargeD.The person in charge of either place that is doing the pumping

考题 What is NOT required to be contained in the oil transfer procedures ________.A.A line diagram of the vessel's oil transfer pipingB.The number of persons on duty during oil transfer operationsC.Any special procedures for topping off tanksD.The location and capacity of all fuel and cargo tanks on the vessel

考题 The operations of a telegraphic transfer is just the same as the mail transfer.A对B错

考题 The operations of a telegraphic transfer is just the same as the mail transfer.

考题 单选题The authority to grant an alternate procedure for oil transfer operations rests with the ().A nearest Coast Guard officeB Officer-in-Charge,Marine InspectionC Area CommanderD Captain of the Port

考题 单选题Which of the following operations aboard a tanker must be recorded in the Oil Record Book ()A Any internal transfer of oil cargo during a voyageB The discharge overboard in port or at sea of any bilge water accumulated in machinery spacesC The loading or unloading of any or all oil cargoD All of the above

考题 单选题Which of the following operations need to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I?() (1) Cleaning of fuel oil tanks (2) Internal transfer of fuel oilA (1)onlyB (2)onlyC both(1)and(2)D neither(1)nor(2)

考题 单选题When the Captain of the Port or Officer in Charge,Marine Inspection issues an order of suspension to the operator of a vessel concerning oil transfer operations,it().A is always effective immediatelyB includes a statement of each condition requiring corrective actionC must be in writing before it takes effectD All of the above

考题 单选题When a vessel violates the oil pollution laws,who may be held responsible?()A Master onlyB Owners onlyC Licensed officers onlyD Any individual connected with the vessel involved in the operation

考题 单选题Application for a waiver of any requirements of the regulations for oil transfer operations must be submitted to the().A District CommanderB CommandantC Captain of the PortD nearest MSA office

考题 单选题When a vessel violates an oil pollution act,who may be held responsible?().A Master onlyB Owners onlyC Licensed officer on watchD Any individual connected with the vessel

考题 单选题The temperature of the fuel oil received during bunkering operation is critical in determining the ()A expansion space to leave in a tankB flash point at which the fuel will burnC temperature to which the fuel must be heatedD rate at which the fuel can be pumped during transfer operations

考题 单选题Application for a waiver of any requirements of the regulations for oil transfer operations must be submitted to the().A District CommanderB CommandantC Captain of the PortD nearest Coast Guard office

考题 单选题Which of the following operations need NOT to be entered on the Oil Record Book Part I?() (1) Disposal of oil residues (2) Internal transfer of fuel oilA (1)onlyB (2)onlyC both(1)and(2)D neither(1)nor(2)

考题 单选题If you observe any situation which presents a safety or pollution hazard during fuel transfer operations, which of the following actions should be taken FIRST?()A Close the valves at the transfer manifoldB Notify the person in charge of the shore facilityC Shut down the transfer operationD Sound the fire alarm

考题 单选题The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel,including the operating sequences and procedures,design characteristics,a description of the system,and required personnel will be found in the().A Oil Transfer Procedures ManualB Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment ManualC Code of Federal RegulationsD Crude Oil Washing addendum to the Certificate of Inspection

考题 单选题During oil transfer operations,who is responsible for ensuring that the posted transfer procedures are followed?().A The designated person in chargeB The tankermanC The senior able seamanD The oiler

考题 单选题Cargo transfer operations on a tanker need NOT be stopped when().A a tug comes alongside while the tanker is loading grade D and E cargoesB a large,fresh oil spill is discovered immediately adjacent to the side of the tankerC there is an electrical storm in the vicinityD there is a fire on the dock or on a nearby vessel

考题 单选题During oil transfer operations, who would be responsible to guarantee that the posted transfer procedures are being followed?()A The designated person in chargeB The tanker manC The senior able seamanD The oiler

考题 单选题The temperature of the fuel oil received during bunkering operations is critical in determining the()A expansion space to leave in a tankB flash point at which the fuel will burnC temperature to which the fuel must be heatedD rate at which the fuel can be pumped during transfer operations