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When they check in at an airport, Club members should show _____.

their boarding pass.


their membership card


a photocopy of the ticket


an application form


文中第四段第一句提到“Please show your membership card in at an airport”,请在机场出示会员卡,故B选项为正确选项。
更多 “单选题When they check in at an airport, Club members should show _____.A their boarding pass.B their membership cardC a photocopy of the ticketD an application form” 相关考题
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考题 The project team members should also be aware of one of the fundamental tenets of modem quality management: quality is planned, designed and built in, not(72).A.executed inB.inspected inC.check-inD.look-in

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考题 You are a technician at TestKing. Your assistant applied an IP access control list to Router TK1. You want to check the placement and direction of the access control list.Which command should you use?()A. show access-listB. show ip access-listC. show ip interfaceD. show interfaceE. show interface list

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考题 Suppose a Chinese Classics Club was rencently set up in your school.Write a notice to briefly introduce the club,and call for new members.You should write about 100 worcls on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your name or the name of your university.Do not wrire your adciress.

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考题 You are a technician at TestKing. Your assistant applied an IP access control list to Router TK1. You want to check the placement and direction of the access control list.Which command should you use?()A、show access-listB、show ip access-listC、show ip interfaceD、show interfaceE、show interface list

考题 The project team members should also be aware of one of the fundamental tenets of modern quality management: quality is planned, designed and built in, not()A、executedinB、inspectedinC、check-inD、look-in

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考题 单选题When they check in at an airport, Club members should show _____.A their boarding passB their membership cardC a photocopy of the ticketD an application form

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