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更多 “单选题_____A serviceB trafficC transportD supplement” 相关考题
考题 including the use of low-loss low-nonlinearity(94)A.optical fiberB.trafficC.internetD.signaling

考题 The TCP protocolis a ()layer protocol. A.physicalB.networkC.transportD.application

考题 远程管理工具有:()A、PCanywhereB、LaplinkC、TransportD、特洛伊木马

考题 The industries affected by m-commerce include: (). A、financial serviceB、telecommunicationsC、bill paymentD、account review

考题 _____A.qualityB.trafficC.servicesD.RouteA.B.C.D.

考题 UndertheOracleSharedServerarchitecture,client-userprocessesultimatelyconnecttoa() A.serviceB.listenerC.dispatcherD.sharedserverprocess

考题 Which of the following layers of the TCP/IP model most closely corresponds to the network layer of the OSI model?() A.ApplicationB.InternetC.TransportD.NetworkE.Data Link

考题 下面TCP/IP的哪一层最难去保护? A、PhysicalB、NetworkC、TransportD、Application

考题 AMD的SLORA架构使用了()总线 A.SIMDB.Hyper ThreadingC.Hyper TransportD.ALPHA EV6

考题 Every new supplement to the Sailing Directions ______ the previous one.A.enforcesB.cancelsC.correctsD.replenishes

考题 Every new supplement to the Sailing Directions______the previous one.A.cancelsB.ReplenishesC.enforcesD.corrects

考题 It can be known from the passage that increase in the salinity of ocean water is caused by___________.A.melting of sea ice B.precipitation C.evaporation D.supplement of salt

考题 Which of the following will the host provide? __________.A.Room cleaning B.Medical care C.Free transport D.Physical training

考题 The Stock Exchange is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.A: service B: danger C: disorder D: threat

考题 汉译英:“商品;规格”,正确的翻译为( )。 A. commodity ; supplement B. common ; specification C. commodity; specification D. common; supplement

考题 I’d like to have an economy ().A、serviceB、classC、kind

考题 The TCP protocolis a ()layer protocol.A、physicalB、networkC、transportD、application

考题 Servlet接受请求时,会调用()。A、serviceB、doGetC、doPostD、init

考题 下列哪个不是文件下载工具()A、Adobe ReaderB、eMuleC、Net TransportD、BitComet

考题 ()is a railway container transportation linking both end of the oceans.A、Bridge transportB、Land transportC、Land bridge transportD、Cross continent transport

考题 ()is a railway container transportation linking both end of the oceans . A、Bridge transportB、land transportC、land bridge transportD、cross continent transport

考题 What are the advantages for motor transportation? ()A、Door-to-door serviceB、FastC、FlexibilityD、A and C

考题 PaaS的英文名是()A、Power as A ServiceB、Phone as A ServiceC、Platform as A ServiceD、Physics as A Service

考题 What are two purposes of a forwarding class?()A、to identify traffic that should be droppedB、to classify trafficC、to identify traffic that should receive common treatmentD、to assign traffic to output queues

考题 单选题Every new supplement to the Sailing Directions () the previous one.A enforcesB cancelsC correctsD replenishes

考题 单选题Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about()methanol.A twice as expensive asB twice as more expensive asC as twice more expensive asD as twice expensive as

考题 单选题Ethanol is commonly used()a gasoline supplement.A forB toC byD as

考题 单选题下列不能控制一个Servlet的生命周期方的法是()A  serviceB  destroyC  doPostD  init