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John F. Kennedy was _____ youngest President of the United States and _____ to be murdered. Can you remember how long he _____ the country before his death?

the; the fourth; had been ruling


/; fourth; have been ruling


the; fourth; was ruling


a; the four; ruled


句意:John F. Kennedy是美国历史上第四位年青的总统,也是第四位被暗杀的总统。你知道他死亡前执政了多长时间吗?最高级和序数词前都需要加定冠词修饰,统治这个国家为过去的过去,发生在Kennedy死亡之前,因此要用过去完成时或过去完成进行时,所以A项正确。
更多 “单选题John F. Kennedy was _____ youngest President of the United States and _____ to be murdered. Can you remember how long he _____ the country before his death?A the; the fourth; had been rulingB /; fourth; have been rulingC the; fourth; was rulingD a; the four; ruled” 相关考题
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