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更多 “单选题_____A alikeB aliveC lovelyD lively” 相关考题
考题 The international table tennis game will come to us () from Germany. A、livelyB、aliveC、liveD、living

考题 Self-confidence ensures the doctor that the decision he is going to make is____________. A. soundB. aliveC. sensitiveD. loud

考题 It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom ________ . A. livingB. aliveC. liveD. lively

考题 In spite of the hard winter, the roses in our garden are still () A.alikeB.aliveC.asleepD.awake

考题 The author presents this passage by .A. telling an interesting story B. describing an activity in a lively wayC. testing an idea by reasoning D. introducing a practical method

考题 The two sisters are _____ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.A. likeB. likelyC. alikeD. lively

考题 TheWorldTradeCenterisoftencalleda_______Building,becauseitismadeupoftwoidenticalbuildings.A.AlikeB.FolkC.TwinD.Former

考题 Instudiorecordings,newtechniquesmadepossibleeffectsthatnotevenanelectronicbandcouldproduce.A.liveB.aliveC.livelyD.living

考题 The football match was televised()from the Capital Stadium. A、aliveB、liveC、livingD、lively

考题 The dog looked ( ), but its weak breath suggested that it ( ) still ( ). A、died/ was/ livingB、died/ was/ aliveC、dead/ was/ aliveD、dead/ be/ living

考题 The basketball game come to us()from New York. A、liveB、aliveC、livelyD、living

考题 Few people ______ today are old enough to remember the great drought of 1903-17.During this period, no rain fell at all. A.livelyB.aliveC.liveD.alike

考题 She has a _____ interest in everything around her.A、livelyB、aliveC、liveD、living

考题 In order to strengthen his muscles, Mike goes to the gym ( ) to do exercises.A.increasinglyB.oftenC.regularlyD.lively

考题 Physicsis_________tothesciencewhichwascallednaturalphilosophyinhistory.A)alikeB)equivalentC)likelyD)uniform

考题 ----I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain ----why not consult with Frank? You see, _________.A. great minds think alikeB. two heads are better than oneC. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushD. it’s better to think twice before doing something

考题 What can we infer from the underlineed sentence in Paragraph 3?A.People are fra less familiar with the world of fantasy.B.The world around us could serve as a sound of wonder.C.The world of fantasy can be mirred by a small and lively pond.D.Modern technology prevents us from developing our sense of wonder.

考题 What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?A.people are far less familiar witn the world of fantasyB.the world around us could serve as a source of wonderC.the world of fantasy can be mirrored by a small and lively pond.D.Modern technology prevents us from developing our sense of wonder

考题 10. Sally is a cute and lively girl. We all like_________ .A. sheB. herC. hersD. she's

考题 The volleyball match was televised __ on CCTV.A. aliveB. lifeC. liveD. lively

考题 请在第33处填上正确答案。A.cruelB.niceC.lovelyD.special

考题 On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers.A: wildB: freshC: lovelyD: false

考题 Scotland provides superb opportunities to enjoy wild and grand scenery which is even more impressive than the postcards suggest.It also offers towns and cities with a rich cultural life,a good mix of accommodation and places to eat and drink.Friendly and welcoming,it is an interesting and colorful all-season destination,where landscapes and the environment,sport and leisure pursuits,heritage and history,culture and cuisine are all part of a rewarding experience. The best reason for choosing to go on holiday to Scotland is:one of the last places inside the crowded and frenetic European Union where it is possible to be alone isolated countryside.This is not to say that Scotland,like everywhere else,does not have its tourist traps,its crowded roads or its popular beauty spots.But it is relatively easy to escape from them. It would be a mistake to think that Scotland is merely an extension of England. Indeed,no attitude is capable of causing greater offence to the Scots.They successfully resisted English attempts at domination for seven hundred years,and many differences between the two countries persist. Scotland's history,embodied in its castles,battlefields,and ancient links with France,Flanders and Scandinavia,is special. Scotland is__.A.full of lively towns and cities B.similar to many other countries in Europe C.as impressive as postcards suggest D.good for sports

考题 If you have a problem, don′t worry! Itis easy to say if you don′t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don′t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you! You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?" The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That′s the way it iswith every living thing." It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it′s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!" In the writer′s opinion, the people whodon′t have troubles are ______.A.the persons who go to Great Barrier Reef B.the persons who have passed away C.the persons who are being tested D.the persons who are healthy

考题 If you have a problem, don′t worry! Itis easy to say if you don′t have one yourself. But there are only a few peoplewho don′t have troubles. We call them cemeteries. Believe it or not, most of yourproblems may actually be good for you! You may know about the Great Barrier Reef,running some 1800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Visitors are often takento see the reef. On one tour, one visitor asked an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon side ofthe reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful.Why is this?" The guide answered: "The coral aroundthe lagoon side is in still water. It dies early with no challenge to itssurvival. The coral on the ocean side is always being worn by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day. As it is challenged, it changes andgrows healthy, and it grows strong." He added, "That′s the way it iswith every living thing." It is the same with people. Challenged andtoughened, we come alive! Like coral by the sea, we grow. Physical problemsmake for a stronger body. Stress makes for a stronger mind. So, if you have problems,it′s no problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!" The author′s attitude towardproblems can be described as ______.A.indifferent B.neutral C.positive D.pessimistic

考题 在封装HDLC协议的接口上,设定状态轮询定时器时间间隔的命令是()。A、hdlc keepaliveB、keep aliveC、hdlc timeoutD、timer hold

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to Fred Turek’s research?A The nocturnal mice and the off-schedule mice ate different pellets.B The off-schedule mice ate significantly more and are more lively.C If the nocturnal mice consume calories during the day, it should be very harmful.D After 6 weeks, the group of mice ate at night gained more weight.

考题 问答题Artists use caricature to distort the human face or figure for comic affect,   (1)____while at the same time capturing an identifiable likeness and suggests the essence  (2)____of the personality or character beneath the surface. The humor lies in the fact   (3)____the caricature is recognizable, and yet exaggerated.  From their origin in Europe as witty sketches, caricature grew through      (4)____the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, becoming enormously popular in      (5)____the United States early in this century. In 1920s and 1930s especially,this lively form of illustration was appeared in newspapers and           (6)____magazines throughout the country. The caricaturists in this era drew his       (7)____portraits of important figures primary to entertain. In spirit their work was    (8)____close to the humor of the fast-developing comic strip and gag cartoon than to the  (9)____string of political satire. Their subjects were more often amusing than offended   (10)____