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更多 “单选题_____A littleB strongC coldD frequent” 相关考题
考题 22. He used to be _____, but now he likes to meet and talk to new people.A. busy B. strongC. tall D. shy

考题 Generally there are () television programs for children on Saturday. A.littleB.muchC.a large number ofD.a large amount of

考题 It was a () illness, and she soon got over it. A、littleB、minorC、largeD、major

考题 Hotep: You mustn't be so () on yourself, Your Majesty. You are an excellent teacher. A、sweetB、strongC、softD、hard

考题 Don’t worry, there is() time left.A. a littleB. a fewC. fewD. little

考题 Bill is a man of ( ) words. A、littleB、lessC、fewerD、few

考题 The streets are very wet because there was a ( ) rain last night. A、thickB、strongC、deepD、heavy

考题 placid as a cow:(). A.calmB. strongC. enormousD.irritable

考题 Mr. Brown is ____in the presidential election campaign, doing everything possible to support his favored candidate. A. PowerfulB. StrongC. ForcefulD. energetic

考题 左舵5。A.Port a littleB.Port moreC.Port fiveD.Starboard ten.

考题 15.A.littleB.alittleC.fewD.afew

考题 According to the stranger, in the West the winters are______.A. dry and coldB. warmer than in the EastC. wet and coldD. mild

考题 I have so ______time to enjoy myself.A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few

考题 In the doldrums you will NOT have ______.A.high relative humidityB.frequent showers and thunderstormC.steep pressure gradientsD.frequent calms

考题 My room is really very cosy.A:cool B:comfortable C: cold D:clean

考题 The Sahara can be described as______A) a place of contrasts B) a place where no one lives C) an area where the winters are cold D) an area that appeals to many tourists

考题 Usually there is__traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays,A.little B.less C.few D.fewer

考题 __________A.both B.post C.cold D.son

考题 ()people are coming for the party?A、How littleB、How muchC、How many

考题 下面哪个标签是用于强调重要文字的?()A、bB、strongC、heavyD、bold

考题 下列属于文本标记属性的是()。A、fontB、strongC、emD、size

考题 左舵五()A、Port a littleB、Port fiveC、Port moreD、Starboard five

考题 在船上,打扫卫生是经常性工作。()A、Cleaning is a frequent job at sea.B、Painting is a frequent job on board a ship.C、Cleaning is a frequent job on board a ship.D、Repairing is a frequent job on board a ship.

考题 Except in the west of the Southern Alps,the climate in New Zealand is generally()A、coldB、hotC、neither very hot nor very coldD、dry


考题 单选题A club is a place to make frequent _____ with friends.A accountsB attemptsC contentsD contacts

考题 单选题Cleaning is a frequent ()on board a ship.A dutyB responsibilityC jobD work

考题 单选题在船上,打扫卫生是经常性工作。()A Cleaning is a frequent job at sea.B Painting is a frequent job on board a ship.C Cleaning is a frequent job on board a ship.D Repairing is a frequent job on board a ship.