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Everybody says he is a _____ boy.





to promise




更多 “单选题Everybody says he is a _____ boy.A promisedB promisingC to promiseD promise” 相关考题
考题 He seems so honest and genuine and my every () says he's not. A、instinctiveB、instinctivelyC、instantD、instinct

考题 Jim couldn't remember when he first met Professor Wang, but he was sure it was __________ Sunday because everybody was at __________ church. A./, theB.the, /C.a, /D./, /

考题 Sam always says “ I love you” before he died.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The Browns are ( 11) Smiths neighbors. Mr Brown's name is John. But when his neighbors talk about him,they ( 12 ) him "Mr Going-to-do . Do you know why? Mr Brown always says he is going to do something,but he ( 13) does it.Every Saturday, Mr Brown ( 14 ) to the Smiths back door and talks to Mr Smith. He always says he ( 15 ) do something."I,m going to clean my house today,"he says,( 16 ) "I'm going to wash my car tomor-row,"or"These trees in front of my house'are ( 17) big,l m going to cut them down next week."Mr Smith usually says,"( 18) ,John?"He knows his neighbor is not going to clean his house,or wash his car,or cut down any trees. Then he says,"Well,excuse me,John. I-m going to do some work in the house. "And he ( 19) .Mr and Mrs Smith often say to their only child Dick,"Are you going to do something?Then do it. Don-t be ( 20) 'Mr Going-to-do'.( )11.A.theB.a.C.oneD./

考题 Everybody but the author knew that Professor Kolb had ______which he used in turn over a five-year period.

考题 missed in class. The doctor says he is recovering fast than

考题 He ( )until everybody had gone. A.talked aboutB.talked withC.talked atD.talked on

考题 That’s really typical ____ John. He says he’ll come but he never turns up. A、forB、ofC、toD、with

考题 Deep into the night, the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's, and everybody got off _____ Vingo. He sat there still.A. exceptB. except forC. besideD. besides

考题 He did the research in such a (remarkable) way that everyone says that he is really a man of creative mind选择能代替括号里的选项A、an outstandingB、an outstretchedC、an upliftedD、an outspoken

考题 He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do,()other people's feelings.A. according toB. regardless ofC. because of

考题 Dr. Nolen says that self-confidence helps him (). A、when he is making a decisionB、when he is performing an operationC、when he has made mistakesD、all of the above (a+b+c)

考题 It does not alter the fact that he was the man ______for the death of the little boy. A. ParallelB. ResponsibleC. RelativeD. suitable

考题 He actually enjoys his new hair style. and likes _______ to everybody.A、showing upB、showing offC、showing outD、showing of

考题 He says he will tell ________ wants to know.A、whateverB、whoeverC、whicheverD、who

考题 By the first sentence of Excerpt 3 the author means that______.A.he is fairly familiar with the cost of advertisingB.everybody knows well that advertising is money consumingC.advertising costs money like everything elseD.it is worthwhile to spend money on advertising

考题 The undersigned ______ that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.A.claimsB.declaresC.complainsD.says

考题 "He looks normal." That′ s what everybody says when I tell them my son was just diagnosed as autism (孤独症). They all say it without exception. It′s true. Alejandro does look like every other 31 boy. He plays, he smiles, and he runs around with the two-year-old boy′ s boundless energy until he is too tired. He laughs when you move your fingers 32 on a sensitive part of his body. And he often plays with his toys like every other young child at his age. But most of the time, Alejandro 33 in his own little world playing with his toys all by himself even in a group of kids and ignoring you when you talk to him loudly. At that time he′s alone, no matter how hard you try to 34 him. My wife and I get 35 .We ask for "nose kisses" or hugs and many times he doesn′t notice us. It′s extremely anxious when your child′s face is right in front of you and he won′t admit your presence. He regularly doesn′t eat. The food often bothers him when he puts it in his mouth. He is very small 36 his age. We are told that it′s another effect of the autism. Because autism isn′t like some other 37 , there is no set treatment. Each child needs to be treated 38 ; what works for one probably doesn′t work for another. Try a treatment. If it doesn′t work, you have to try another39 you hopefully find something that does work. The future is cloudy, but we will try everything we can do to reach him, because we love him and we know he′s a special little boy. And we believe with the help of love, we can 40 any difficulty. 第(32)题选A.lightly B.secretly C.heavily D.greatly

考题 A man should not be judged always()what he says.A、byB、inC、withD、to

考题 Everybody knows he()(受到了冤枉指控).

考题 单选题A man should not be judged always()what he says.A byB inC withD to

考题 单选题His wife says that he was more frugal in his youth than later years.A listlessB robustC thriftyD gullible

考题 单选题The author says that he is a naturalist rather than a scientist probably because he thinks he _____.A just reads about other people’s observations and discoveriesB comes up with solutions in most natural waysC has a great deal of trouble doing mental arithmeticD lacks some of the qualities required of scientist

考题 单选题That's really typical()John. He says he'll come but he never turns up.A forB ofC toD with

考题 填空题Everybody knows he()(受到了冤枉指控).

考题 单选题—______ does your cousin usually go to work on foot?—He says it’s good for his health.A WhereB WhenC WhyD How

考题 单选题______ there had seen Einstein before. When the driver took his place,everybody applauded (鼓掌). Then he began the lecture.A SomebodyB EverybodyC NobodyD Anybody