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The Vessel to be delivered and placed at the()of Charterers during office hours.









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更多 “单选题The Vessel to be delivered and placed at the()of Charterers during office hours.A disposalB controlC operationD option” 相关考题
考题 If an alien stowaway is discovered aboard your vessel,his name must be placed on the ______.A.Alien Crew ListB.Crew ListC.Passenger ListD.separate Passenger List marked stowaways

考题 ______ is a notice served by a shipmaster to the Charterers informing them that the vessel is ready to load according to the terms outlined in the charter.A.Notice of DemurrageB.Survey ReportC.Notice of ReadinessD.Notice of Responsibility

考题 Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to ______ the vessel from the Charterers service.A.sendB.withdrawC.let goD.take off

考题 The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to __________.A.ShippersB.CharterersC.ConsignersD.Consignees

考题 Should the Vessel fail to comply in any respect with the said description,hire to be __________to the extent necessary to indemnify Charterers for such failure.A.changedB.increasedC.reducedD.amended

考题 In accordance with Sinotime,the Charterers will not be responsible for the expenses of __________.A.all lubricating oil and waterB.insurance of the VesselC.losses of and damages to both vessel and cargo due to whatsoever reason occurred during the charter timeD.drydocking,repairs and other maintenance of the Vessel

考题 A vessel arrives in a foreign port and the Master is informed that the vessel is being sold to foreign interests. The new owners request that the crew remain on board to complete the voyage. Under these circumstances,the crew ______.A.have the right to an immediate discharge and transportation to original port of engagementB.must remain on boardC.must comply with the decision made by the MasterD.must remain aboard until the vessel is delivered to the new owners at a mutually agreed upon port

考题 The ______ to have the option of subletting the Vessel,but the original Charterers always to remain responsible to the Owners for due performance of the Charter.A.CharterersB.OwnersC.Neither Charterers nor OwnersD.Either Charterers or Owners

考题 All loss of time and expenses(excluding any damage to or loss of the Vessel)_______ in saving or attempting to save life and in unsuccessful attempts at salvage shall be borne equally by Owners and Charterers.A.OccurredB.HappenedC.AppearedD.Incurred

考题 The Charterers to have the privilege of putting one/two of their Representatives on board the Vessel,who shall accompany the Vessel and see that the voyages are prosecuted with utmost _______.A.DispatchB.FastnessC.SpeedingD.Swiftness

考题 The Owners let,and the Charterers _______ the Vessel for a Period of six(6)calendar months(exact period at Charterers' option)commencing from the time of delivery of the Vessel.A.borrowB.useC.hireD.rent

考题 The vessel to be _______ on the expiration of the Charter in the like goods order as when delivered to the Charterers.A.DeliveredB.RedeliveredC.Taken overD.Withdrawn

考题 In accordance with Bareboat Charter,______ and the mortgagee(s)advised of the intended employment,planned dry-docking and major repairs of the Vessel,as reasonably required.A.the Charterers shall keep the OwnersB.the Charterers shall keep the ShippersC.the Owners shall keep the CharterersD.the Owners shall keep the Shippers

考题 单选题A right to withdraw a vessel()the service of the Charterers failing the punctual and regular payment of the hire cannot be defeated by later tender of the hire.A inB beforeC fromD against

考题 单选题A vessel is not in every way fitted for cargo service()at the time of her delivery to the charterers her engine room staff is incompetent and inadequate,and accordingly she is unseaworthy.A whetherB shouldC shallD if

考题 单选题The Charterers to have the benefit of any return insurance premium receivable by the Owners from the Underwriters by reason of the Vessel being in port for a minimum period of 30 days provided the Vessel be on hire. This indicates that return insurance premium is to be reimbursed by the Owners to().A ShippersB CharterersC ConsignersD Consignees

考题 单选题The Vessel to be delivered and placed at the()of Charterers during office hours.A disposalB controlC operationD option

考题 单选题()payment of the hire the Owners may withdraw the Vessel from the service of Charterers,without prejudice to any claim Owners may otherwise have on Charterers under this Charter.A In the event ofB In default ofC In spite ofD In respect of

考题 单选题A vessel arrives in a foreign port and the Master is informed that the vessel is being sold to foreign interests. The new owners request that the crew remain on board to complete the voyage. Under these circumstances,the crew().A have the right to an immediate discharge and transportation to original port of engagementB must remain on boardC must comply with the decision made by the MasterD must remain aboard until the vessel is delivered to the new owners at a mutually agreed upon port

考题 单选题If an alien stowaway is discovered aboard your vessel,his name must be placed on the ().A Alien Crew ListB Crew ListC Passenger ListD separate Passenger List marked stowaways

考题 单选题Where must the draft marks be placed on a small passenger vessel? ()A On each side of the stemB Near the stern post or rudder postC At each end of the vesselD All of the above

考题 单选题A maritime lien may be placed against().A any assets that a ship's owner may haveB a vessel,cargo,or freightC objects that are fixed and immovable,such as wharvesD the vessel only

考题 单选题The right to limit liability in connection with the ship()also extended to Charterers and any person interested in or in possession of the vessel and,in particular,any manager or operator of her.A hasB takesC isD makes

考题 单选题Vessel shall be placed at the()of the Charterers in such dock or at such berth or place as the Charterers may direct.A disposalB controlC operationD option

考题 单选题Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to()the vessel from the Charterers service.A sendB withdrawC let goD take off

考题 单选题()is a notice served by a shipmaster to the Charterers informing them that the vessel is ready to load according to the terms outlined in the charter.A Notice of DemurrageB Survey ReportC Notice of ReadinessD Notice of Responsibility

考题 单选题If a vessel is sagging,what kind of stress is placed on the sheer strake?()A CompressionB TensionC ThrustD Racking

考题 单选题Magnets are placed in horizontal trays in the compass binnacle to compensate for the().A induced magnetism in the vessel's horizontal soft ironB change in the magnetic field when the vessel inclines from verticalC permanent magnetism of the vesselD magnetic fields caused by electrical currents in the vicinity