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更多 “名词解释题SKD汽车” 相关考题
考题 CKD和SKD表示什么意思?

考题 在oracle数据库中,执行下面的命令 SQL> ALTER USER skd ACCOUNT LOCK; 有关执行结果下面那两项描述正确?() A.SKD 用户的对象不能被任何用户访问B.用户SKD 密码过期,在下次登陆时强制用户修改密码C.用户SKD 不能登陆数据库实例D.其它用户可以访问SKD 用户的对象,当用户已经在访问对象的时候

考题 下面那种不能作为切边模的刃口材料() A、T10AB、SKD11C、MoCrD、7CrSiMnMoV

考题 数控的英文缩写是()。A、NCB、SCC、SKD、NK

考题 SKD是指()。A、半散组装B、全散组装C、原装进口D、异地组装

考题 查询最早有座位航班的信息指令为()。A、AVB、FVC、SKD、DS

考题 什么是CKD和SKD?

考题 SKD在本质上讲是汽车贸易中的一种()A、非散件组装B、散件组装C、半散件组装D、全散件组装

考题 The database instance has the following parameter setting: OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX = OPS$ OS_ROLES = FALSE  REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT = FALSE REMOTE_OS_ROLES = FALSE TIMED_OS_STATISTICS = 0  You have a local operating system user SKD. You create a database user OPS$SKD, and then  assignexternal authentication. The user OPS$SKD has the CREATE SESSION privilege.  What would youachieve by the above process()A、The database user OPS$SKD will be able to administer the database.B、The authentication detail for the database user OPS$SKD is recorded in the password file.C、The local operating system user SKD will be able to access the database instance without specifying the username and password.D、The database user OPS$SKD has to login with the password of the local operating system user SKD to access the database instance.

考题 位置开关的文字符号是()。A、SQB、SAC、SKD、SB

考题 在薄板冲裁模具中,凸模一般采用材料是SKD11。

考题 查询回程航班起飞时间的指令是()。A、AVB、AV:RAC、SKD、FV

考题 纤溶酶原激活物包括( )A、t-PAB、u-PAC、SKD、凝血酶原E、PK

考题 SKD汽车

考题 冲子﹑入仁一般可选用()。A、SKD11B、S45CC、YK30D、A3

考题 可以热处理的冲压模具材料有()。A、S45CB、A3C、只有SKD11D、只有YK30E、SKD11 SLD YK30等

考题 在oracle数据库中,执行下面的命令SQLALTER USER skd ACCOUNT LOCK;有关执行结果下面那两项描述正确?()A、SKD用户的对象不能被任何用户访问B、用户SKD密码过期,在下次登陆时强制用户修改密码C、用户SKD不能登陆数据库实例D、其它用户可以访问SKD用户的对象,当用户已经在访问对象的时候

考题 堆栈指针的英文缩写是()。A、SPB、SDC、SKD、ST

考题 Examine the command: SQL ALTER USER skd ACCOUNT LOCK; Which two statements are true after the command is executed()A、The SKD user cannot log in to the database instance.B、The objects owned by the SKD user are not accessible to any user.C、The other users can access the objects owned by the SKD user, on which they have access.D、The password for the SKD user expires and the user is forced to change the password at the next log in

考题 多选题Examine the command: SQL ALTER USER skd ACCOUNT LOCK; Which two statements are true after the command is executed()AThe SKD user cannot log in to the database instance.BThe objects owned by the SKD user are not accessible to any user.CThe other users can access the objects owned by the SKD user, on which they have access.DThe password for the SKD user expires and the user is forced to change the password at the next log in

考题 问答题什么是CKD和SKD?

考题 单选题View the Exhibit and examine the privileges granted to the MGR_ROLE role. The user SKD has been grantedthe CONNECT and RESOURCE roles only. The database administrator (DBA) grants MGR_ROLE to the userSKD by executing the command: SQL GRANT MGR_ROLE TO SKD WITH ADMIN OPTION;  Which statement is true about the user SKD afterhe/she is granted this role()A The user SKD can grant only the MGR_ROLE role to other users, but not the privileges in it.B The user SKD can revoke the MGR_ROLE only from the users for whom he/she is the grantor.C The user SKD can grant the privileges in the MGR_ROLE role to other users, but not with ADMIN OPTION.D The user SKD can grant the privileges in the MGR_ROLE role to other users, but cannot revoke privilegesfrom them

考题 多选题在oracle数据库中,执行下面的命令SQLALTER USER skd ACCOUNT LOCK;有关执行结果下面那两项描述正确?()ASKD用户的对象不能被任何用户访问B用户SKD密码过期,在下次登陆时强制用户修改密码C用户SKD不能登陆数据库实例D其它用户可以访问SKD用户的对象,当用户已经在访问对象的时候

考题 单选题Examine the following steps performed on a database instance: 1. The DBA grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the SKD user with ADMIN OPTION. 2. The SKD user creates a table. 3. The SKD user grants the CREATE TABLE system privilege to the HR user. 4. The HR user creates a table. 5. The DBA revokes the CREATE TABLE system privilege from SKD.  Which statement is true after step 5 isperformed()A The table created by SKD is not accessible and SKD cannot create new tables.B The tables created by SKD and HR remain, but both cannot create new tables.C The table created by HR remains and HR still has the CREATE TABLE system privilege.D The table created by HR remains and HR can grant the CREATE TABLE system privilege to other users.

考题 单选题The database instance has the following parameter setting: OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX = OPS$ OS_ROLES = FALSE  REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT = FALSE REMOTE_OS_ROLES = FALSE TIMED_OS_STATISTICS = 0  You have a local operating system user SKD. You create a database user OPS$SKD, and then  assignexternal authentication. The user OPS$SKD has the CREATE SESSION privilege.  What would youachieve by the above process()A The database user OPS$SKD will be able to administer the database.B The authentication detail for the database user OPS$SKD is recorded in the password file.C The local operating system user SKD will be able to access the database instance without specifying the username and password.D The database user OPS$SKD has to login with the password of the local operating system user SKD to access the database instance.

考题 多选题Examine the command: SQL ALTER USER skd ACCOUNT LOCK; Which two statements are true after the command is executed()AThe SKD user cannot log in to the database instance.BThe objects owned by the SKD user are not accessible to any user.CThe other users can access the objects owned by the SKD user, on which they have access.DThe password for the SKD user expires and the user is forced to change the password at the next log in.

考题 单选题SKD在本质上讲是汽车贸易中的一种()A 非散件组装B 散件组装C 半散件组装D 全散件组装