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Decide which of the following advertisements reflects/reflect only the seller’s opinion?

“Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town.”


“Use Sparkle Toothpaste to whiten your teeth.”


“White Cat washes whiter.”


All of the above.


第三段首句指出“误导广告经常把卖方的观点描述得像事实一样”,然后给出Acme Cars广告的例子,接下来的两段提到有的广告把不相关品质与某个产品联系起来以达到某种效果,叫做“image making”,其中便出现Sparkle toothpaste的例子,而选项C“白猫洗得更白”也属于这一类型,因此这三种情况都仅仅反映了卖家的观点。
更多 “单选题Decide which of the following advertisements reflects/reflect only the seller’s opinion?A “Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town.”B “Use Sparkle Toothpaste to whiten your teeth.”C “White Cat washes whiter.”D All of the above.” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following is closest to Juran's definition of Quality:A . conformance to requirements.B . fitness for use.C . continuous improvement.D . customer focus.E . All of the above.

考题 Which of the following is closet to Deming's definition of Quality:A . conformance to requirements.B . fitness for use.C . continuous improvement of products and services.D . customer focus.E . All of the above.

考题 Which of the following is most closely associated with business risk:A profit and lossB personnel turnoverC workmen's compensationD liability insuranceE All of the above.

考题 124 Which of the following is most closely associated with business risk:A. profit and lossB. personnel turnoverC. workmen's compensationD. liability insuranceE. All of the above.

考题 - We are planning to register the trademark of “Red Dragon” for your new product. What’s your opinion about this brand name -() A、I suggest that you should give it up.B、You can’t adopt it.C、You mustn’t use it.

考题 短文理解听力原文: In the United States, even if you decide that you do not want to borrow in order to go on vacation, it is still a good idea for you to have several major credit cards. These provide positive identification when renting an automobile and can be used for the deposit. The credit card receipts will serve as an accurate record of all hotel, plane, train, and restaurant expenses. The use of credit cards avoids the necessity of carrying large amount of cash, purchasing large amounts of traveler's cheeks and keeping track of them, or attempting to use personal checks in places other than your own locality.Many major credit cards provide an instant cash service in case you run out of money. American Express, for example, has set up machines in major airports in which you can purchase traveler's checks using your American Express card.21. The credit card receipts will serve as accurate record for all but which of the following choices?22.Which of the following is not true about the use of credit card?23.Concerning the advantages of credit cards, which of the following is true?24.According to the passage, which card has set up machines in major airports?(21)A.hotel expensesB.stock exchangeC.plane expensesD.restaurant expenses

考题 Which of the following does the author most probably agree with?A) The goal of the anthropologist is to understand the way in which people express themselves.B) The anthropologist tries to understand why cultures are carried on without any change.C) The anthropologist's professional interest is as wide as the variety of customs.D)All of the above.

考题 Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation?A.Did you get all the questions right in today's class B.Did you finish the task on time C.Can you use the strategies we have learned today D.What did you do in your group work today

考题 Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation?A.Did you get all the questions right in today’s class? B.Did you finish the task on time? C.Can you use the strategies we have learned today?? D.What did you do in your group work today?

考题 资料:Imagine you went to a restaurant with your girlfriend, had a burger, paid with a credit card, and left. The next time you go there, the waiter or waitress, armed with your profile data, greets you with, “Hey Joe, how are you? Mary is over there in the seat you sat last time. Would you like to join her for dinner again?” Then you find out that your burger has been cooked and placed on the table. Forget the fact that you are with another date and are on a diet that doesn’t include burgers. Sound a little bizarre? To some, this is the restaurant equivalent of the Internet. The Net’s ability to profile you through your visits to and interactions at websites provides marketers with an enormous amount of data on you——some of which you may not want them to have. Are you aware that almost every time you access a website you get a “cookie”? Unfortunately, it’s not the Mrs. Field’s recipe. A cookie on the Internet is a computer code sent by the site to your computer——usually without your knowledge. During the entire period of time that you are at the site, the cookie is collecting information about yourself, including where you visit, how long you stay there, and how frequently you return to certain pages. While this may sound scary enough, cookies aren’t even the latest in technology. A new system call I-librarian Alexa——named after the legendary third century B.C. library in Alexandria, Egypt——does even more. While cookies track what you are doing at one site. Alexa collects data on all your web activities, such as which site you visit next, how long you stay there, whether you click on advertisements, etc. All this information is available to marketers, who use it to market more effectively to you. Not only do you not get paid for providing the information, you probably don’t even know that you are giving it. Which of the following can best reflect the author’s attitude towards cookies and Alexa? A.Doubtful. B.Approving. C.Welcoming. D.Optimistic.

考题 共用题干 TV Shows and Long Bus Trips Long bus rides are like televisions shows.They have a beginning,a middlle,and an end-with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes.The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window.“Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.""Drink Good‘n’Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with Pacific Gas."Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of"You Need It!Buy It Now!" The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you've traveled that way before.Usually some things have changed-new houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road.The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so.If the driver is particularly reckless or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane?After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride.Food always makes bus rides more interesting.But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops. The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitement in that.The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By now you've sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the arm rests-even with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at the right time.There are just no more ways to sit.The writer thinks that the end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are______.A:exciting B:comfortable C:tiring D:boring

考题 共用题干 TV Shows and Long Bus Trips Long bus rides are like televisions shows.They have a beginning,a middlle,and an end-with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes.The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not.Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window.“Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.""Drink Good‘n’Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with Pacific Gas."Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of"You Need It!Buy It Now!" The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you've traveled that way before.Usually some things have changed-new houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road.The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so.If the driver is particularly reckless or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story.Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane?After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride.Food always makes bus rides more interesting.But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat.Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops. The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning.You know it will soon be over and there’s a kind of expectation and excitement in that.The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By now you've sat with your legs crossed,with your hands in your lap,with your hands on the arm rests-even with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at the right time.There are just no more ways to sit.What is the purpose of this passage?A:To give the writer's opinion about long bus trips.B:To persuade you to take a long bus trip.C:To show the differences between long bus trips and TV shows.D:To describe the billboards along the road.

考题 共用题干 第一篇Carbon FootprintHow often do you travel by plane?How much electricity do you use?These days everyone is worried about the size of their carbon footprint.In order to reduce global warming we need to make our carbon footprints smaller. But how much CO2 are we responsible for?A new book might be able to help.The Carbon Footprint of Everything looks at the different things we do and buy,and calculates the amount of CO2 all of the following created:the ingredients, the electricity used in the brewery,the equipment,the travel and commuting of the beer,and the packaging. It's amazing how many different things need to be included in each calculation.And it's frightening how much carbon dioxide everything produces.But all of this can help us decide which beer to drink.From Berners-Lee's calculations,it's clear that a pint(568ml)of locally-brewed beer has a smaller carbon footprint than a bottle of imported beer. This is because the imported beer has been transported from far away,and it uses more packaging. The local beer only produces 300g of CO2,but the imported beer produces 900g! So, one pint of local beer is better for the environment than three cans of cheap foreign lager from the supermarket.Berners-Lee has even calculated the carbon footprint of cycling to work.Nothing is more environmentally-friendly than riding a bike,surely?Well,it depends on what you've had to eat before. To ride a bike we need energy and for energy we need food.So if we eat a banana and then ride a kilometer and a half,our footprint is 65g of CO2.However,if we eat bacon before the bike ride,it's 200g. In fact,bananas are good in general because they don't need packaging,they can be transported by boat and they grow in natural sunlight.So,does this mean that cycling is bad for the environment?Absolutely not,for a start,if you cycle,you don't use your car,and the fewer cars on the road,the fewer traffic jams.And cars in traffic jams produce three times more CO2 than cars traveling at speed.Cycling also makes you healthy and less likely to go to a hospital. And hospitals have very big carbon footprints!So maybe it's time for us all to start making some changes.Pass me a banana and a pint of local beer,please.According to Berners-Lee,which of the following produces the most carbon dioxide?A:A pint of local beer we drink.B:A pint of imported beer we drink.C:A banana we eat before a bike ride.D:The bacon we eat before a bike ride.

考题 共用题干 Long Bus RideLong bus rides are like television shows.They have a beginning,a middle,and an end-with commercials thrown in every three or four minutes. The commercials are unavoidable.They happen whether you want them or not. Every couple of minutes a billboard glides by outside the bus window."Buy Super Clean Toothpaste.""Drink Good'n Wet Root Beer.""Fill up with Pa-cific Gas."Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the television set off,are you spared the unending cry of"You Need It!Buy It Now!"The beginning of the ride is comfortable and somewhat exciting,even if you've traveled that way before .Usually some things have changed-new houses,new buildings,sometimes even a new road. The bus driver has a style of driving and it's fun to try to figure it out the first hour or so. If the driver is particularly reckless or daring,the ride can be as thrilling as a suspense story. Will the driver pass the truck in time?Will the driver move into the right or the left-hand lane? After a while,of course,the excitement dies down.Sleeping for a while helps pass the middle hours of the ride .Food always makes bus rides more interesting. But you've got to be careful of what kind of food you eat. Too much salty food can make you very thirsty between stops.The end of the ride is somewhat like the beginning. You know it will soon be over and there's a kind of expectation and excitement in that. The seat,of course,has become harder as the hours have passed.By now you've sat with your legs crossed,with your hands crossed behind your head.The end comes just at the right time.There are just no more ways to sit. What is the purpose of this passage?A: To give the writer's opinion about long bus trips.B: To persuade you to take a long bus trip.C: To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.D: To describe the billboards along the road.

考题 Assuming the network supports all speeds, which of the following should an administrator use to get the MOST throughput?()A、 CAT5 cablingB、 Gigabit NICC、 10/100 full duplex NICD、 100 half duplex NIC

考题 You use a recovery catalog for maintaining your database backups.You execute the following command:$rman TARGET / CATALOG rman / cat@catdbRMAN BACKUP VALIDATE DATABASE ARCHIVELOG ALL;Which two statements are true?()A、Corrupted blocks, if any, are repaired.B、Checks are performed for physical corruptions.C、Checks are performed for logical corruptions.D、Checks are performed to confirm whether all database files exist in correct locationsE、Backup sets containing both data files and archive logs are created.

考题 You have lost all your database control files. To recover them, you are going to use the results of the alter database backup controlfile to trace command. Your datafiles and your online redo logs are all intact.  Which of the following is true regarding your recovery?()  A、 You will need to open the database with the resetlogs command.B、 All you need to do is execute the trace file from SQL*Plus and it will perform the recovery for you.C、 You will use the resetlogs version of the create controlfile command.D、 You will use the noresetlogs version of the create controlfile command.E、 You will use the trace file to create a backup control file, and then you will recover the database with the recover database using backup controlfile command

考题 Your network has a single domain with 1,000 client computers that run Windows Vista. You are planning a deployment of Windows 7. Your company has multiple departments.   Only the sales department will use the existing target computers to run Windows 7.   You have the following requirements:Migrate the user state for each user.  Preserve the file system and existing applications for only the sales department computers.    You need to recommend the deployment method that is appropriate for the environment.    Which combination of deployment scenarios should you recommend?()A、 Use the Refresh Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the New Computer method for all other computers.B、 Use the Refresh Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the Replace Computer method for all other computers.C、 Use the Upgrade Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the Refresh Computer method for all other computers.D、 Use the Upgrade Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the Replace Computer method for all other computers.

考题 Your computer runs Microsoft Windows XP Professional. You share your computer with two other co-workers.  You purchase a new computer. You install Microsoft Windows Vista on the new computer.  You need to migrate the following content from the old computer to the new computer: All system and program settings  All users settings  Only the content in the C:///Appdata folder  Which tool should you use? ()A、File and Settings Transfer wizardB、Application Compatibility toolkitC、Windows Automated Installation toolkitD、Microsoft Windows Easy Transfer wizard

考题 单选题As A DBA, which of the following methods can you use to make a backup of your table?()A Recover Manager (RMAN) utilityB Import utilityC Export utilityD O/S backup command

考题 单选题In this passage puffs can include all of the following except ______.A advertisements that contain the seller’s opinion onlyB advertisements that connect an unrelated quality to a productC advertisements that compare the advertised product with other productsD advertisements that seem to be facts but not exactly so

考题 单选题Assuming the network supports all speeds, which of the following should an administrator use to get the MOST throughput?()A  CAT5 cablingB  Gigabit NICC  10/100 full duplex NICD  100 half duplex NIC

考题 单选题Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation? _____A Did you get all the questions right in today’s class?B Did you finish the task on time?C Can you use the strategies we have learned today?D What did you do in your group work today?

考题 单选题Your network has a single domain with 1,000 client computers that run Windows Vista. You are planning a deployment of Windows 7. Your company has multiple departments.   Only the sales department will use the existing target computers to run Windows 7.   You have the following requirements:Migrate the user state for each user.  Preserve the file system and existing applications for only the sales department computers.    You need to recommend the deployment method that is appropriate for the environment.    Which combination of deployment scenarios should you recommend?()A  Use the Refresh Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the New Computer method for all other computers.B  Use the Refresh Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the Replace Computer method for all other computers.C  Use the Upgrade Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the Refresh Computer method for all other computers.D  Use the Upgrade Computer method for the sales department computers. Use the Replace Computer method for all other computers.

考题 问答题Practice 2  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.  Write about the following topic:  In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. However, others believe that higher education helps people find jobs. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.  You should write at least 250 words.

考题 单选题Decide which of the following advertisements reflects/reflect only the seller’s opinion?A “Acme Cars give you the most comfortable ride in town.”B “Use Sparkle Toothpaste to whiten your teeth.”C “White Cat washes whiter.”D All of the above.

考题 单选题Your computer runs Microsoft Windows XP Professional. You share your computer with two other co-workers.  You purchase a new computer. You install Microsoft Windows Vista on the new computer.  You need to migrate the following content from the old computer to the new computer: All system and program settings  All users settings  Only the content in the C:///Appdata folder  Which tool should you use? ()A File and Settings Transfer wizardB Application Compatibility toolkitC Windows Automated Installation toolkitD Microsoft Windows Easy Transfer wizard

考题 单选题You have lost all your database control files. To recover them, you are going to use the results of the alter database backup controlfile to trace command. Your datafiles and your online redo logs are all intact.  Which of the following is true regarding your recovery?()A  You will need to open the database with the resetlogs command.B  All you need to do is execute the trace file from SQL*Plus and it will perform the recovery for you.C  You will use the resetlogs version of the create controlfile command.D  You will use the noresetlogs version of the create controlfile command.E  You will use the trace file to create a backup control file, and then you will recover the database with the recover database using backup controlfile command