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The new house()₤300 a month.







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更多 “单选题The new house()₤300 a month.A spendsB costsC pays” 相关考题
考题 —It’s said that you have moved into a new house.—Yeah, and we need to buy some __________ in the mall nearby.A. food B. furniture C. hamburger

考题 It’s for a single room and bath _____ Mr. Mark on the 10th of this month.

考题 The workmen ______ down the old house and built a new one in its place. A. putB. closedC. toreD. broke

考题 We are very pleased () our new house. A、withB、atC、for

考题 Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, with his old one.A. comparing B. comparesC. to compareD. compared

考题 It is reported that many a new house at present in the disater area. ( )A. are being builtB. were being builtC. was being builtD. is being built

考题 I bought a new house last year, but I_________ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A. didn't sellB. have not soldC. had not soldD. don't sell

考题 The family spent a_holiday in the country last month. (delight)

考题 My grandfather goes to see two________ (documentary) every month.

考题 We are going to move into a new house, () (provide的合适形式) that (只有......才......)our parents buy one.

考题 — Have you moved into the new house?— No yet, the rooms _____. A are being paintedB are paintingC are paintedD are being painting

考题 It () every day so far this month. A、is rainingB、rainedC、rainsD、has rained

考题 We are planning to go on a trip to Europe next month.

考题 The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____. A.the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of CommonsB.the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House of LordsC.the Queen, the House of CommonsD.the Queen, the House of Lords

考题 They’ve just ____ a new house in the country at a great sum of money. A. bargainedB. robbedC. computedD. purchased

考题 According to the article, which of the following statements is not true?A.Tightly sealed house may be harmful in another aspect.B.The house is unsealed to prevent the air from leaking.C.The air always leaks from cracks.D.New house is worse than old one in the aspect of indoor pollution.

考题 Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one.A. comparing B. comparesC. to compare D. compared

考题 Our new house is on the first floor.A: bottom B: third C: ground D: top

考题 It is reported that many a new house___________ at present in the disaster area in Gansu province.A.are being built B.is being built C.was built D.were built

考题 The Parliament of Australia consists of the House of Representatives and( ) A.the House of Commons B.the House of Lords C.the Senate D.the General

考题 The new house()₤300 a month.A、spendsB、costsC、pays

考题 问答题Over the course of a year, a certain house appreciated in value by 10 percent while the house next door decreased in value by 10 percent as a result of foundation damage. At the end of the year, the reduced price of the second house was what percentage of the increased price of the first house?  (1) The amount by which the first house increased in value was half as much as the amount by which the second house decreased in value.  (2) At the end of the year, the second house was worth $70,000 more than the first house.

考题 单选题----Why not live in your new house?----Sounds a good idea, but it______. It will be OK next month.A will paintB had paintedC is being paintedD has been

考题 单选题A new house ______ at the corner of the road.A is buildingB is being builtC been builtD be building

考题 单选题The new house()₤300 a month.A spendsB costsC pays

考题 单选题The writer wanted to resign because ______.A he had serious trouble with his bossB he got underpaid at his job for the GlobeC he wanted to be engaged in the new media industryD he had found a better paid job in a publishing house

考题 单选题What should you do if you are making changes to your house?A Check 700 plans to build new buildings.B Think carefully about those living near you.C Give enough details to the people next door.

考题 单选题A They attend a house-sitter’s party.B They check a house-sitter’s references.C They interview a house-sitter’s friends.D They read a house-sitter’s guarantee.