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考题 A: I’m sorry,R&d? B:_______________________. A.No, thank you.B.Thank you.C.Excellent, thank you.D.That’s Research and Development.

考题 A: Welcome to Bibury Systems.B:___________________. A.Thank you.B.That’s Research and Development.C.No, thank you.D.Yes.

考题 A: Would you like a cup of coffee? B:_____________________. A.That’s Research and Development.B.No, thank you.C.Yes.D.Thank you.

考题 43. _________ scientists have done a lot of research on A (HINl) flu,there are still some cases for further study.A.AsB.OnceC.IfD.Although

考题 Research involves _______ new things or results. A. discoveringB. to discoverC. discoverD. discovery

考题 Which of the following would be the best title of the test?[A] Novelty as an Engine of Scientific Development.[B]Collective Scrutiny in Scientific Discovery.[C] Evolution of Credibility in Doing Science.[D]Challenge to Credibility at the Gate to Science.

考题 ????????Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the (71)??development and maintenance of software??????????A.A.researchB.B.managementC.C.assemblyD.D.design

考题 Which of the following is the main point of the text?[A] The development of the Internet.[B] The possibility of space research.[C] Universal information superhighway.[D] The technological advances of the Mars mission.

考题 The main idea of the first paragraph is _____.[A] the importance of cultural tools and technology[B] the cultural influence of the development of civilization[C] the focus of the study of the material culture of music[D] the significance of the research into the musical instruments

考题 Software Engineering Economy is an effective part of software engineering.Which of the following content is the research content of software engineering economy?Ⅰ.Estimation of software development costⅡ.Earn Cost analysis of software developmentⅢ.Adjustment of software development progressA.Ⅲ onlyB.Ⅱ and ⅢC.Ⅰ and ⅡD.all

考题 _________A. research B. study C. recognize D. explore

考题 Software engineering is the study and an application of engineering to the design,development,and(71)of software.A.maintenance B.service C.running D.deployment

考题 Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the ( ) , development and maintenance of software. 软件工程是将工程的研究和应用运用于软件的( )设计、开发和维护。A.research研究 B.management管理 C.assembly集成 D.design设计

考题 The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics.A:useless B:practical C:little D:useful

考题 The research should prove invaluable the study of linguistics.A:useless B:practical C:little D:useful

考题 We are __________seeking volunteers to participate in an upcoming consumer research study for Mayfee Marketing.A.significantly B.slightly C.completely D.currently

考题 The discovery of the strange stone in the deserted valley has spurred series of scientific research.A:encouraged B:endangered C:endorsed D:enlarged

考题 Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the ( ), development and maintenance of software.A.research B.management C.assembly D.design

考题 The latest car model 【embodies】 the new research development.A.lists B.includes C.borrows D.broadens

考题 单选题The best title for the passage could be _____.A The Dark Side of Computer GamesB Computer Games—Advantages and DisadvantagesC The Development of Violent Computer GamesD A Study on the Influence of Computer Games

考题 单选题The research became known as the “Hawthorne effect” becauseA it was the name of the plant where the study was conductedB it was the name suggested by the Harvard researchersC it was the name of the principal experimenterD There were Hawthorne plants growing at Western Electric where the study was conducted.

考题 单选题What is the passage primarily about?A The first widely published development in modem motivation theory.B Shifting the focus of human motivation from economics to a multifaceted approach.C The importance of careful research.D The results of a pioneering study at Western Electric.

考题 单选题As a master’s candidate, he was always diligent in his study and research.A instructiveB industriousC intelligentD intense

考题 单选题The latest car model embodies() the new research development.A listsB includesC borrowsD broadens

考题 判断题Scientists study the development of expertise in different areas so that their findings can help children in becoming experts in these and other areas.A 对B 错

考题 单选题The research and development division is still looking for a candidate ______ qualifications match the demands of the vacant position.A whoB whoseC whomD which

考题 单选题The mention of the discovery of 110 previously unknown epigrams by the poet Posidippus serves what purpose in the passage?A Revealing insights into the nuances of court culture in Hellenistic EgyptB Demonstrating how durable a material papyrus can beC Arguing for a greater appreciation of this little-known Hellenistic poetD Highlighting the importance of royal patronage in the development or arts and literature in the Hellenistic worldE Illustrating the kind of discovery that can be made from researching papyrus fragments

考题 单选题The study of language development over a period of time is generally called _____ linguistics.A appliedB synchronicC comparativeD diachronic