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They will() measures against privates and pilferage.









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更多 “单选题They will() measures against privates and pilferage.A tookB takingC takeD taken” 相关考题
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考题 My first job ______for four years, my second for ten, my third for seven. A. tookB. lastedC. takeD. spent

考题 – We want to sit at the table near the window.– Im sorry, but( )already. A.it tookB.it takesC.it is being takenD.it has been taken

考题 24.—Were you at home at 9 0-clock last night?—Yes,l _________a shower at that time.A. tookB.was takingC. was takenD. am taking

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考题 The boy()to school already. A、has takenB、has been takingC、is takenD、has been taken

考题 Mr.Smith, together with his children and wife, ( )photos on the Great Wall. A、were seen takeB、was seen takingC、was seen takeD、were seen taking

考题 Where is my passport? I remember _______ it here.You shouldn't have left it here. Remember _______ it with you all the time.A.to put;to takeB.putting;takingC.putting;to takeD.to put;taking

考题 He admitted ________ the money. A、takenB、takingC、takeD、to take

考题 The boy_____ to school right now. A、has been takenB、has been takingC、is takenD、is being taken

考题 They will take measures against (海盗)___and pilferageA.privatesB.piratesC.stowawayD.personnel

考题 What measures should be taken if anchor dragging?

考题 I think you'd better ______ his advice and rest for a few days.A. to takeB. takingC. takeD. took

考题 I left my pen on the desk and now it's gone; who__________it?A.took B.has taken C.will take D.had taken

考题 --We want to sit at the table near the window. -- I‘m sorry, but()already.A、it tookB、it takesC、it is being takenD、it has been taken

考题 They will() against pirates and pilferage.A、take placeB、take overC、take measuresD、take up

考题 --- What's happened to Tom? ---()to hospital.A、He’s takenB、He’ll be takenC、He’ll takeD、He’s been taken

考题 They should ()care of anchors to ensure that they are in normal condition.A、tookB、takeC、takingD、taken

考题 They will() measures against privates and pilferage.A、tookB、takingC、takeD、taken

考题 They will take()(措施) against pirates and pilferage.A、measuresB、turnsC、placeD、part

考题 They will take measures against (海盗)()and pilferage.A、privatesB、piratesC、stowawayD、personnel

考题 They will take ()against pirates and pilferage.A、measuresB、turnsC、placeD、part

考题 单选题They will() measures against privates and pilferage.A tookB takingC takeD taken

考题 单选题It is _____ that effective measures be taken to curb the rise of food prices.A imposingB imperativeC industriousD incidental

考题 单选题Precautionary measures must be taken to()safety of the steredortes, cargo and the ship.A insureB ensureC assureD assume

考题 单选题Certain measures should be taken to control environmental()A pollutionB pollutantC polluteD polluting

考题 单选题They will take measures against (海盗)()and pilferage.A privatesB piratesC stowawayD personnel