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农用食盐 sodium chloride


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考题 sodium chloride equivalent

考题 The water in an auxiliary boiler should be tested for chloride content to determine ( ).A.total dissolved solidsB.salt contaminationC.water harcnessD.chlorine contamination

考题 Phenytoin Sodium的化学名为( )。

考题 属于去极化性肌松药的是A.阿曲库铵苯磺酸盐(AtracuriumB e-sylate)B.罗库溴铵(Rocuronium Bromide)C.多库氯铵(Doxacurium Chloride)D.氯琥珀胆碱(Suxamethonium Chlo-ride)E.米库氯铵(Mivaeurium Chloride)

考题 库氯铵(Mivaeurium Chloride)

考题 强效、起效慢、作用时间长的肌松药是A.阿曲库铵苯磺酸盐(Atracurium Be-sylate)B.罗库溴铵(Rocuronium Bromide)C.多库氯铵(Doxaeurium Chloride)D.氯琥珀胆碱(Suxamethonium Chlo-ride)E.米库氯铵(Mivacurium Chloride)

考题 阿库氯铵(Alcuronium Chloride)

考题 d-氯化筒箭毒碱(d-Tuboeurarine Chloride) d-氯化筒箭毒碱(d-Tuboeurarine Chloride)

考题 共用题干 第一篇U. S. Eats Too Much SaltPeople in the United States consume more than twice the recommended amount of salt,raising their risk for high blood pressure,heart attacks and strokes,government health experts said on Thursday.They found nearly 70 percent of U.S.adults are in high-risk groups that would benefit from a lower-salt diet of no more than 1,500 mg per day,yet most consume close to 3,500 mg per day."It's important for people to eat less salt.People who adopt a heart一healthy eating pattern that includes a diet low in sodium(钠)and rich in potassium(钾)and calcium(钙)can improve their blood pressure,"Dr. Darwin Labarthe of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)said in a statement."People need to know their recommended daily sodium limit and take action to reduce sodium intake (摄入量),"Labarthe said.The study in CDC's weekly report on death and disease used national survey data to show that two out of three adults should be consuming no more than 1,500 mg of sodium per day because they are black or over the age of 40一who are considered as high-risk groups.Yet studies show most people in the United States eat 3,436 mg of sodium per day,according to a 2005- 2006 CDC estimate.Most of the sodium eaten comes from packaged,processed and restaurant foods.The CDC said it will ioin other agencies in the Health and Human Services Department in working with major food manufacturers and chain restaurants to reduce sodium levels in the food supply.Nationwide,1 6 million men and women have heart disease and 5.8 million are estimated to have had a stroke.Cutting salt conoumption can reduce theoe risks,the CDC said.Nearly 70 percent of U. S. adults are in high-risk groups,_____.A:for they are inactiveB:for they are black or over the age of 40C:for they frequently eat outD:for they consume sodium every day

考题 Which is the right way of listing salt content of 500 grams of bread?__________A.sodium: 32 gram B.sodium: 320 milligrams C.sodium: 3.2 gram D.sodium: 320 gram

考题 A.Phenobarbital B.Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride C.Diazepam D.Phenobaebital Sodium E.Phenytoin Sodium盐酸氯丙嗪的英文名是

考题 A.Phenobarbital B.Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride C.Diazepam D.Phenobaebital Sodium E.Phenytoin Sodium苯巴比妥钠的英文名是

考题 A.Phenobarbital B.Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride C.Diazepam D.Phenobaebital Sodium E.Phenytoin Sodium苯巴比妥的英文名是

考题 以下药物中不属于拟胆碱药物是的A.卡巴胆碱(Carbachol) B.氯醋甲胆碱(Methacholine Chloride) C.氯贝胆碱(Bethanechol Chloride) D.毒扁豆碱(Physostigmine) E.匹鲁卡品(Pilocarpine)

考题 农用食盐 sodium chloride

考题 钠热阱 sodium hot trap

考题 问答题碱化度ESP(Exchangeable sodium percentage)

考题 单选题Exhaust valve grooving and corrosion is caused by certain components of residual fuel oilThese components are sodium, sulfur, and ().A vanadiumB carbonC copperD ash

考题 单选题Fires occurring in combustible metals, such as sodium or magnesium, are classified as a ().A class AB class BC class CD class D

考题 单选题Emulsion oils and sodium nitrite are both approved additives, but the latter cannot be used if any pipes are () or if any soldered joints exit.A chromedB weldedC galvanizedD bolted

考题 单选题Emulsion oils and sodium nitrite are both approved additives, but () cannot be used if any pipes are galvanized or if soldered joints exist.A the latterB latterC formerD the former

考题 单选题The water in an auxiliary boiler should be tested for chloride content to determine ().A total dissolved solidsB salt contaminationC water hardnessD chlorine contamination

考题 单选题The amount of chloride content in the water of an auxiliary boiler can be reduced by()A adding hydrazineB blowing down the boilerC adding phenolphthaleinD adding a sulfite chloride scavenger

考题 单选题The fire of sodium is classified as() fire.A Class AB Class BC Class CD Class D

考题 名词解释题钠依赖性高血压(sodium-dependent hypertension)

考题 单选题The synonymous pair_______differ in degree of register.A sodium chloride and saltB rebuke and reproachC lift and elevatorD petrol and gasoline

考题 单选题The water in an operating auxiliary boiler should be tested for alkalinity and chloride content each().A hourB dayC weekD month