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Turbocharging system may be designed to operate on either the () or the constant pressure exhaust system.









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更多 “单选题Turbocharging system may be designed to operate on either the () or the constant pressure exhaust system.A pulseB exhaustC fluctuatingD hunting” 相关考题
考题 ●An Embedded System is a (72)designed for specific control functions within a larger system.(72) A. computerB. programC.computer systemD.tool

考题 The bank has designed a system to prevent the() of credit cards.A、useB、loanC、misuseD、protection

考题 Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use of_____.A.brushesB.slip ringsC.commutatorsD.all of the above

考题 Under the IALA-A Buoyage System,a green spar buoy with a triangular topmark would indicate that the buoy ______.A.should be left to port when heading out to seaB.may be left close aboard on either sideC.is on the north side of a point of interestD.is marking the preferred channel

考题 Transverse frames are more widely spaced on a ship that is designed with the ______.A.Centerline system of framingB.Isometric system of framingC.Longitudinal system of framingD.Transverse system of framing

考题 材料:Every new crude oil tanker of 20000 tons deadweight and above shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing.The Administration shall undertake to ensure that the system fully complies with the requirements of MARPOL within one year after the tanker was first engaged in the trade of carrying crude oil or by the end of the third voyage carrying crude oil suitable for crude oil washing,whichever occurs later.Unless such oil tanker carries crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing,the oil tanker shall operate the system in accordance with the requirements of that Regulation.Every existing crude oil tanker of 40000 tons deadweight and above shall be provided with segregated ballast tanks.Existing crude oil tankers may,in lieu of being provided with segregated ballast tanks,operate with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing unless the crude oil tanker is intended to carry crude oil which is not suitable for crude oil washing.Existing crude oil tankers may,in lieu of being provided with segregated ballast tanks or operating with a cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washing,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanks in accordance with the provision of Regulation 13A of this Annex for the following period:for crude oil tankers of 70 000 tons deadweight and above,until two years after the date of entry into force of the present Convention;and for crude oil tankers of 40000 tons deadweight and above but below 70 000 tons deadweight,until four years after the date of entry into force of the present Convention.问题:A new crude oil tanker of 30000 tons deadweight shall ________.A.be fitted with crude oil washing systemB.operate dedicated clean ballast tanksC.be fitted with segregated ballast tanksD.be fitted with washing system other than crude oil washing systemExcept________,the existing crude oil tankers may operate with any of the following installations.A.segregated ballast tanksB.cargo tank cleaning procedure using crude oil washingC.operate with dedicated clean ballast tanksD.protection positionThe latest date for an existing crude oil tanker of 60000 tons deadweight to install dedicated clean ballast tanks is ________.A.until two years after the date of entry into force of the present ConventionB.until four years after the date of entry into force of the present ConventionC.within one year after the tanker was first engaged in the trade of carrying crude oilD.by the end of the third voyage carrying crude oilIt is inferred that ________.A.all oil tankers,both the newly built and existing ones,shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washingB.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above may,in lieu of being provided with crude oil washing system,operate with segregated ballast tanksC.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above may,in lieu of being provided with crude oil washing system,operate with dedicated clean ballast tanksD.a new crude oil tanker of 20 000 tons deadweight and above shall not be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing immediately after her entry in the trade of carrying crude oil请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program.A:together B:in succession C:in alliance D:in connection

考题 ATTENTION: ALL EMPLOYEES As you may have heard, we are getting ready to implement a new computer system at the office. This may worry some of you, but the system is actually designed to make our lives easier. It will eliminate a lot of the repetitive paperwork that many of you dislike doing, and will give us a central system where all of our information can be stored. In order to make sure everyone is comfortable with the new system, we will be holding several orientation sessions throughout next week. Please choose one that fits your schedule and sign up. You will learn the basics, get a guidebook for the system, and have an opportunity to get comfortable with the system by completing practice tasks with the help of the instructor. The following sessions are available: Tuesday, November 7th at 10:00 A.M. Wednesday, November 8th at 11:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Friday November 10th at 9:30 A.M. Please visit the bulletin board in the lunchroom and sign up for one. There will be snacks and refreshments for participants served after each session. What is the purpose of the training sessions?A. To teach staff how to do repetitive work more quickly B. To ensure the staff feels comfortable with the system C. To introduce the basics of computer usage D. To get together for snacks and refreshments

考题 The Cisco 521 Wireless Express Access Point used in the Smart Business Communications System can be configured to operate in which mode?()A、controller-based mode onlyB、either standalone mode or controller-based modeC、standalone mode only

考题 Which three service components belong to the operate phase()A、Change ManagementB、Operations ImplementationC、System monitoringD、Incident ManagementE、Operations Assessment

考题 Which two statements are true about broadband cable (HFC) systems?()A、Cable modems only operate at Layer 1 of the OSI model.B、Cable modems operate at Layers 1 and 2 of the OSI model.C、Cable modems operate at Layers 1, 2, and 3 of the OSI model.D、A function of the cable modem termination system (CMTS) is to convert the modulated signal from the cable modem into a digital signal.E、A function of the cable modem termination system is to convert the digital data stream from the end user host into a modulated RF signal for transmission onto the cable system.

考题 A system administrator is monitoring a system that has recently shown a decrease in performance.The administrator suspects that the system may be low on memory and may be paging excessively.Which of the following commands is best to identify a possible paging problem?()A、iostatB、netstatC、psD、vmstat

考题 elect boards which may be applied to either the ZXMP M800 (2M monitoring system), ZXMP M600 or ZXWM M900 system. ()A、NCPB、OSCC、GEMD、SRME、OP

考题 单选题Turbocharging of marine diesel engine is achieved by two distinct methods, () termed the constant pressure and the pulse system.A respectableB respectfulC respectiveD respectively

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning all three-phase alternators?()A Each has three separate but identical armature windings acted on by one system of rotating magnetsB Each has one armature winding acted on by three identical but separate systems of rotating magnetsC All three-phase alternators are designed to operate with a O8 leading power factorD The three phases always provide power to the load through three sets of slip rings and brushes

考题 单选题The passage warns of which of the following dangers?A Companies in the United States may receive no protection from imports unless they actively seek protection from import competition.B Companies that seek legal protection from import competition may incur legal costs that far exceed any possible gain.C Companies that are United States owned but operate internationally may not be eligible for protection from import competition under the laws of the countries in which their plants operate.D Companies that are not United States owned may seek legal protection from import competition under United States import relief laws.

考题 单选题() is a source of power by which the diesel engine may operate.A Water energyB Electrical energyC Chemical energyD Heat energy

考题 单选题Either()may be discharged on the ground of impossibility of performance or on the ground of delay,where no breach of contract by either party has taken place.A contractB partyC personD company

考题 单选题Two-stroke engine turbocharging is achieved by two distinct methods, () termed the constant pressure and the pulse system.A respectableB respectfulC respectiveD respectively

考题 单选题Your tanker is designed to carry anhydrous ammonia in bulk.The keel was laid in 1980.Which statement concerning the carriage of this cargo is TRUE().A A flammable gas detection system must be installed in each cargo pump roomB Tanks may not be located on deckC Carriage of this cargo is authorized by issuance of an IMO CertificateD Aluminum and copper alloys are prohibited from being in valve parts in contact with the cargo

考题 单选题Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use of().A brushesB slip ringsC commutatorsD all of the above

考题 单选题If fuel injection to a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine begins earlier than designed, ignition may be delayed because the ().A cylinder compression pressure may not be high enoughB cylinder compression temperature may be too highC fuel oil injection pressure may not be high enoughD scavenge and purge process is incomplete

考题 单选题A solution to overcome tripping defects is an arrangement of special plates on either side of the flukes, designed to set them in the correct tripping position. These special plates are called().A trippersB stocksC awlD palms

考题 单选题The VDR system is designed to operate()once it is set up correctly.There is no user interaction.A automaticallyB accuratelyC promptlyD conspicuously

考题 单选题DOS是()的缩写。A Disk operation SystemB Disk SystemC Dine Ctoryoperation SystemD Diskette Operate System

考题 单选题Transverse frames are more widely spaced on a ship that is designed with the().A centerline system of framingB isometric system of framingC longitudinal system of framingD transverse system of framing

考题 单选题Deck foam systems,designed to protect cargo areas on tankers built after January 1,1975,must have a supply of foam-producing material to operate the system at its designed rate of foam production for().A 15 minutes without rechargingB 20 minutes without rechargingC 25 minutes without rechargingD 30 minutes without recharging