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Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use of_____.


B.slip rings


D.all of the above


更多 “ Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use of_____.A.brushesB.slip ringsC.commutatorsD.all of the above ” 相关考题
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考题 When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical-hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will .A.pick up more of any increase in loadB.pick up less of any increase in loadC.share an equal amount of any increase in loadD.drop an equal amount of any decrease in load

考题 A fixed carbon dioxide extinguishing system for a machinery space,designed WITHOUT a stop valve in the line leading to the protected space,is actuated by ______.A.one controlB.two controlsC.three controlsD.none of the above

考题 What is TRUE of pressure/vacuum valves?A.They are designed to provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres caused by thermal variations in a cargo tankB.They should operate in advance of the pressure/vacuum breakersC.They should be kept in good working order by regular inspection and cleaningD.All of the above

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考题 The capacity of the segregated ballast tanks shall be ______ determined that the ship may operate safely on ballast voyages without recourse to the use of cargo tanks for water ballast except as provided otherwise.A.SuchB.AsC.SoD.Well

考题 It is dangerous for vessels without the use of radar ______ the estuary.A.To getB.To approachC.To proceedD.To close

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考题 Which command (without options) would you use to display how much space is available on all mounted partitions?()

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning all three-phase alternators?()A Each has three separate but identical armature windings acted on by one system of rotating magnetsB Each has one armature winding acted on by three identical but separate systems of rotating magnetsC All three-phase alternators are designed to operate with a O8 leading power factorD The three phases always provide power to the load through three sets of slip rings and brushes

考题 单选题The generators on your rig have shut down,leaving you without navigation lights. Which emergency signal would you transmit over the VHF radio to alert vessels in the area of your predicament? ()A Mayday,Mayday,MaydayB Pan,Pan,PanC Security,Security,SecurityD Lights out,Lights out,Lights out

考题 单选题Voltage generated by most AC generators is fed from the machine to the bus by means of().A brushes on a commutatorB brushes on slip ringsC slip rings on a commutatorD direct connections from the stator

考题 单选题Which is a function of the voltage regulators used with AC generators?()A To cut out generators when they are no longer requiredB To cut in additional generators automatically as requiredC To divide the KW load equally between generators operating in parallelD To divide reactive current between generators operating in parallel

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考题 单选题When the prime movers of two paralleled generators are equipped with mechanical- hydraulic governors, and are operating within their designed range, the unit with the least amount of speed droop will ().A pick up more of any increase in loadB pick up less of any increase in loadC share an equal amount of any increase in loadD drop an equal amount of any decrease in load

考题 单选题Why is it desirable to operate paralleled AC generators at the same power factor?()A Circulating currents are kept to a minimumB Field excitation losses are kept to a minimumC Generator rotors will have a lesser tendency to huntD Because a power factor increase will decrease kilowatt output

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考题 单选题Brushless generators are designed to operate without the use of().A brushesB slip ringsC commutatorsD all of the above

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考题 单选题The VDR system is designed to operate()once it is set up correctly.There is no user interaction.A automaticallyB accuratelyC promptlyD conspicuously

考题 单选题The pitch of a propeller is a measure of the().A angle that the propeller makes with a free stream of waterB angle that the propeller makes with the surface of the waterC number of feet per revolution the propeller is designed to advance in still water without slipD positive pressure resulting from the difference of the forces on both sides of the moving propeller in still water without slip

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考题 单选题A fixed carbon dioxide extinguishing system for a machinery space,designed WITHOUT a stop valve in the line leading to the protected space,is actuated by().A one controlB two controlsC three controlsD none of the above

考题 单选题Turbocharging system may be designed to operate on either the () or the constant pressure exhaust system.A pulseB exhaustC fluctuatingD hunting

考题 单选题When two DC generators operate in parallel, they are protected against motorizing by()A blow out coilsB governor relayC under voltage tripsD reverse current trips

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考题 单选题What is TRUE of pressure/vacuum valves? ()A They are designed to provide for the flow of small volumes of tank atmospheres caused by thermal variations in a cargo tankB They should operate in advance of the pressure/vacuum breakersC They should be kept in good working order by regular inspection and cleaningD All of the above