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_______is the constant aim of teachers and the uppermost way to improve the quality of teaching in subjects.

To pursue the maximum of the classroom teaching


Profound teaching experiences


The unique teaching personality


Precise classroom teaching evaluation


更多 “单选题_______is the constant aim of teachers and the uppermost way to improve the quality of teaching in subjects.A To pursue the maximum of the classroom teachingB Profound teaching experiencesC The unique teaching personalityD Precise classroom teaching evaluation” 相关考题
考题 The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only____, but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energyB. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was savedD. was saved teachers’ energy

考题 The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _________, but students became more interested in the lessons.A.saved was teachers' energyB.was teachers' energy savedC.teachers' energy was savedD.was saved teachers' energy

考题 the teacher has a word in his mind and asks students to guess by asking only yes/no questions until they make the correct guess. in this way, the teachers’ role is a/an ___________. A. organizerB. participantC. resource-providerD. assessor

考题 The text books are designed in such a way that they will really____ the interest of teachers and students. A、cottageB、cattleC、goatD、engage

考题 8. The teachers think shopping online is a good way to spend money.

考题 New technology was used in teaching. As a result, not only _____ , but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy

考题 ______is a precaution which contributes to avoiding trouble under normal operating conditions.A.Constant inspectionB.Keeping constant loadC.Remaining constant temperatureD.Varying speed

考题 Modern marine diesel engines equipped with mechanical fuel injection operate on a combustion phase within the cycle which is ______.A.entirely constant pressureB.entirely constant temperatureC.a combination of constant volume and constant pressureD.a combination of constant temperature and constant pressure

考题 Regulations define the bulkhead deck as ______.(subdivision and stability regulations)A.any deck extending from stem to sternB.the uppermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extendC.the lowermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extendD.the uppermost complete deck

考题 In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to__________. A.providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for students B.correcting students' mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediately C.encouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master English D.cultivating students' interest

考题 Which of the following is an example of teachers' indirect corrective feedback? A.Say "went" instead of "go".__________ B.We never use "at" that way. C.Choice A is not the right answer. D.Who can help him with this sentence

考题 Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and structure first and then going over the text sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph with the students. This way is known as__________.A.top-down model B.bottom-up model C.interactive model D.integrative model

考题 Text 1 From West Virginia to Arizona,public-school teachers are in revolt.They are demanding better pay,and they deserve it-so long as their salaries are tied to their performance.It's not that U.S.teachers are underpaid;the median income for the country's l million high-school teachers,for example,is more than 50 percent higher than that of the general population.But relative to peers with similar levels of education,teachers are falling behind.In 1994,public-school teachers made only 2 percent less than college graduates in other fields;by 2015,the gap was 17 percent.Cuts in state education budgets have made the problem WOfse.In more than half of the country,aftcr adjusting for inflation,average teacher salaries have declined since the start of the century.In West Virginia,where pay has dropped by 8.9 percent since 2000,teachers went on strike in late February,forcing Iawmakers to pass a 5 percent pay increase for the next school year,Teachers'unions in Arizona,Oklahoma and Kentucky plan similar walkouts if their demands aren't met.To avoid such an outcome-which hurts students the most-both sides need to compromise.Teachers shouldn't have to work second and third jobs to make ends meet,as many say they do,even in states with low are fiercely defended by teachers'uuions.But they reduce the funds available for other priorities-like encouraging teachers to relocate to rural and low-income districts and addressing shortages of teachers in STEM subjects.Across-the-board pay increases for teachers may go some way toward improving student performance,but not far enough.Despite opposition from unions,school districts in at least 30 states have introduced performance-based bonuses for teachers.In schools where teacher pay is tied to student performance,test scores have nsen by the equivalent of three additional weeks oflearning.Districts with merit pay are better able to hire strong entry-level candidates and prevent high-performing teachers from leaving.Intemational comparisons bear out a basic,if self-evident,truth:how well students perform depends on how well they're taught.The U.S.should pay its teachers more-and give the best ones incentives to show how much they're worth.21.Which of the following statements is true about U.S.teachers'salaries?A.High-school teachers are considered to be overpaid. B.Private-school teachers generally get higher income. C.Public-school teachers'salaries depend on their perfornance. D.High-school teachers'peers with a college education are much better paid.

考题 Text 1 From West Virginia to Arizona,public-school teachers are in revolt.They are demanding better pay,and they deserve it-so long as their salaries are tied to their performance.It's not that U.S.teachers are underpaid;the median income for the country's l million high-school teachers,for example,is more than 50 percent higher than that of the general population.But relative to peers with similar levels of education,teachers are falling behind.In 1994,public-school teachers made only 2 percent less than college graduates in other fields;by 2015,the gap was 17 percent.Cuts in state education budgets have made the problem WOfse.In more than half of the country,aftcr adjusting for inflation,average teacher salaries have declined since the start of the century.In West Virginia,where pay has dropped by 8.9 percent since 2000,teachers went on strike in late February,forcing Iawmakers to pass a 5 percent pay increase for the next school year,Teachers'unions in Arizona,Oklahoma and Kentucky plan similar walkouts if their demands aren't met.To avoid such an outcome-which hurts students the most-both sides need to compromise.Teachers shouldn't have to work second and third jobs to make ends meet,as many say they do,even in states with low are fiercely defended by teachers'uuions.But they reduce the funds available for other priorities-like encouraging teachers to relocate to rural and low-income districts and addressing shortages of teachers in STEM subjects.Across-the-board pay increases for teachers may go some way toward improving student performance,but not far enough.Despite opposition from unions,school districts in at least 30 states have introduced performance-based bonuses for teachers.In schools where teacher pay is tied to student performance,test scores have nsen by the equivalent of three additional weeks oflearning.Districts with merit pay are better able to hire strong entry-level candidates and prevent high-performing teachers from leaving.Intemational comparisons bear out a basic,if self-evident,truth:how well students perform depends on how well they're taught.The U.S.should pay its teachers more-and give the best ones incentives to show how much they're worth.22.The word"walkouts"(Para.3)most probably meansA.tactics. B.strikes. C.decisions. D.attacks.

考题 Text 1 From West Virginia to Arizona,public-school teachers are in revolt.They are demanding better pay,and they deserve it-so long as their salaries are tied to their performance.It's not that U.S.teachers are underpaid;the median income for the country's l million high-school teachers,for example,is more than 50 percent higher than that of the general population.But relative to peers with similar levels of education,teachers are falling behind.In 1994,public-school teachers made only 2 percent less than college graduates in other fields;by 2015,the gap was 17 percent.Cuts in state education budgets have made the problem WOfse.In more than half of the country,aftcr adjusting for inflation,average teacher salaries have declined since the start of the century.In West Virginia,where pay has dropped by 8.9 percent since 2000,teachers went on strike in late February,forcing Iawmakers to pass a 5 percent pay increase for the next school year,Teachers'unions in Arizona,Oklahoma and Kentucky plan similar walkouts if their demands aren't met.To avoid such an outcome-which hurts students the most-both sides need to compromise.Teachers shouldn't have to work second and third jobs to make ends meet,as many say they do,even in states with low are fiercely defended by teachers'uuions.But they reduce the funds available for other priorities-like encouraging teachers to relocate to rural and low-income districts and addressing shortages of teachers in STEM subjects.Across-the-board pay increases for teachers may go some way toward improving student performance,but not far enough.Despite opposition from unions,school districts in at least 30 states have introduced performance-based bonuses for teachers.In schools where teacher pay is tied to student performance,test scores have nsen by the equivalent of three additional weeks oflearning.Districts with merit pay are better able to hire strong entry-level candidates and prevent high-performing teachers from leaving.Intemational comparisons bear out a basic,if self-evident,truth:how well students perform depends on how well they're taught.The U.S.should pay its teachers more-and give the best ones incentives to show how much they're worth.24.Performance-based pay has the following advantages exceptA.better performance of students. B.higher quality of teachers. C.keeping excellent teachers staying. D.improving teacher's research standard.

考题 Text 1 From West Virginia to Arizona,public-school teachers are in revolt.They are demanding better pay,and they deserve it-so long as their salaries are tied to their performance.It's not that U.S.teachers are underpaid;the median income for the country's l million high-school teachers,for example,is more than 50 percent higher than that of the general population.But relative to peers with similar levels of education,teachers are falling behind.In 1994,public-school teachers made only 2 percent less than college graduates in other fields;by 2015,the gap was 17 percent.Cuts in state education budgets have made the problem WOfse.In more than half of the country,aftcr adjusting for inflation,average teacher salaries have declined since the start of the century.In West Virginia,where pay has dropped by 8.9 percent since 2000,teachers went on strike in late February,forcing Iawmakers to pass a 5 percent pay increase for the next school year,Teachers'unions in Arizona,Oklahoma and Kentucky plan similar walkouts if their demands aren't met.To avoid such an outcome-which hurts students the most-both sides need to compromise.Teachers shouldn't have to work second and third jobs to make ends meet,as many say they do,even in states with low are fiercely defended by teachers'uuions.But they reduce the funds available for other priorities-like encouraging teachers to relocate to rural and low-income districts and addressing shortages of teachers in STEM subjects.Across-the-board pay increases for teachers may go some way toward improving student performance,but not far enough.Despite opposition from unions,school districts in at least 30 states have introduced performance-based bonuses for teachers.In schools where teacher pay is tied to student performance,test scores have nsen by the equivalent of three additional weeks oflearning.Districts with merit pay are better able to hire strong entry-level candidates and prevent high-performing teachers from leaving.Intemational comparisons bear out a basic,if self-evident,truth:how well students perform depends on how well they're taught.The U.S.should pay its teachers more-and give the best ones incentives to show how much they're worth.23.According to the text,teachers'educational backgrounds and length of service are related toA.merit pay. B.across-the-board pay. C.seniority salaries. D.performance-based incentives.

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考题 经常用来挂在美国空军战斗机上的近程格斗导弹是()A、AIM-9L“响尾蛇”B、AIM-7F“麻雀”C、AIM-54“不死鸟”D、AIM-120

考题 在Premiere Pro中,音频转场有两种:Constant Power和Constant Gain。

考题 单选题In English teaching,teachers should NOT pay attention to_______.A providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsB correcting students'mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediatelyC encouraging students to discuss,cooperate,experience,practice,and explore the way to master EnglishD cultivating students'interest

考题 单选题In order to maintain a constant outlet water temperature of 80-85℃ from the engine, a three-way valve is installed()A at the jacket cooler outlet to control the flux through the engineB at the jacket cooler outlet to control the flux through the coolerC at the engine outlet to control the flux through the engineD at the engine inlet to control the flux through the engine

考题 单选题When approaching a preferred-channel buoy,the best channel is NOT indicated by the().A light characteristicB color of the uppermost bandC shape of an unlighted buoyD color of the light

考题 单选题According to the way the energy of the exhaust gases is utilized, pressure-charging can be divided into two main systems, namely, the constant-pressure system and ().A the pulse-phase systemB the pulse Doppler systemC the pulse systemD the pulse interval

考题 单选题Some teachers teach reading by introducing new vocabulary and structure first and then going over the text sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph with the students. This way is known as _____.A top-down modelB bottom-up modelC interactive modelD integrative model

考题 单选题The beginning sentence “Good teachers matter.” can mainly be explained as which of the following?A Good teachers help students establish confidence.B Good teachers determine the personality of students.C Good teachers promote student achievement.D Good teachers treat students as their own children.

考题 单选题Modern marine diesel engines using mechanical fuel injection, operate on a combustion cycle which is()A a combination of constant volume and constant pressureB a combination of constant temperature and constant pressureC entirely constant pressureD entirely constant volume

考题 单选题Modern marine diesel engines equipped with mechanical fuel injection operate on a combustion phase within the cycle which is()A entirely constant pressureB entirely constant temperatureC a combination of constant volume and constant pressureD a combination of constant temperature and constant pressure

考题 单选题_______is the constant aim of teachers and the uppermost way to improve the quality of teaching in subjects.A To pursue the maximum of the classroom teachingB Profound teaching experiencesC The unique teaching personalityD Precise classroom teaching evaluation