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And if the weather is used to make political points, then so of course, is clothing. The one essential and multipurpose item of clothing for modern Britain is, of course, denim jeans. Worn by everyone outside working hours from royalty to the woman in the street, jeans are the symbol of a casual and classless approach to life. In the informal environments of universities the only suits are worn by administrators—hence the pejorative name for these bureaucrats as “the suits”. Everyone else from professor to undergraduate can be seen carrying out their tasks in blue denim in various states of repair. The most fashionable young men and women will be seen in jeans that are either far too big or far too small for them, with holes, patches, badges, sequins or drawings on them. However, most of us prefer our jeans plain, draught proof and comfortable!


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更多 “问答题And if the weather is used to make political points, then so of course, is clothing. The one essential and multipurpose item of clothing for modern Britain is, of course, denim jeans. Worn by everyone outside working hours from royalty to the woman in the street, jeans are the symbol of a casual and classless approach to life. In the informal environments of universities the only suits are worn by administrators—hence the pejorative name for these bureaucrats as “the suits”. Everyone else from professor to undergraduate can be seen carrying out their tasks in blue denim in various states of repair. The most fashionable young men and women will be seen in jeans that are either far too big or far too small for them, with holes, patches, badges, sequins or drawings on them. However, most of us prefer our jeans plain, draught proof and comfortable!” 相关考题
考题 The “rudder adjustment” control on an autopilot steering stand is used to ______.A.align the rudder angle indicator with the true rudder angleB.set the number of degrees of rudder per degree of course errorC.set the departure from base course before actuating the rudderD.set the rate at which the rudder responds

考题 Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other________.A.shall not keep her course but shall keep her speedB.shall not keep her course and speedC.shall keep her course but change her speedD.shall keep her course and speed

考题 When navigating in high latitudes and using a chart based on a Lambert conformal projection,______.A.a straight line drawn on the chart approximates a great circleB.the chart should not be used outside of the standard parallelsC.the course angle is measured at the mid-longitude of the track lineD.distance cannot be measured directly from the chart

考题 A vessel proceeding to London,England,from New York makes an unscheduled call at the port of Hamilton,Bermuda.What term is used to denote the voluntary departure from the usual course?A.AlterationB.DeviationC.LibertyD.Unscheduled stop

考题 If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after abandoning a vessel in a rescue boat,you should ______.A.go in one direction until the fuel runs outB.steer a course for the nearest landC.steer a course for the nearest sea laneD.shut down the engines if installed and put out the sea anchor

考题 In restricted visibility, a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close quarters situation is developing or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall __________.A.sound the danger signalB.when taking action, make only course changesC.avoid altering course toward a vessel abaft the beamD.All of the above

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. What has the college become known for?A.It's known for its lack of heavy drinking by student B.It's known for heavy alcohol used by student C.It's known for its great teacher D.It's known for its great classe

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. __at the college are required to take the alcohol information course.A.Sophomores B.Freshmen C.Seniors D.Juniors

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. Why does the college want all freshmen to take the alcohol course?A.Only freshmen drink alcoho B.The other students already know about alcohol danger C.They want to reach students as soon as they enter colleg D.Freshmen do not know muc

考题 Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things. One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies. The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age. Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course. The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices. How do officials know that alcohol is a problem at the school?A.Students are getting bad grade B.There are too many bars on the campu C.Only a few students drin D.Several students have died and one is in a com

考题 My Dream My dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realised that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!

考题 A pSeries technical specialist has just returned from an internal course for implementing Micro-Partitioning on the POWER5 range of servers.  There were many handouts from the course.  To ensure the rapid transfer of the newly acquired skill, what should the technical specialist do?()A、Make copies of the course material and deliver the course in full to the technical team.B、Make copies of the course material and hand them out to the technical team for them to read.C、Become the Micro-Partitioning expert within the organization and act as the sole knowledge base.D、Make copies of the course material and prepare a concise overview of the course to deliver to the technical team.

考题 单选题Jerome’s taste in clothing is probably ______.A worse than the woman’sB very loud and flashyC different from the woman’sD on agreement with the woman’s

考题 单选题In no country _____ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.A other thanB more thanC better thanD rather than

考题 单选题You are approaching another vessel and will pass starboard to starboard without danger if no course changes are made.You should().A hold course and sound a two blast whistle signalB hold course and sound no whistle signalC change course to the right and sound one blastD hold course and sound two prolonged and two short blasts

考题 单选题If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after abandoning a vessel in a rescue boat,you should ().A go in one direction until the fuel runs outB steer a course for the nearest landC steer a course for the nearest sea laneD shut down the engines if installed and put out the sea anchor

考题 单选题If you are caught in the left semicircle of a tropical storm,in the Southern Hemisphere,you should bring the wind().A On the starboard quarter,hold course and make as much way as possibleB 2 points on the port quarter,and make as much way as possibleC On the port bow,and make as much way as possibleD Dead ahead and heave to

考题 单选题A reaching course is one in which the wind().A comes directly over the bowB comes directly over the sternC comes over an area extending from broad on the bow to the quarterD has no effect on the vessel

考题 单选题A fire is discovered in the forepeak of a vessel at sea. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should().A remain on course and hold speedB change course and put the stern to the windC change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speedD remain on course but slack the speed

考题 单选题A fire is discovered in the bow of your vessel while making way. The wind is from ahead at 35 knots. You should().A remain on course and hold speedB remain on course but slack the speedC change course to put the wind on either beam and increase speedD change course and put the stern to the wind

考题 单选题In heavy weather you notice buckling in the midship deck plating of you vessel. To relieve the strain you could().A pump fuel oil from midships to the ends of the vesselB reduce speedC take a course which most eases the vesselD All of the above

考题 单选题In the Northern Hemisphere,if your vessel is in a hurricane’s navigable semicircle it should be positioned with the wind on the().A Starboard quarter,hold course and make as much speed as possibleB Port bow,hold course and make as much speed as possible until the hurricane has passedC Port quarter,maintain course and make as much speed as possibleD Starboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed

考题 单选题In restricted visibility, a vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close quarters situation is developing or risk of collision exists. If so, she shall().A sound the danger signalB when taking action, make only course changesC avoid altering course toward a vessel abaft the beamD All of the above

考题 单选题A vessel proceeding to London,England,from New York makes an unscheduled call at the port of Hamilton,Bermuda. What term is used to denote the voluntary departure from the usual course? ()A AlterationB DeviationC LibertyD Unscheduled stop

考题 问答题Practice 1  Directions:  Read the following text(s) and write an essay to  1) summarize the main points of the text(s),  2) make clear your own viewpoint, and  3) justify your stand.  In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the text(s). If you use more than three consecutive words from the text(s), use quotation marks (“ ”).  You should write 160—200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.  There was a heated discussion on whether to require every student to wear a uniform. The following are arguments from supporters of uniforms and their competitors.  Supportive arguments:  There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person or a seller of identification with a larger, more important concept. They say that the practice of making persons wear uniforms, say in a school, eliminates all envy and competition in the matter of dress, such a poor person who cannot afford good quality clothing is not to be belittled by a wealthy person who wears expensive quality clothing. They also say it is helpful to build up team work ability, enhance the school's entire public image, and boost up the honor of collectiveness by wearing school uniform.  Opposite arguments:  Others say no one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms are demanding to the human spirit and totally unnecessary in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as all individuals but only lives to function as a part of a whole. If all persons were to wear the same clothing, why would anyone strive to be better? When this happens, all incentive to improve one’s life is removed. Why world parents bother to work hard so that their children could have a better life than they had when they know that their children are going to be forced to have exactly the same life that they had? Uniforms also hurt the economy. Right now, billions of dollars are spent on the fashion industry yearly. Thousands of persons are employed in designing, creating and marketing different types of clothing. If everyone were forced to wear uniforms, artistic personnel would be unnecessary. Sales persons would be superfluous as well; why bother to sell the only items that are available?

考题 问答题The reason why a country like Britain does not buy snow-ploughs is that they are only used for a few days in any one year, and the money could be more useful in other things such as hospitals, education, helping the old, and so on.

考题 单选题Which one of the following rules is not regarding two power-driven vessels meeting end or nearly end on so as to involve risk of collision().A Each shall keep her course and speedB Each shall alter her course to starboardC Each shall pass on the portside to the otherD Each shall indicate such action by one short blast on the whistle