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Team building activities are good for _____.

hiring employees with special talent


encouraging employees to co-operate


helping employees work independently


training employees in their special fields


细节题。由题干信号词Team building activities定位至第二段最后一两句“They are aimed at encouraging active participation in task accomplishment while all members have their roles as individuals and are able to co-operate towards a common goal as a team”,团队创建活动旨在鼓励员工积极参与任务的完成。所有员工可以扮演独立的角色,同时又能作为一个团队开展合作,为共同的目标而奋斗。由此可知,团队创建活动可以鼓励员工团结合作,选B。其他三个选项在没有提及,应该排除。
更多 “单选题Team building activities are good for _____.A hiring employees with special talentB encouraging employees to co-operateC helping employees work independentlyD training employees in their special fields” 相关考题
考题 Project team building is most difficult in which type of environment?A . weak matrix organizationB . strong matrix organizationC . projectized organizationD . functional organizationE . expediter organization

考题 In which type of organization is team building likely to be most difficult?A . FunctionalB . ProjectizedC . MatrixedD . Project expediterE . Project coordinator

考题 The project manager must be concerned with building a closely knit team. During the project kickoff meeting, the project manager can get a good start at team building by providing the team with:A . Proposed salary increases if the project is successfulB . Bonuses for early completion dateC . A promise of future assignmentsD . Well-defined project objectivesE . Linear responsibility charts

考题 Project managers need exceptionally good communication and negotiation skills primarily because:A . They may be leading a team over which they have no direct controlB . Procurement activities mandate thisC . They are expected to be technical expertsD . They must provide executive/customer/sponsor briefingsE . All of the above

考题 83 Project managers need exceptionally good communication and negotiation skills primarily because: A. They may be leading a team over which they have no direct controlB. Procurement activities mandate thisC. They are expected to be technical expertsD. They must provide executive/customer/sponsor briefingsE. All of the above

考题 128 The project manager must be concerned with building a closely knit team. During the project kickoff meeting, the project manager can get a good start at team building by providing the team with:A. Proposed salary increases if the project is successfulB. Bonuses for early completion dateC. A promise of future assignmentsD. Well-defined project objectivesE. Linear responsibility charts

考题 108 In which type of organization is team building likely to be most difficult?A. FunctionalB. ProjectizedC. MatrixedD. Project expediterE. Project coordinator

考题 SUCCESSFUL TEAM WORK AND TEAM BUILDING Team building skills are critical for your effectiveness as a manager or entrepreneur. And even if you are not in a management or leadership role yet, better understanding of team work can make you a more effective employee and give you an extra edge in your corporate office. Team building success is when your team can accomplish something much bigger and work more effectively than a group of the same individuals working on their own. There are two critical factors in building a high performance team. The first factor in team effectiveness is the diversity of skills and personalities. It means people use their strengths in full, but can compensate for each other's weaknesses. Or, different personality types balance and complement each other. The other critical element of team work success is that all the team efforts are directed towards the same clear goals, the team goals. This relies heavily on good communication in the team and harmony in member relationships. In real life, team work success rarely happens by itself if there are no focused team building efforts or activities. There is simply too much room for problems. For example, different personalities may build up conflicts. Or even worse, some people with similar personalities may start fighting for authority and dominance in certain areas of expertise. Even if the team goals are clear and accepted by everyone, there may be no team commitment to the group goals, or no consensus on the means of achieving those goals. There may be a lack of trust and openness which may block the critical communication and lead to loss of coordination in the individual efforts. This is why every team needs a good leader who is able to deal with all team work issues.1. Team building skills are not so critical if you are only an employee.()2. To form. a high performance team, you need many important factors.()3. A good team should have a diversity of personalities.()4. Team work success is quite common in practice.()5. To solve all the problems, you need a capable leader.()

考题 TEAM SPIRIT Team spirit can make or break a team. Teammates who have team spirit are better able to work together and achieve team goals. They are also more satisfied with their team activities. John Wooden, a former basketball coach at UCLA, said, “Team spirit means you are willing to sacrifice personal considerations for the welfare of all. That defines a team player.” There are certain skills team members develop that serve as good examples of team spirit. COOPERATION Cooperating is simply working together as teammates for the good of the team. Cooperation is a skill that team members can sharpen during practice. For example, basketball players must practice passing the ball in different plays and situations. Team efficiency is directly related to the cooperation of its members. Acting cooperatively is a good way to show team spirit because doing so contributes to the overall success of the team. MOTIVATION Team members must fulfil their duties with their full efforts. Staying motivated shows team spirit because it shows that you want the team to do well. This includes being motivated to give your best in practice and in competition, as well as outside of team activities. For example, a baseball player can show team spirit by being motivated to practice his swing outside of practice. RESPECT Respect for your fellow team members is a must. You can show respect to your teammates by treating everyone fairly and equally. Teammates also respect each other by allowing everyone to participate. Respecting fellow teammates keeps everyone in a good mood and encourages overall team spirit. For example, people can show team spirit through respect by encouraging other team members who might be struggling.1. Teammates who have team spirit ().A. can break a teamB. are better able to work together and achieve team goalsC. are less satisfied with their team activities2. According to the article, team spirit means ().A. cooperation and motivationB. motivation and respectC. cooperation, motivation and respect3. Cooperation is a skill that ().A. can be sharpened during practiceB. is born withC. everyone should have4. Being motivated means ().A. you should compete with othersB. you should practice swing outside of practiceC. you should give your best in any circumstances5. Respecting your teammates ().A. can treat everyone fairly and equallyB. can keep everyone in a good moodC. can discourage overall team spirit

考题 -Henry, what do you think of the new team? - ________ , I think the team is starting to get along quite nicely. A Yes, you're right ;B Not so good ;C Very well on the whole

考题 Cooperating is simply working together ______ teammates ______ the good of the team. A as…for ;B with…at ;C for…on

考题 In real life, team work success rarely happens by itself if there are no focused team building efforts or activities.() A. 实际生活中,如果没在团队建设上付出过专注的努力或活动的话,团队工作是很难独自成功的。B. 实际生活中,如果没有关注的团队建设努力或活动的话,团队工作本身是不会成功的。C. 实际生活中,如果没有聚焦的团队建设努力或活动的话,团队工作自己也是会成功的。

考题 Teammates who have team spirit are more satisfied ______ their team activities. A to ;B with ;C at

考题 Respecting fellow teammates keeps everyone in a good ______ and encourages overall team spirit. A mood ;B state ;C situation

考题 Who should take the responsibility of building team spirit? A、Coach and team captain.B、Coach and manager.C、Team members.D、Coach and team members.

考题 Who should be responsible for building the team spirit of a sports team? A、FansB、CaptainC、parentsD、individual athletes

考题 He has good team spirit, being able to work with any type of people. (翻译)

考题 What are three primary activities in the cycle of building an enterprise security strategy?() A. activity auditB. administrationC. policy establishmentD. technology implementation

考题 The team is good but not as good as ( ) A we B us C ours D ourselves

考题 The team is good, but not as good as ( ). A. we B. us C. ours D. ourselves

考题 A:Could you give me an example of good team working there? B:()ASorry.IcanseefromyourresumeBSure.IwasthetreasureroftheStudentsUnionCNotatall.IwasinchargeofsalesforCorporatePan-Asia

考题 What are three primary activities in the cycle of building an enterprise security strategy?()A、activity auditB、administrationC、policy establishmentD、technology implementation

考题 单选题Which statement concerning teams is true?A Nowadays teamwork is a popular concept.B All the companies put great emphasis on teams.C A good team involves close supervision of the team leader.D There’s nothing in common between a team and a group.

考题 问答题It may also severely limit activities such as logging, road-building, and hunting.

考题 单选题Being a good team player can help you ______.A think of yourselfB have a good social skillC become a ball game star

考题 单选题Why are team members encouraged to argue in team building activities?A To come to an agreement.B To identify their own skills.C To learn more about the company.D To build up their own confidence.

考题 单选题Team building activities are good for _____.A hiring employees with special talentB encouraging employees to co-operateC helping employees work independentlyD training employees in their special fields

考题 单选题It is certain that _____.A the students got good grades in Chuck’s classB kindness activities are not widely acceptedC Chuck Wall was not good at designing homeworkD the students only helped people they knew