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更多 “单选题____A consistedB containedC composedD comprised” 相关考题
考题 单选题Thank you very much for giving me so much help.()A No thank youB You're welcomeC OKD Thanks

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Liu Fan is working on TV advertisement, but right now he is()holiday.A inB onC for

考题 单选题— My birthday is tomorrow. —()A Ho,I have no idea.B I’m glad you likeit.C Many happy returns of the day!D You must be very happy.

考题 单选题Please help yourself to the fish.()A Thanks, but I don't like the fish.B Sorry, I can't help.C Well, fish don't suit me.D No, I can't.

考题 问答题陪葬品

考题 单选题Every morning Mr. Smith takes a()to his office.A minutes' walkB minute's walkC minutes walkD minute walk

考题 单选题____A affectB reduceC checkD reflect

考题 单选题Mother was busy. Although she was not watching the basketball on TV, she()it on the radio.A was listening toB was hearingC was listening

考题 单选题The descendants of prominent families have to learn to protect their privacy in one way or another.A eminentB affluentC thriftyD considerable

考题 单选题Even though relatively _____, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs little servicing.A extremelyB gracefullyC costlyD awfully

考题 单选题The population of the earth()increasing fast.A isB areC wereD have been

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The special needs of old people for housing have _____ more attention from house designers.A paidB calledC drawnD obtained

考题 问答题以毒攻毒

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题I paid()for the new book.A half poundB one pound and halfC one and a half poundsD one and half a pound

考题 单选题If you need me, jut let me know. I will()A that's all rightB thank youC all rightD not at all

考题 问答题题14  丽江县位于云南省西北部,是纳西族人民聚居的地方。丽江县城即丽江古城,始建于宋代,距今已有近800年的历史。占地1.5平方公里,以四方街为中心,整体原貌保存完整。其建筑融汇了白族和汉族的建筑特色,形成了纳西族轻灵飘逸的独特风格。古城北依象山,西枕狮山,不筑城墙。清澈的玉泉水分东、西、中三股流入城中,又分无数支流,绕街究镇,入墙过屋,淌遍小街窄巷,形成“家家泉水,户户垂柳”的宜人景象。古城石桥密布,大街小巷路面用彩花石铺成。城中房舍多为三坊一照壁,也有不少四合院,院内种花植树,更显古雅秀丽,素有“丽郡从来喜植树,山城无处不养花”之称。在城中游览,所见尽是明清文物,令人充满怀古之幽情。

考题 单选题He couldn’t continue his business unless he asked the bank for a _____.A debtB deficitC loanD lending

考题 单选题Let me introduce myself. I am Tom.()A What a pleasureB It's pleasureC I'm very pleasedD Pleased to meet you

考题 单选题Never before()see such a terrible car accident on the road!A I haveB have IC I didD did I

考题 问答题楷书

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题It may be concluded from this passage that _____.A Islamic artists have had to create architectural decoration with images of flowers or geometric formsB history teachers are more objective than artistsC it is more difficult to study art history than general historyD people and stories from the Bible were painted on churches and other Buildings in order to popularize the Bible

考题 单选题— The physics exam is not difficult, is it?—()Even Harry to the top students failed in it.A Yes;belongsB No;belongedC Yes;belongingD No;belonging

考题 单选题The girl sometimes has difficulty()what the teacher says in class.A understandB understandingC to understandD understood

考题 单选题He was a young sailor on his first sea()A journeyB tripC travelD voyage