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Just a moment, please. 译成中文是()。


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更多 “填空题Just a moment, please. 译成中文是()。” 相关考题
考题 Excuse me a moment,please.译成中文是:对不起,让您久等了。( ) 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 “请稍等。”译成英文是()。A.Please wait for a little while.B.just a little.C.just a minute.D.wait a moment.

考题 Just then, the telephone rang.It rang____. A.at onceB.immediatelyC.againD.at that moment

考题 验单常用词汇relativemanifest译成中文是()。

考题 Are the yurgent?译成中文是()。

考题 —Hello, May I speak to Zhang Hua —___________________I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment. A、OK, please wait .B、Yes, I will ask him to answer the phone.C、One moment, please.

考题 “对不起,请再说一遍。”译成英文是()。A.Please speak slowlyB.One moment, pleasC.Sorry to have kept you waitinD.Pardon

考题 It was just at the moment __________he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about. A.since B.Which C.because D.that

考题 frequent replacement翻译成中文为()

考题 把吊杆甩向码头。()A、Please swing the derrick to wharf side.B、Just go down the derrick , please.C、Just a moment , please.D、Please swing the derrick to inboard.

考题 雷同学引用了一本外文书的内容,在做参考文献时是否应该将原著的信息(如书名、作者、出版社等)翻译成中文?()。A、需要翻译成中文B、不必翻译成中文C、翻不翻译都可以

考题 英译中:I’ll send them up to your room, just one moment, please.

考题 Bring me the bill, please.()A、You are welcome.B、Please wait for a moment, sir.C、I'll hurry up.D、Be quick

考题 Excuse me a moment, please.译成中文是:对不起,让您久等了。

考题 Just a moment, please. 译成中文是()。

考题 询问用户需要办理什么业务,以下说法正确的有()。A、Anything I can do for you?B、Hello,can I help you?C、What can I do for you?D、Excuse me a moment,please.

考题 “first day cover”译成中文是()

考题 catalytic翻译成中文为()

考题 French Knife译成中文是踢骨刀。

考题 “请稍等。”这一句话翻译为英语可以是()。A、Please wait for a little whileB、just a littleC、just a minuteD、wait a moment

考题 “marketing”译成中文是“市场营销”。

考题 Strainer翻译成中文是玻璃板。

考题 单选题—Excuse me, when does Flight CZ3391 take off?—One moment, please. I’ll _____ it.A look upB take awayC give backD turn down

考题 单选题It was just at the moment______ he worked out the problem that he had long been puzzled about.A sinceB whichC becauseD that

考题 判断题Excuse me a moment, please.译成中文是:对不起,让您久等了。A 对B 错

考题 填空题Just a moment, please. 译成中文是()。

考题 填空题英文Here is your change.译成中文是()。

考题 单选题Bring me the bill, please.()A You are welcome.B Please wait for a moment, sir.C I'll hurry up.D Be quick