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boarding time()









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更多 “单选题boarding time()A 登船卡B 登船时间C 下地时间D 巡视时间” 相关考题
考题 John and Mary finished the work ________. (A) at same time(B) at the same time(C) in same time(D) in the same time

考题 Generally speaking, there are two systems of primary and secondary education in Britain --- the state school and the independent school or the () school. A.privateB.publicC.nationalD.boarding

考题 Passenger should () and prepare their ().A.air-ticketB.boarding cardC.airport feeD.line up in order

考题 与通道监护岗位有关的词语()A.restricted area peimitB.staff entranceC.Temporary badgeD.Boarding card

考题 PROCEDURES BEFORE BOARDING的中文为( )A.登机前手续B.上船前手续C.登机前程续D.上船前程序

考题 During an abandonment or drill,the first person to arrive at the survival craft should ______.A.pass out food and water to personnelB.open the doors and start the sprinkler systemC.activate the emergency release handleD.open the doors and prepare the craft for boarding

考题 Customs officers,upon boarding a vessel desiring entry into one of their port,would inspect which document?A.Cargo ManifestB.Certified Crew ListC.Stores ListD.All of the above

考题 Please write down your name, boarding time and personal effects.()A、请写上你的名字、登船时间和个人物品。B、请写上你的姓、登船时间和个人物品。C、请写上你的名字、登陆时间和个人物品。D、请写上你的名字、登船时间和个人情况。

考题 着装的TOP原则为()。A、time,occasion,placeB、time,occasion,planC、time,occasion,peopleD、time,opportunity,place

考题 登机时间用英语表示为()A、boarding timeB、working timeC、check-in timeD、departure time

考题 Write down your name, boarding time and (个人物品)(),please.A、personal luggageB、personal effectsC、A or BD、A+B

考题 boarding card()A、登船卡B、登船记录C、身份证D、海员证

考题 其他组密切注意火势。()A、Other parties keep a close watch on the fire.B、Other parties watch on the fire.C、Other parties get ready for leaving the boat and boarding the ship.D、Other parties got ready for leaving the boat and boarding the ship.

考题 Which of the following is the definition of CAS latency?()A、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the clock cycle time.B、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the clock cycle time.C、 CAS latency is the ratio between the column access time and the data burst transfer time.D、 CAS latency is the ratio between the row access time and the data burst transfer time.

考题 请出示登机牌时可说()A、“May I have your ID card?”B、“please show me your boarding card”C、“please take back your boarding card”D、“ID card,please.”

考题 After a passenger checks in for his flight, he has to go through the passport centrol and securit chock before boarding.()

考题 登机牌用英语怎么说()A、air-ticketB、identity cardC、boarding cardD、boarding pass

考题 单选题The bosun has thrown the liferaft into the water before abandoning the vessel. The operating cord().A serves as a sea painterB detaches from the liferaft automaticallyC is used to rig the boarding ladderD is cut immediately as it is of no further use

考题 单选题Prior to boarding from a vessel,a davit-launched liferaft should be well ventilated of excess().A hydrocarbon gasB carbon monoxide gasC carbon dioxide gasD freon gas

考题 单选题When a davit-launched raft is lowered from a ship,upon becoming waterborne,the raft is released by().A activating the release lock of the hookB pulling smartly on the knobbed cocking lanyardC the effects of buoyancy removing the weight of the raft from the hookD releasing the boarding flap and the bowsing lines

考题 单选题Lines passed around the falls to hold the boat while passengers are boarding are().A life linesB frapping linesC tricing linesD tripping lines

考题 单选题After dropping the pilot means().A after boarding the pilotB after the pilot leaving the shipC after the pilot going on boardD after taking the pilot

考题 单选题Write down your(名字)(),boarding time and personal effects.A nameB noticeC newD now

考题 单选题领队在填写韩国入出境登记卡时,Last City/Port of Boarding指的是()。A 出发地B 目的地C 过境地D 入境地

考题 单选题When they check in at an airport, Club members should show _____.A their boarding pass.B their membership cardC a photocopy of the ticketD an application form

考题 单选题What is one of the FIRST things you would do on boarding an inflatable liferaft?()A Open equipment packB Post a lookoutC Issue anti-seasickness medicineD Pick up other survivors

考题 问答题Apart from the extending mountain ranges and the breathtaking beauty of nature, what does Swiss Confederation possess that commands admiration? To the author, the country owes its distinctive charm chiefly to its people.  I had many first-time experiences while touring Switzerland.  For the first time in my life, I lifted a machine-gun weighing 16 kg, and for the first time I watched military exercises within a distance of 400 meters.  I had my first in-depth discussions on politics, people’s livelihood, and environment issues with foreigners, not counting interviews I had conducted as a reporter.  I paid my first visit to the parliament premises of a foreign country. I took my first free walk on the parking apron of an airport rather than boarding for a flight.  These flesh experiences speak volumes about the openness, democracy, and warm hospitality of the Swiss people.  I felt relaxed on the scene of the army exercises, happily oblivious to the heavily guarded military facilities around. Along with us, there were some elderly veterans invited by the commander to the event. (176 words)

考题 单选题Write down your name, boarding time and (个人物品)(),please.A personal luggageB personal effectsC A or BD A+B