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Good afternoon. Can I help you?()

No. I don't think so.


Thank you.


I need to buy a birthday present for my son. 


Yes. I think so


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题Good afternoon. Can I help you?()A No. I don't think so.B Thank you.C I need to buy a birthday present for my son.D Yes. I think so” 相关考题
考题 Is there anything else I can help you with? () A、Someday I'd like to visit Beijing.B、No. You’ve been a big help.C、I am glad to meet you.D、Are you a student?

考题 ——() ? —— I want to buy a pair of shoes. A. What are you doing?B. What can I do for you?C. How can I help you?D. How can I do for you?

考题 Desk Clerk:Good afternoon,Holiday Inn.Customer:Hello,I’d like to book a double room for the nights of 23rd and 24th please. Desk Clerk:______ A:What’s the matter?B:Just a minute, please.C:What can I do for you?D:Can I help you?

考题 -Good night and thank you again.-( ). A. You can't say thatB. No, no. It's what I can doC. How can you say thatD. Good night

考题 Conductor: Good morning, , please?Passenger: Here you are.A. can I have your ticketB. anything to declareC. can I help youD. anything special

考题 -- Can I help you with the bag?-- _____A. No, thank you. I can take it myself.B. Thank you.C. Sorry, you can't.D. No, I am all right.

考题 Salesgirl: Good morning, miss. Can I help you?Mary: Yes, I’d like half a kilo of oranges, please.Salesgirl:________. Anything else?Mary: No, thank you.A: These oranges are for youB: Give you the orangesC: There you areD: Here are you

考题 Receptionist: Can I help you?Customer: ______. Where do I pay my fees?A、As you pleaseB、Yes, pleaseC、Thank youD、Yes, you can

考题 Paul: Can I help with your luggage?Lisa:______.A、No, many thanks. I can doB、No, thanks. I can manage itC、No, not necessary. Thank you anywayD、No, you needn't. Thank you anyway

考题 下面哪些句子表示"我可以帮您什么忙吗?"() A、What can I do for you?B、Can I help you?C、May I help you?D、Can I be of any service to you?

考题 Can I help you?(改为同义句)________can I do________ ________?

考题 Do you have other things I can help?(改为同义句)Da you have_________ _________I can help?

考题 ――I've got your invitation.Oh,good.――____A.Can you come? B.Thanks a lo C.I'll take i D.May I help you?

考题 Can I help you with the baggage? ()ANo, no. I can help it myself.BThank you.CSorry, you can't.DNo, I don't need you.

考题 不属日常问候用语的是()。A、Good luck!B、Take care!C、Have an ice trip!D、Can I help you?

考题 Can I help you?的意思是:()?

考题 -Good morning, sir. -(). May I help you? A、GoodbyeB、Thank youC、Good morningD、You are welcome

考题 请选出下列可以表达“我可以帮你做些什么?”的正确选项()A、Would you like some help?B、May I help you?C、Can you give me a discount?D、What can I do for you?

考题 Good afternoon. Can I help you?()A、No. I don't think so.B、Thank you.C、I need to buy a birthday present for my son.D、Yes. I think so

考题 A:Hello,()B:WherecanIbuysomestampsC://Atthestampcounteroverthere.A、Can I help youB、May I help youC、What can I do for youD、Anything I can do for you

考题 “我能为您效劳吗?”的汉译英是()。A、Can you help me?B、May I helped you?C、May I help you?D、May I helps you?

考题 Can I help you with the baggage? ()A、No, no. I can help it myself.B、Thank you.C、Sorry, you can't.D、No, I don't need you.

考题 单选题Good afternoon. Can I help you?()A No. I don't think so.B Thank you.C I need to buy a birthday present for my son.D Yes. I think so

考题 单选题Careth: Good afternoon. I’ve just joined the library. How many books can I take out?  Eunice: You can take two books, and keep them for ten days. If you haven’t finished, you can renew them.  Careth: How do I do that? ________  Eunice: No, you can telephone. Tell us the titles of the books, and the date they are due for return.  Eunice: These two books have been lended.A Why can’t I keep them for a longer time?B Must I visit the library?C How much could I be fined?D Can I lend them to my friends?

考题 单选题Can I help you with the baggage? ()A No, no. I can help it myself.B Thank you.C Sorry, you can't.D No, I don't need you.

考题 多选题A:Hello,()B:WherecanIbuysomestampsC://Atthestampcounteroverthere.ACan I help youBMay I help youCWhat can I do for youDAnything I can do for you

考题 单选题—Good morning, sir! ______?—I’d like to buy a sweater for my daughter.A What can I do for youB What are you doingC How about the sweaterD Can you help me

考题 单选题Being a good team player can help you ______.A think of yourselfB have a good social skillC become a ball game star