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The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is().

the port of destination


the next port of call


the port of arrival


the last port of call


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更多 “单选题The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is().A the port of destinationB the next port of callC the port of arrivalD the last port of call” 相关考题
考题 My ship will arrive ________Port Said ________ SundaysA.at/onB.in/atC.on/byD.to/in

考题 We have stayed at Shanghai port for a long timeThe fouling on the ship’s hull greatly increases her _____.A.powerB.speedC.resistanceD.thrust force

考题 The sea()from Shanghai to Europe used to take months. A.tripB.voyage

考题 My ship sailed______port of Shanghai,bound______Rotterdam.A.from,forB.for,onC.on,atD.at,from

考题 Permission is kindly requested to ______ in celebration of our National Day.A.dress my ship overallB.raise my ship overallC.hoist my ship overallD.display my ship from stem to stern

考题 On my last voyage it ______ at the discharging port that some watches were pilfered.A.happensB.has happenedC.happenedD.had happened

考题 ______ the way from Shanghai to Japan,the ship encountered heavy weather.A.OnB.AtC.DuringD.In

考题 If a chartered ship is prevented from,or delayed in,getting to the loading port by peril excepted during the voyage,the exception clauses ______.A.applyB.complyC.supplyD.reply

考题 The Shipowner ______ that the ship shall proceed on the voyage with reasonable despatch.A.containsB.occursC.encountersD.undertakes

考题 材料:When a ship shall have entered a port or place of refuge or shall have returned to her port or place of loading in consequence of accident,sacrifice or other extraordinary circumstances which render that necessary for the common safety,the expenses of entering such port or place shall be admitted as general average;and when she shall have sailed thence with her original cargo,or a part of it,the corresponding expenses of leaving such port or place of refuge consequent upon such entry or return shall likewise be admitted as general average.When a ship is at any port or place of refuge and is necessarily removed to another port or place because repairs cannot be carried out in the first port or place,the provisions of this Rule shall be applied to the second port or place as if it were a port or place of refuge and the cost of such removal including temporary repairs and towage shall be admitted as general average.The cost of handling on board or discharging cargo,fuel or stores whether at a port or place of loading,call or refuge,shall be admitted as general average,when the handling or discharge was necessary for the common safety or to enable damage to the ship caused by sacrifice or accident to be repaired,if the repairs were necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyage,except in cases where the damage to the ship is discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstances connected with such damage having taken place during the voyage.问题:The cost of handling on board cargo for the purpose of restowage for the common safety shall be admitted as ________.A.particular averageB.common averageC.general averageD.private averageThe repairs ________ shall not be admitted as general average.A.necessary for the common safetyB.necessary for the safe prosecution of the voyageC.of the steering gear in consequence of accident endangering the ship and/or her cargoD.of the damages discovered at a port or place of loading or call without any accident or other extraordinary circumstances________ shall not be admitted as general average.A.the expenses of entering port or place of refugeB.the corresponding expenses of leaving port or place of refugeC.the cost of removal from port or place of refuge including temporary repairs and towageD.the cost of handling on board or discharging cargo,fuel or stores solely for the purpose of restowage due to shifting during the voyageThis passage is likely extracted from ________.A.MarpolB.ISM CodeC.SOLASD.York-Antwerp Rules请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 The forward part of the ship on port is called the().A、port sideB、port quarterC、port bowD、fore port

考题 My father is leaving()Shanghai tomorrow.A、forB、inC、intoD、to

考题 单选题On my last voyage it()at the discharging port that some watches were pilfered.A happensB has happenedC happenedD had happened

考题 单选题Permission is kindly requested to()in celebration of our National Day.A dress my ship overallB raise my ship overallC hoist my ship overallD display my ship from stem to stern

考题 单选题Four years()my ship called at this port.A beforeB afterC agoD since

考题 单选题It is an()condition precedent in every voyage charter-party that the ship shall proceed on the voyage without departure from her proper course.A implementedB impliedC impossibleD improper

考题 单选题The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8000 tons of cargo on board and ended after discharging the cargo at the port of Hong Kong, which is().A the port of destinationB the next port of callC the port of arrivalD the last port of call

考题 单选题My ship()heavy weather during this voyage.A receivedB sawC metD encountered

考题 单选题Prior to each voyage the master of every ship shall ensure that the intended route from the port of departure to()is planned using adequate and appropriate charts and other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage.A the first port of callB any port of callC the last port of callD the destination

考题 单选题My ship will arrive()Port Said()Sunday.A in,atB at,onC on,byD to,before

考题 单选题We have stayed at Shanghai port for a long timeThe fouling on the ship’s hull greatly increases her ().A powerB speedC resistanceD thrust force

考题 单选题“Destination” means().A the last portB the home portC the port of registryD the final port the voyage

考题 单选题The present voyage of my ship began at the port of Shanghai after loading 8 000 tons of Cargo on board and ended after discharging the Cargo at the port of Hong Kong,which was().A the port of destinationB the next port of callC the port of arrivalD the last port of call

考题 单选题If a chartered ship is prevented from,or delayed in,getting to the loading port by peril excepted during the voyage,the exception clauses().A applyB complyC supplyD reply

考题 单选题Port of Registry refers to the port where().A the ship has been namedB the ship has been builtC the ship has been signedD the ship has been registered

考题 单选题My ship sailed()port of Shanghai, bound()Rotterdam.A from, forB for, onC on, atD at, from

考题 单选题During the voyage my ship()bad weather in the Pacific 0cean.A meets withB has met withC met withD meeted with

考题 单选题During the voyage my ship()bad weather in the Pacific Ocean.A meets withB has met withC met withD meeted with