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NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance();  nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);  nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);  String a = nf.format(3.1415926);  String b = nf.format(2);  Which two are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US?()

The value of b is 2.


The value of a is 3.14.


The value of b is 2.00.


The value of a is 3.141.


The value of a is 3.1415.


The value of a is 3.1416.


The value of b is 2.0000.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance();  nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);  nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);  String a = nf.format(3.1415926);  String b = nf.format(2);  Which two are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US?()AThe value of b is 2.BThe value of a is 3.14.CThe value of b is 2.00.DThe value of a is 3.141.EThe value of a is 3.1415.FThe value of a is 3.1416.GThe value of b is 2.0000.” 相关考题
考题 Whichcode,insertedatline14,setsthevalueofbto314.159,26?() A.b=nf.parse(input);B.b=nf.format(input);C.b=nf.equals(input);D.b=nf.parseObject(input);

考题 doubleinput=314159.26;12.NumberFormatnf=NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN);13.Stringb;14.//insertcodehereWhichcode,insertedatline14,setsthevalueofbto314.159,26?() A.b=nf.parse(input);B.b=nf.format(input);C.b=nf.equals(input);D.b=nf.parseObject(input);

考题 NumberFormatnf=NumberFormat.getInstance();nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);Stringa=nf.format(3.1415926);Stringb=nf.format(2);WhichtwoaretrueabouttheresultifthedefaultlocaleisLocale.US?()A.Thevalueofbis2.B.Thevalueofais3.14.C.Thevalueofbis2.00.D.Thevalueofais3.141.E.Thevalueofais3.1415.F.Thevalueofais3.1416.G.Thevalueofbis2.0000.

考题 Given:Which two statements are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US?() A.The value of b is 2.B.The value of a is 3.14.C.The value of b is 2.00.D.The value of a is 3.141.E.The value of a is 3.1415.F.The value of a is 3.1416.G.The value of b is 2.0000.

考题 Given:12.NumberFormatnf=NumberFormat.getInstance();13.nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);14.nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);15.Stringa=nf.format(3.1415926);16.Stringb=nf.format(2);WhichtwostatementsaretrueabouttheresultifthedefaultlocaleisLocale.US?()A.Thevalueofbis2.00.B.Thevalueofais3.141.C.Thevalueofais3.14.D.Thevalueofbis2.0000.E.Thevalueofais3.1415.F.Thevalueofais3.1416.G.Thevalueofbis2.

考题 Given:11.doubleinput=314159.26;12.NumberFormatnf=NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN);13.Stringb;14.//insertcodehereWhichcode,insertedatline14,setsthevalueofbto314.159,26?() A.b=nf.parse(input);B.b=nf.format(input);C.b=nf.equals(input);D.b=nf.parseObject(input);

考题 下列程序的功能是对两个整数进行比较,由考生通过输入窗口分别输入两个整数,程序比较出结果。例如:输入第1个整数为12,第2个整数为33。比较结果显示:12!=3312<3312<=33程序有多个遗漏和错误。本题要求改一个错,填三个空。注意:不改动程序结构,不得增行或删行。import javax.swing.JOptionPane;public class ex3{public static void main(String args[]){String firstNumber, //用户输入第1个字符串secondNumber, //户输入第2个字符串result; // a string containing the outputint number1, //较的第1个数number2; //的第2个数//读用户输入的第1个字符串read first number from user as a stringfirstNumber=JOptionPane.showlnputDialog("Enter first integer:");//用户输入的第2个字符串read second number from user as a stringsecondNumber=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter second integer:");//字符串类型转换成整数类型number1=Integer.parseInt(firstNumber);number2=Integer.parseInt(secondNumber);result="";if(String.valueOf(numberl)=String.valueOf(number2))result=String.valueOf(numberl)+"= ="+String.valueOf(number2);if(String.valueOf(number1)!=String.valueOf(number2))result=String.valueOf(number1)+" !="+String.valueOf(number2);if(String.valueOf(numberl)< String.valueOf(number2))result=result+"\n" +String.valueOf(numberl)+"<"+String.valueOf(number2);if(String.valueOf(numberl)>String.valueOf(number2))result=result+"\n" +String.valueOf(numberl)+" >"+String.valueOf(number2);if(String.valueOf(numberl)<=String.valueOf(number2))result=result+"\n"+String.valueOf(numberl)+" <="+String.valueOf(number2);if(String.valueOf(numberl)>=String.valueOf(number2))result=result+"\n"+String.valueOf(numberl)+ ">="+String.valueOf(number2);______(null,result,"比较结果",______INFORMATION_MESSAGE);//程序正常退出______;}}

考题 下列语句能给数组赋值而不使用for循环的是A.myArray{[1]="One";[2]="Two";[3]="Three";}B.String s[5]=new String[]{"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"};C.String s[]=new String[]{"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"};D.String s[]=new String[]=|"Zero", "One", "Two", "There", "Four"};

考题 NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance();  nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);  nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);  String a = nf.format(3.1415926);  String b = nf.format(2);  Which two are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US?()A、 The value of b is 2.B、 The value of a is 3.14.C、 The value of b is 2.00.D、 The value of a is 3.141.E、 The value of a is 3.1415.F、 The value of a is 3.1416.G、 The value of b is 2.0000.

考题 11. double input = 314159.26;  12. NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN);  13. String b;  14. //insert code here  Which code, inserted at line 14, sets the value of b to 3 14.159,26?() A、 b = nf.parse( input);B、 b = nf.format( input);C、 b = nf.equals( input);D、 b = nf.parseObject( input);

考题 Which two statements are true about precedence values in policy?() (Choose two.)A、1 is the default precedence.B、A lower number is preferred.C、A higher number is preferred.D、100 is the default precedence.

考题 Given: 11.double input = 314159.26; 12.NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN); 13.String b; 14.//insert code here Which code, inserted at line 14, sets the value of b to 314.159,26?()A、b = nf.parse( input );B、b = nf.format( input );C、b = nf.equals( input );D、b = nf.parseObject( input );

考题 Given:   12. NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();   13. nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);   14. nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);   15. String a = nf.format(3.1415926);   16. String b = nf.format(2);   Which two statements are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US?()A、 The value of b is 2.00.B、 The value of a is 3.141.C、 The value of a is 3.14.D、 The value of b is 2.0000.E、 The value of a is 3.1415.F、 The value of a is 3.1416.G、 The value of b is 2.

考题 多选题Which two statements about MAC addresses in the Cisco UCS are true?()AThe first 2 octets represent the manufacturer OUI.BThe first 3 octets represent the manufacturer OUI.CThe last 3 octets are assigned by the organization itseIf.DThe last 4 octets are assigned by the organization itseIf.

考题 多选题Which statements concerning the following code are true?()   class a {   public a() {}   public a(int i) { this(); }   }   class b extends a {   public boolean b(String msg) { return false; }   }   class c extends b  {  private c() { super(); }   public c(String msg) { this(); }   public c(int i) {}   }AThe code will fail to compile.BThe constructor in a that takes an int as an argument will never be called as a result of constructing an  object of class b or c.CClass c has three constructors.DObjects of class b cannot be constructed.EAt most one of the constructors of each class is called as a result of constructing an object of class c.

考题 多选题Which two statements about spanning tree path cost are true?()AThe path cost can be changed for an interface using the spanning-tree cost commandBThe path cost can be changed for an interface using the stp path-cost commandCThe SPT default path cost depends on the interface speedDThe STP default path cost is similar for all interface

考题 多选题Given an EL function declared with:11.  12.spin 13.com.example.Spinner 14. 15.java.lang.String spinIt() 16. 17. Which two are true?()AThe function method must have the signature: public String spin().BThe method must be mapped to the logical name spin in the web.xml file.CThe function method must have the signature: public String spinIt().DThe function method must have the signature public static String spin().EThe function method must have the signature: public static String spinIt().FThe function class must be named Spinner, and must be in the package com.example.

考题 单选题Given: 11.double input = 314159.26; 12.NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN); 13.String b; 14.//insert code here Which code, inserted at line 14, sets the value of b to 314.159,26?()A b = nf.parse( input );B b = nf.format( input );C b = nf.equals( input );D b = nf.parseObject( input );

考题 多选题Which two statements are true regarding L2TP? ()(Choose two.)ATunnels are initiated by the LACBTunnels are initiated by the LNSCBy default, subscriber authentication occurs on the LNSDBy default, subscriber authentication occurs on the LAC

考题 多选题Which expressions will evaluate to true if preceded by the following code?()   String a = "hello";   String b = new String(a);   String c = a;   char[] d = { ’h’, ’e’, ’l’, ’l’, ’o’ };A(a == Hello)B(a == b)C(a == c)Da.equals(b)Ea.equals(d)

考题 单选题11. double input = 314159.26;  12. NumberFormat nf= NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN);  13. String b;  14. //insert code here  Which code, inserted at line 14, sets the value of b to 3 14.159,26?()A  b = nf.parse( input);B  b = nf.format( input);C  b = nf.equals( input);D  b = nf.parseObject( input);

考题 单选题Which is the earliest line in the following code after which the object created on the line marked (0) will be a candidate for being garbage collected, assuming no compiler optimizations are done? ()  public class Q76a9 {   static String f() {   String a = "hello";   String b = "bye"; // (0)   String c = b + "!"; // (1)   String d = b;  b = a; // (2)   d = a; // (3)   return c; // (4)  }   public static void main(String args[]) {   String msg = f();   System.out.println(msg); // (5)   }   }A The line marked (1).B The line marked (2).C The line marked (3).D The line marked (4).E The line marked (5).

考题 多选题Given: Which two statements are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US?()AThe value of b is 2.BThe value of a is 3.14.CThe value of b is 2.00.DThe value of a is 3.141.EThe value of a is 3.1415.FThe value of a is 3.1416.GThe value of b is 2.0000.

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about precedence values in policy?() (Choose two.)A1 is the default precedence.BA lower number is preferred.CA higher number is preferred.D100 is the default precedence.

考题 多选题Given:   12. NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();   13. nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(4);   14. nf.setMinimumFractionDigits(2);   15. String a = nf.format(3.1415926);   16. String b = nf.format(2);   Which two statements are true about the result if the default locale is Locale.US?()AThe value of b is 2.00.BThe value of a is 3.141.CThe value of a is 3.14.DThe value of b is 2.0000.EThe value of a is 3.1415.FThe value of a is 3.1416.GThe value of b is 2.

考题 单选题Given: 11.double input = 314159.26; 12.NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ITALIAN); 13.String b; 14.//insert code here Which code, inserted at line 14, sets the value of b to 314.159,26?()A b = nf.parse( input );B b = nf.format( input );C b = nf.equals( input );D b = nf.parseObject( input );

考题 多选题Which two statements about the configuration of the switch interface are correct (Choose two)()。AThe switchport belongs only to VLAN 2BInterface fa0/0 will be in both VLAN 1 (by default) and VLAN 2CThe exhibit shows interface fa0/0 to be dynamically mapped to VLAN 2DA network host can be connected to this interface