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Where was George Weekes born?    

In Jamaica


In London.


In Manchester.


解析: 录音男士自我介绍说自己叫George Weekes,从他提到的”My parents moved to Manchester from Jamaica just before I was born”,可知他是在Manchester出生的。
更多 “单选题Where was George Weekes born? A In JamaicaB In London.C In Manchester.” 相关考题
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考题 问答题In his 1988 best seller A Brief history of Time, StephenHawking made readers wonder: if the universe is expanding,where is it expanding to?Now Hawking has teamed up his daughter, Lucy Hawking, to         1.______write George’s Secret Key to the Universe, the first in a trilogy ofnovels directed at the fertile minds of children. In an interviewon e-mail, Hawking explains: “The aim of the book is to encourage    2.______children’s sense of wonder at the universe. We want them tolook up outward. Only then will they be able to make the right      3.______decisions to safeguard the future of the human race.”  George’s Secret Key to the Universe, aimed 9- to 11-year-olds,    4.______tells the story of a young boy, George, and a cheery astrophysicist,Eric, who talking computer opens a portal to the known          5.______universe. The duo don spacesuits and use the portal to searchfor planets to which humanity can escape the irreversible         6.______warming of the earth. Along the way, George and the readerlearn from the basics of astrophysics and astronomy through        7.______illustrations and captioned photographs. “You don’t need anactual secret key to explore the universe,” George ultimately      8.______discovers. “There’s one that everyone can use. It’s called physics.”  The Hawkings portray the universe as harmony and           9.______largely benign. But our present knowledge of the universe suggeststhat it is, in fact, a desolate and often violent expanse place in    10.______which humankind plays an inconsequential role.

考题 单选题Where was George Weekes born? A In JamaicaB In London.C In Manchester.